Health Benefits

Health Benefits

State of Connecticut Plan for the following Employees: UCPEA, AAUP (except adjunct faculty), Maintenance Employees in NP-2, Clerical Employees in NP-3, CT Police & Fire Union in NP-5, Law School Faculty, Management, and Confidential

Detailed information about the medical and dental options is available on the State’s Care Compass website. Below are quick links to the enrollment booklet and paycheck deductions:

2024-25 Health Care Options Planner for State of Connecticut Active Employees
2024-25 Biweekly Payroll Deductions for 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025

State of Connecticut Plan for Adjunct Faculty

Detailed information about the medical and dental options is available in the State’s Health Care Options Planner that has been modified for adjunct faculty. Please note that adjunct faculty do not participate in the Health Enhancement Program and are sent monthly bills for the coverages they select. Adjunct faculty who are enrolled in benefits and scheduled to teach the following semester will have their coverage automatically continued.

2024-25 Health Care Options Planner for Adjunct Faculty
2024-25 Billed Monthly Premiums

Special Notes for Adjunct Faculty Who:

  • Are contracted to teach at least one course each semester and enroll for health insurance
  • Teach nine or more credit hours per semester across multiple State of Connecticut University/College Systems

The Office of the State Comptroller issued an Interdepartmental Memorandum on August 10, 2007 regarding State Sponsored Health Insurance for Adjunct Faculty. Effective with the 2007 fall semester, adjunct faculty hired to teach nine or more credit hours in aggregate per semester across multiple State of Connecticut university/college systems are eligible for reimbursement of the state share of health insurance premium costs subject to a number of conditions identified in the memorandum. Adjunct faculty will be billed for the monthly premiums. Interested adjunct faculty are asked to carefully review the conditions established by the Comptroller’s Office. The details of the program are provided in the memorandum.

The refund amount will vary based on the health options selected and dependents covered, as identified on the Health Insurance Refund Calculation.

2024-25 Adjunct Faculty Refund Calculation
2024-25 Adjunct Enrollment Form

State of Connecticut Plan for Temporary Employees (appointment term less than 6 months or work schedule less than 30 hours per week)

Detailed information about the medical and dental options is available in the State’s 2023-24 Health Care Options Planner that has been modified for temporary employees, also referred to as employees on Special Payroll. Please note that temporary employees who do not qualify for a subsidy do not participate in the Health Enhancement Program.

2024-25 Health Care Options Planner for Temporary Employees on Special Payroll
2024-25 Biweekly Payroll Deductions for Temporary Employees

Special Note for Temporary Employees on Special Payroll

While Special Payroll is intended for certain types of short term, temporary (6 months or less), seasonal or part-time professional staffing needs, occasionally a temporary appointment may exceed 6 months. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a special payroll employee under these circumstances may qualify for State of Connecticut subsidized benefits if s/he works at least 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month. Human Resources will notify any Special Payroll employees of their eligibility for subsidized benefits under the ACA.

Connecticut Partnership Plan for Graduate Assistants/Interns/Fellows

The Connecticut Partnership Plan offers comprehensive medical and dental benefits similar to those offered to employees in many Connecticut municipalities. To learn more about the version of the Connecticut Partnership plan available to you, review the menu items below. Please also review the required COBRA notification.

Once you have reviewed the plan information and required notifications, it is time to make a designation of whether or not you will enroll in the Connecticut Partnership Plan. Should you choose to waive coverage, keep in mind that all full-time students are required by the University to maintain health insurance coverage.

Please Note: The deadline to submit your election is 31 days from your hire date, whether you elect to enroll in or waive the coverage options. The earliest you will have access to submit your elections in CORE-CT will be the day following your GA/GF contract start date.

Review the Graduate Assistants/Interns/Fellow Benefits Video Below

Graduate Assistants / Interns

- Benefit Elections will be made in CORE-CT.
- You will be prompted to log in using your Net ID and password.
- Supporting documentation will need to be uploaded for dependents.

