UConn strives to recognize employees throughout the year and their careers. Each fall, Human Resources invites employees to Employee Appreciate Week, and in the spring, the University celebrates several employees through the UConn Spirit Awards. Each year, HR coordinates the recognition of employees who have reached a milestone in service to UConn or the State of Connecticut.
Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week 2024
We are pleased to announce this year’s dates and theme for Employee Appreciation Week. Mark your calendars for the week of September 18 for employee appreciation focusing on “Well-Being and Well Connected Across UConn.” Several events and activities - from in-person to virtual - will provide a space to appreciate employees and encourage appreciation for one another. We invite you to join one or many of the events and/or activities planned to "celebrate you!"
UConn Spirit Awards

- Build community within the University and University departments;
- Provide an opportunity for employees to be recognized for their contributions to the University, which are not specifically academic but related to teamwork and civility; and
- Create an event that acknowledges the efforts of all employees, especially staff members.

Employees reaching 5 years of service will receive a certificate. In addition to a certificate, employees who have reached 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50+ years of service will receive an email link from our promotion’s vendor, JMA, to a site with a selection of awards memorializing their achievement. Certificates and awards will be made available this Fall.
For questions, please contact worklife@uconn.edu.
5 Years
Lynne Alexander
Cesar Alonzo
Alexander Amati
Elizabeth Athens
Jessica Baker
Allyson Barron
Chelsea Bartos
Zofia Baumann
Mary Beattie
Emma Belekewicz
Alexander Bernier
Todd Blodgett
Daniel Bolnick
Deborah Bolnick
Aliza Boritz
Jill Bouchard
Deanna Boulay
Jessica Bowcock
Ryan Braley
Kiel Brennan-Marquez
Katheryn Britt
Stefan Bronner
Karenann Caldwell
Craig Calvert
Rebecca Campbell-Montalvo
Patricia Cannizzaro
Jocelyn Cates
Raymond Celmer
Molika Chea
Wei Chen
Yupeng Chen
Michael Christoforo
Coryn Clark
Jillian Comolli
Renee Constant
Sue Cook
John Cooley
Shelby Corbin
Laurence Costa-Mello
Dolores Coyle-Feliciano
Jennifer Crary
Amanda Crawford
Alison Cutler
Sara Dahlen
Maryanne Daly Doran
Artemis Damble
Joseph Daniels
Maksym Derevyagin
Eleni Diakogeorgiou
Jeffrey Divino
Philip Duncan
Stuart Duncan
Steven Ellis
Heidi Erlandsen
Lisa Famularo
Tavarus Ferguson
Rodolfo Fernandez
Danielle Filipiak
Courtney Fitzgerald
Kody Foular
Kyle Foular
Breno Fragomeni
Lesley Frame
Susanna French
Dorian Gainey
Shuresh Ghimire
Erica Goulet
Bethany Grabowski
Adam Graichen
Natalie Granados
Levern Granger
Jack Greenwood Jr
Anna Grudzinski
Julie Guild
Sara Harrington
Nicole Hawley
Matthew Heinly
Zeinab Helal
Tyler Helton
Kymberley Hendricks
Ronny Heredia
Fumiko Hoeft
Marc Hoffower
Andrew Howat
Sue Huang
Daniel Hurley
James Hutton
James Jaconetta
Mark Johnson
Kathleen Kearney
Heejoo Kim
Na Kim
Matthew King
Jamie Kirschner
Allison Knight
Bruce Kreller
Oh Kwon
Anna Labonte
Nicholas Lacafta
Scott Laforest
Ethan Lee
Erin Leigh
Cassandra Leone
Jason LePino
Alina Lerman
Christopher Lewis
Daniel Lis
Jing Liu
Tracy Llanera
Debra Lucey
Angela Lukin
Katherine Lund
Eileen Machnicki
Michele Magliulo
Lauren Majchrowski
Tara Malone
Jeremiah Marden
John Mastroianni
Kelly Mcgill Seega
Patrick McKee
Victoria Meacham
Christopher Mead
Jaimie Mercado
Redona Methasani
Shannon Miller
Crystal Mills
Jodie Mitchell
Debanjan Mitra
Laura Mlyniec
Mariah Monroe
Grace Morris
Tyler Morrissey
Shane Murphy
Jessica Musgrove
James Myers
Shaun Nadeau
Brandon Nickle
H. Nienhusser
Abigail Novak
Victoria Novak
Berkeley Nowosad
Lisa Nulton
Kyoungjo Oh
Ian Olesen
Yaprak Onat
Kelsey O'Neil
Volkan Ortalan
Keila Ortiz
Paul Ostick
Gabriel Pagan
Maureen Palmer-Lavoie
Rupal Parekh
James Parizo
Sohyun Park
Alexandra Paxton
William Perez
Gabriella Pires Santoro
Grace Player
Hugo Posada-Quintero
Anthony Quispe
Bethany Rameika
Jonathan Ramos
Connor Raymond