Graduate Fellows


Please Note: Employees must notify HR, and provide supporting proof documentation, within 31 days of the date of a Life Event in order to make changes to coverage mid-year. If you do not notify HR within 31 days your next opportunity to make changes will be during the annual Open Enrollment period, held in August each year for a September 1st effective date.

Graduate Assistants / Interns

The below life events must be entered through CORE-CT by clicking on the “Employee Self-Service Box” below and supporting documentation will need to be uploaded for dependents and the life event.

- Birth/Adoption (Add Children), Marriage (Add Spouse/Children), Divorce/Legal Separation (Drop Spouse/Children), Loss of Spouse/Dependent Coverage (add Spouse/Children), Loss of Coverage (Add Self/Spouse/Children)

If you have any of the following life events, please click on the below button and fill out the form and provide supporting documentation.

- Terminating Coverage (EX: Employee/Dependent gains coverage through another source)
- Employee/Dependent Leave/Arrive in US

Graduate Fellows

All Graduate Fellow life events must be entered using the below form. Supporting documentation will need to be uploaded for dependents and the life event.


Graduate Assistants / Interns

- Benefit Elections will be made in CORE-CT.
- You will be prompted to log in using your Net ID and password.
- Supporting documentation will need to be uploaded for dependents.

Graduate Fellows

All Graduate Fellows must enter their changes using the below form. Supporting documentation will need to be uploaded for any new dependents.

CT Partnership Plan Medical & Dental Rates and Information

Graduate Assistant Medical & Dental Rates 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2025


Medical 2024-2025

Coverage Type Monthly Rate Yearly Rate
Employee Only $23.33 $280.00
Employee + One Dependent $120.00 $1,440.00
Family (2+ Dependents) $151.83 $1,822.00

Dental 2024-2025

Coverage Type Monthly Rate Yearly Rate
Employee Only $11.09 $133.02
Employee + One Dependent $22.16 $265.86
Family (2+ Dependents) $44.32 $531.84

Check Deduction & Coverage Dates 2024-2025


Fall 2024

Paycheck Issue Date Coverage for
09/20/2024 September
10/04/2024 October
10/18/2024 November
11/01/2024 December
11/15/2024 January

Spring 2025

Paycheck Issue Date Coverage for
02/07/2025 February
02/21/2025 March
03/07/2025 April
03/21/2025 May
04/04/2025 June
04/18/2025 July
05/02/2025 August

Grad Fellow Medical & Dental Rates 2024-2025 Cost of Coverage – Payable via Fall & Spring Fee Bills


Fall 2024 Semester

Dental Insurance

Coverage Type Grad Fellow Premium Total Premium
Fellow $55.45 $110.85
Fellow + 1 $110.80 $221.55
Fellow + Family $221.60 $443.20

Medical Insurance

Coverage Type Grad Fellow Premium Total Premium
Fellow $116.65 $2,490.55
Fellow + 1 $600.00 $5,056.00
Fellow + Family $759.15 $7,397.25

Spring 2025 Semester

Dental Insurance

Coverage Type Grad Fellow Premium Total Premium
Fellow $77.63 $155.19
Fellow + 1 $155.12 $310.17
Fellow + Family $310.24 $620.48


Medical Insurance

Coverage Type Grad Fellow Premium Total Premium
Fellow $163.31 $3,486.77
Fellow + 1 $840.00 $7,078.40
Fellow + Family $1,062.81 $10,356.15

Partnership Plan COVID Services

The State of CT has provided us with their direction on how to cover the below services during this unprecedented time. The below cost shares and benefits related to COVID-19 are applicable through June 30, 2020.

COVID Anthem Coverage

COVID-19 Testing (physician ordered/prescribed) - Covered in and out of network with no member cost-share.

COVID19 Treatment - Covered in and out- of-network for all treatment for COVID-19 diagnosis

Telehealth Non-COVID19 Related Visits - Waiving in-network cost share. Out-of-network follows the standard benefit plan.

Telehealth Psychology

Behavioral Health - Waiving in-network cost share. Out-of-network follows the standard benefit plan.

Cryopreservation - No change at this time. Still an exclusion.

Virtual Visits - Through Amwell, covered at no member cost share when a member signs into their Oxford account and follows the instructions which requires them to use the provided “coupon” code to obtain that no member cost share.

About Enrolling Eligible Dependents

If you plan to elect coverage for your eligible dependents, you will need to include electronic (scanned) documentation of each dependent’s eligibility status at the time of enrollment. For dependents who have social security numbers, you will need to include their social security numbers on their election form.

Qualified dependents generally include:

  • Your legally married spouse or civil union partner.
  • Your children, including stepchildren and adopted children, up to age 26 for medical and 26 for dental (disabled children may be covered beyond age 26)
  • Children for whom you are legal guardian up to age 18, unless proof of continued dependency is provided (allowing coverage up to age 26 for medical and 26 for dental).

COBRA Medical & Dental Rates and Information

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll in insurance coverage through the Connecticut Partnership Plan?
Online at

When can I enroll?
You may enroll during an initial enrollment period, which is 31 days from your date of hire. You may also enroll within 31 days from the date of a qualifying life event, or during the annual Grad Open Enrollment period.

Who is eligible for insurance coverage under the Connecticut Partnership Plan at UConn?

  • You are eligible for this benefit if you have:
    • A Graduate Assistantship (paid by Payroll)
    • A Graduate Internship (paid by Payroll or approved by the Graduate School)
    • A Graduate Fellowship as approved by the Graduate School

When is the coverage effective?
Coverage goes into effect the first day of the month following your hire date or qualifying life event date. Grad Open Enrollment changes take effect September 1st.

Do I need to re-enroll annually if my appointment is continued?

  • No, there is no need to re-enroll annually if your appointment is continued. Coverage will continue with the elections you have from the previous semester.
  • If your coverage was terminated mid-appointment due to an academic leave of absence through The Graduate School, you will need to re-enroll within 31 days of the start date of your new Assistantship/eligible Internship/eligible Fellowship appointment.

I will be maintaining my status as a student but I need to take a leave of absence from my employment. Where can I find information regarding taking a leave of absence only from my Graduate Assistantship?
Information concerning leaves of absences for a GA from their Graduate Assistantship only, can be found at the following link: The link includes the forms to apply, types of leave per the GEU-UAW contract and pay and benefit implications. Please contact the Leave Administrator at the link above to initiate the leave process.

What happens if I experience a qualifying life event? (marriage, birth of child, loss of coverage, etc.)

  • You must submit your request to add/drop dependent(s) within 31 days of your Life Event Date.
    • Submit Life Event requests in CORE-CT for the below:
      • Birth/Adoption (Add Children)
      • Marriage (Add Spouse/Children)
      • Divorce/Legal Separation (Drop Spouse/Children)
      • Loss of Spouse/Dependent Coverage (Add Spouse/Children)
      • Loss of Coverage (Add Self/Spouse/Children)
    • Submit all other Life Events via a Benefit Change Form
      • Drop Self/Dependent(s) due to gaining coverage through another source
      • Add/Drop dependents who enter/leave the U.S.
      • Death of a Dependent
    • If you are unsure if you experienced a qualifying Life Event please contact Human Resources at or 860-486-3034

How much does the insurance cost? How do I pay it?

  • Rates for medical and dental coverage can be found at:
  • Graduate Assistants & Graduate Interns – Payment is deducted from your paycheck on a bi-weekly basis. Paycheck dates are listed on the Medical and Dental Rates page. Questions regarding your paycheck deductions can be directed to the Payroll Office at 860-486-2423.
  • Graduate Fellows – Payment is charged to your Fee Bill

What happens when my Assistantship/Fellowship/Internship ends?

  • Your benefits will terminate on the last day of the month that your appointment ends.
    • For appointments that end on the last day of the month, coverage will continue through the last day of the following month.
    • For appointments ending at the conclusion of the Spring Semester end-date, coverage will end on August 31st.
  • Continuation of Coverage via COBRA – the COBRA Administrator will automatically send a COBRA notice following notification of termination of coverage.The COBRA Administrator for the Partnership Plan is Anthem COBRA Unit at 1-800-433-5436.

What if I switch from an Assistantship to a Fellowship? Vice versa?

  • Your coverage will continue without interruption, upon verification of your change in status. Those going from an assistantship to a Fellowship who are expecting coverage to be continued and receive a COBRA notice from the carrier should contact Human Resources at 860-486-3034 for assistance.
  • Graduate Assistants and Interns pay for premiums via payroll deduction; Graduate Fellows are charged premiums via the student fee bill.

What if I want to enroll after my 31 day initial enrollment period, or after my qualifying event 31 day enrollment period?
After the 31 days have elapsed, you may only enroll in coverage, and add/drop dependents during Grad Open Enrollment, which is held annually in August each year for a September 1st effective date.

What if I need to change my name and/or address information?
Change of address/name must be updated in both the Student Administration System and Employee Self Service.

How long will it take to get my insurance cards?
Approximately 4 weeks from when you are enrolled with the carrier. Please note that insurance cards will be mailed to the address listed for you in CORE-CT. To confirm, or update the address listed, go to

What if I need to use the insurance before I receive my ID cards?

  • You may contact your insurance carriers to obtain ID numbers over the phone to use while you wait for your cards in the mail.
  • Insurance Provider Contact Information can be found at

Provider Contact Information

Quantum Health -  833-740-3258

CIGNA - 1-800-244-6224

Plans for Postdoctoral Research Associates


Postdoctoral Research Associates are eligible to enroll for medical coverage through the Connecticut Partnership Plan. Below is more detailed information about the plan and the payroll deductions.

Partnership Medical Summary
Partnership Medical Plan Document

2024-25 Biweekly Payroll Deductions for Postdoctoral Research Associates

Category Biweekly Payroll Deductions
Employee Only $34.48
Employee +1 $70.01
Family $102.42

Rates are subject to change each year on September 1 and are communicated during the annual open enrollment.


Postdoctoral Research Associates are eligible to enroll for dental coverage through the State of Connecticut Plan. Detailed information about the dental options is available on the State’s Care Compass website. Below are quick links to the current enrollment booklet and paycheck deductions:

2024-25 Health Care Options Planner for State of Connecticut Active Employees
2024-25 Biweekly Payroll Deductions for 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025


Open Enrollment Overiew

Open Enrollment is the time of year where employees may:

  • Change their Medical and/or Dental plans
  • Add/Drop coverage for eligible dependents (Spouse, Child, Stepchild, etc.)
  • Enroll if you previously waived coverage
  • Opt out of the Health Enhancement Program (HEP) if you no longer wish to participate. Please note, employees who opt out of HEP, or are non-compliant, will be charged $46.15 bi-weekly in addition to their bi-weekly medical plan charge. Those who opt out or are non-compliant will also have an in-network deductible of $350/person or $1,400/family. *CT Partnership Plan medical is not subject to HEP.

Open Enrollment (OE) Effective Dates

Employee Type Medical OE Period Medical OE Effective Date Dental OE Period Dental OE Effective Date
Regular Payroll (non-Postdoc) May
(dates vary per year)
July 1st May
(dates vary per year)
July 1st
Regular Payroll (Postdoc) May
(dates vary per year)
September 1st May
(dates vary per year)
July 1st
Graduate - Assistants/Interns/Fellows August
(dates vary per year)
September 1st August
(dates vary per year)
September 1st

Faculty & Staff

Detailed information about the medical and dental options is available on the State’s Care Compass Open Enrollment website. Below are links to the Healthcare Planner and payroll deductions.

2024-2025 Healthcare Options Planner
2024-2025 Biweekly Rate Chart

Posdoctoral Research Associates


Postdoctoral Research Associates are eligible to enroll for medical coverage through the Connecticut Partnership Plan. Rates are subject to change each year on September 1st and are communicated during the annual Healthcare Open Enrollment. Below is more detailed information about the plan and the payroll deductions.

Postdoc CT Partnership Medical Plan Summary

Biweekly Payroll Deductions for Postdoctoral Research Associates (09/01/2024 - 08/31/2025)

Category Biweekly Payroll Deductions
Employee Only $34.48
Employee +1 $70.01
Family $94.66


Postdoctoral Research Associates are eligible to enroll for dental coverage through the State of Connecticut Plan. Detailed information about the dental options is available on the State’s Care Compass Dental website. Below are quick links to the current enrollment booklet and paycheck deductions.

2024-2025 Healthcare Options Planner
2024-2025 Biweekly Rate Chart

Graduate Assistants/Interns/Fellows

Graduate Assistants/Interns/Fellows are eligible for medical and dental coverage through the Connecticut Partnership Plan that are detailed at HR’s Graduate CTPP website. Graduate Healthcare Open Enrollment takes place in August each year, all changes/election submitted during this time will take effect September 1st.

The Graduate Assistant/Intern monthly rates for the upcoming plan year are noted below.

Medical CTPP monthly rates effective 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2025

Class Coverage Payroll Deduction (monthly rate)
Grad Only $23.33
Grad +1 $120.00
Grad + Family $151.83

Dental CTPP monthly rates effective 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2025

Class Coverage Payroll Deduction (monthly rate)
Grad Only $11.09
Grad +1 $22.16
Grad + Family $44.32

The Graduate Fellow Fee Bill charges (Fall/Spring semester) for the upcoming plan year are noted below.

Coverage Class Coverage Fall 2024
Sept - Jan Coverage
(GF Portion)
Spring 2025
Feb - Aug Coverage
(GF Portion)
Medical Grad Only $116.65 $163.31
Grad +1 $600.00 $840.00
Grad + Family $759.15 $1,062.81
Dental Grad Only $55.45 $77.63
Grad +1 $110.80 $155.12
Grad + Family $221.60 $310.24

Insurance Company/Administrator Contacts

Coverage Insurance Company/Administrator Contact Information
Medical Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of CT
(800) 922-2232
Health Enhancement Program Quantum Health HEP Portal
(833) 740-3258
Prescription Drug Caremark
(800) 318-2572
Dental CIGNA
(800) 244-6224
COBRA Anthem (for all medical/dental) (800) 433-5436
Life Insurance Group Universal Life – College Benefits Group
(860) 429-9000
Life Insurance UNUM Voluntary Life Insurance
(employer code 1357722)
(833) 703-1967
Life Insurance VOYA Universal Life Insurance * * no longer available for new enrollment.
(888) 909-4274
Retirement Savings Empower (formerly Prudential)
(844) 505-7283
Retirement Savings John Trifone – Storrs Area Lead Retirement Counselor Storrs Area Lead Retirement Counselor
(860) 984-3292
Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC)
*FSA administrator as of 1/1/2022
(888) 698-1429
Medical Flexible Spending Account (MEDFLEX) Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC)
*FSA administrator as of 1/1/2022
(888) 698-1429
Long Term Disability The Hartford – College Benefits Group
(860) 429-9000
Short Term Disability Colonial Life
(800) 884-0689
Short Term Disability The Hartford – College Benefits Group
(860) 429-9000
Auto and Homeowner Farmers Insurance (formerly MetLife) (800) 438-6381
Auto and Homeowner Liberty Mutual (promo code: 087) (888) 257-4889
Auto and Homeowner Travelers (888) 695-4640
Qualified Transportation Account Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC)
*FSA administrator as of 1/1/2022
(888) 698-1429
Identity Theft Protection Norton Lifelock Enrollment Information
(844) 698- 8640 (pre-enrollment service)
(800) 607-9174 (post enrollment member service)

Updated October 2024

COBRA Coverage

State of Connecticut Plan for the following Employees: UCPEA, AAUP (including Adjunct Faculty), Maintenance Employees in NP-2, Clerical Employees in NP-3, CT Police & Fire Union in NP-5, Law School Faculty, Management, and Confidential

Under federal and state law, the State of Connecticut is required to offer employees or over-age dependents the opportunity to continue their current medical and dental plan options when coverage under the plan would otherwise end because of a qualifying event. An Initial COBRA Notification was made available to employees on their hire date.

To continue the coverage, members would have to pay the full cost of the coverage at group rates, which include an administrative fee.

2024-2025 COBRA Medical Rates
2024-2025 COBRA Dental Rates

The length of continuation is based on the qualifying event.

Qualifying Event Period of Coverage
Employment termination up to 30 months
Reduction in hours up to 30 months
Leave of absence without pay up to 30 months
Death of employee up to 36 months
Divorce, legal separation up to 36 months
Enrolled child reaches age limitation up to 36 months

Within 14 days following the loss of coverage, the Benefits Unit will mail a COBRA notice to the home address on file with the State. Please note that COBRA notices are system-generated and cannot be produced prior to the loss of coverage event.

Please contact the HR Service Desk or call (860) 486-3034 if you have questions or did not receive a COBRA notice.

If you have received a COBRA notice and have questions regarding your coverage, please call Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield COBRA Continuation Unit at 1-800-433-5436.

Postdoctoral Research Associates

Under federal and state law, the State of Connecticut is required to offer employees or over-age dependents the opportunity to continue their current medical and dental plan options when coverage under the plan would otherwise end because of a qualifying event. An Initial COBRA Notification was made available to employees on their hire date.

To continue the coverage, members would have to pay the full cost of the coverage at group rates, which include an administrative fee.

Medical: CTPP
COBRA Monthly Medical costs 9/1/2024 - 8/31/2025
Employee - $508.07
Employee +1 - $1,031.42
Employee Family - $1,509.04

2024-2025 COBRA Dental Rates

The length of continuation is based on the qualifying event.

Qualifying Event Period of Coverage
Employment termination up to 30 months
Reduction in hours up to 30 months
Leave of absence without pay up to 30 months
Death of employee up to 36 months
Divorce, legal separation up to 36 months
Enrolled child reaches age limitation up to 36 months

Within 14 days following the loss of coverage, the Benefits Unit will mail a COBRA notice to the home address on file with the State. Please note that COBRA notices are system-generated and cannot be produced prior to the loss of coverage event.

Please contact the HR Service Desk or call (860) 486-3034 if you have questions or did not receive a COBRA notice.

If you have received a COBRA notice and have questions regarding your coverage, please call Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield COBRA Continuation Unit at 1-800-433-5436.

Connecticut Partnership Plan for Graduate Assistants/Interns/Fellows

Under federal and state law, the State of Connecticut is required to offer employees the opportunity to continue their current medical and dental plan options when coverage under the plan would otherwise end because of a qualifying event. An Initial COBRA Notification was made available to employees on their hire date.

To continue the coverage, members would have to pay the full cost of the coverage at group rates, which include an administrative fee.

The COBRA Administrator for the Partnership Plan is Anthem COBRA Unit at 1-800-433-5436.

COBRA Monthly Medical Costs 9/1/2024 - 8/31/2025
Employee - $508.07
Employee +1 - $1,031.42
Employee Family - $1,509.04

COBRA Monthly Dental Costs 9/1/2024 - 8/31/2025
Employee - $22.61
Employee +1 - $45.20
Employee Family - $90.41

The length of continuation is based on the qualifying event.

Qualifying Event Period of Coverage
Employment Termination up to 30 months
Reduction in hours up to 30 months
Leave of Absence Without Pay up to 30 months
Death of Employee up to 36 months
Enroll Child Reaches Age Limitation up to 36 months

The COBRA Administrator will automatically send a COBRA notice shortly following notification of the termination of coverage.