Sumanth Reddy
Thomas Rettig
John Richardson
Chadwick Rittenhouse
Monica Rodriguez-Lopez
Krista Rogers
Justin Rogowski
Martina Rosenberg
Peter Ruffino
Diane Sainsbury
Amy Salai
Andrew Salimeno
Vida Samuel
Gregory Sartor
Curtis Schondelmeyer
Heather Schrang
Christine Schuck
Mary Schwie Loughran
Sophie Shao
Eun-Ju Shin
Kimberly Silva
Sara Silverstein
Ashley Slotkin
Natalia Smirnova
Elizabeth Smith
Daniel Sniffin
Eric Soares
Elizabeth Solecki
Sudha Srinivasan
Alex Stachowiak
Jennifer Steszewski
Sara Stifano
Megan Stimson
Jane Strudwick
Anida Sundara
Constance Syharat
Erin Szela
Christina Tamburro
Haiyan Tan
Anna Tarakanova
Pouya Tavousi
Carly Taylor
John Theriault
Darren Thorne
Michelle Tirabassi
Anh Tran
Kiet Tran
Ryan Treat
Evelyn Tribble
Chrysanthe Tsilibes
Rigel Valentine
Sarah Virkler
James Walker
Stephanie Wanne
Andrew Warren
Niluka Wasalathanthri
Kaetlin Wilcox-Perry
Kacie Wittke
Katherine Wollenberg
Alexander Woodward
Qian Yang
Daryl Yingling
Kimani Young
Yuanyuan Zhu
Zhe Zhu
Aurore Ziegwied
Jesse Zurawel
15 Years
Nathan Alder
Jill Anderson
Richard Anyah
Holly Audette
Wendy Baker
Philip Balma
Keith Bellizzi
Iddo Ben Ari
Michael Bennett
Kimberly Bergendahl
Anwar Beshir
Lisa Blansett
Laura Bunyan
Zen Buraceski
Paul Bureau
Leslie Burton
Chengyu Cao
Ellen Carillo
Brian Chapman
Xinnian Chen
Ock Chun
John Clark
Jeffrey Collins
Christene Cooper
Kate Copeland
Erin Crossway
Manuel Cruz
Annamaria Csizmadia
Richard Cunningham
Sandra Cyr
Araceli Del Castillo
Morgaen Donaldson
Philip Dwire
Lisa Eaton
Justin Evanovich
Jaclyn Falkowski
Thomas Fearney
Stephen Ferraro
Kevin Flaherty
Martha Funderburk
Christina Gray
Karla Grieco
Betsy Guala
Martina Haiderer
Louis Hanzlik
Deneen Hatmaker
Jessamy Hoffmann
Kathleen Hood
Anthony Hoskie
Kimberly Howlett
John Inguagiato
Jason Irizarry
Menka Jain
John Jolly-Ballantine
Joshua Joseph Jr
Ramesh KC
Kelly Kennedy
Vasili Kharchenko
Kathy Knapp
Patrick Kumavor
Joshua Levin
Marc Liebig
Yao Lin
Kathleen Lombardi
Alvaro Lozano-Robledo
Winnie Lunt
George Lykotrafitis
Gail Macdonald
Adrienne Macki
Jacqueline Maliga
Caroline McCall
Margaret McCarthy
Jeffrey McCutcheon
Michele Mcelya
Dawn Meduna
Clare Melchiorre
Barbara Mellone
Jonathan Moore
Vincent Moscardelli
Kenneth Noren
Syam Nukavarapu
Anthony Paguni
Robert Palmer
Kathryn Parr
Richard Plavnicky
Gerald Post
Kayla Postler
Susan Preston-Berlin
Anthony Provatas
Rhonda Prucker
Dolores Ragauskas
Jose Ramos
Larry Rayment
Louise Reagan
Aristide Ristau
Margaret Rodriguez
Yolanda Rodriguez
Marcus Rossberg
Anthony Ruggiero
Shawn Salvant
Ralf Schiffler
Colleen Schuh
Peter Schweitzer
Anji Seth
Dawn Shadron
Brian Sibilio
Prabhakar Singh
Barbara Sousa
Tammie Spaulding
Rita Stewart
Eileen Stuyniski
Steven Szczepanek
Rachel Tambling
Jeremy Teitelbaum
Jennifer Terni
Susan Tolis
Renee Trueman
Anastasios Tzingounis
Mark Uccello
Mark Urban
Paulo Verardi
Katherine Viveiros
Richard Vollaro
Inda Watrous
Melody Williamson
Brian Willis
Lawrence Wyse
Matthew Zadrowski
Chuanrong Zhang
25 Years
Brian Aneskievich
Michael Armann
Rebecca Bacher
John Bailey
Marybeth Bardot
Marianne Barton
Jonathan Beazley
Matthew Beebe
Sudip Bhattacharjee
Mary Bolduc
Thomas Bontly
Melissa Bray
Nadine Brennan
Robert Brochu
Judith Brown
Pamela Brown
Joseph Cabaniss
Jean Cardinale
David Cavallaro
Kathleen Cienkowski
David Colberg
Frank Costigliola
Amy Courchesne
David D'Alessio
Sylvain Deguise
Cora Deibler
Diana DiTunno
Orlando Echevarria
Michael Enright
Kimberly Fearney
Michelle Fournier
M Fuller
Steven Garrett
Wade Gibbs
Kevin Gorman
Michael Gorman
Robin Greeley
Wynd Harris
James Hill
Ross Hoel
Emilie Hogrebe
Yan Hong
Wei-Kuang Huang
Sean Jeffery
Michael Keating
Kristin Kelly
Laine Kingo
Claudia Koerting
Bedford Lawrence
Kristina Lazzaris
Juliet Lee
Louise Lewis
Paul Lewis
Yi Li
Min Lin
Thomas McDonald
Thomas Meyer
Heather Mokoski
David Moss
Letitia Naigles
Meg Niewinski
Akiko Nishiyama
Richard Ott
James Penders
Michelle Pereira Lopes
Linda Pescatello
Dawn Pettinelli
Laurel Rae
Andrew Rittner
Margaret Rubega
Teresa Samuels
Lyle Scruggs
Beth Settje
Deborah Shelby
Nancy Shoemaker
Del Siegle
Misty Solomon
Whitney Tabor
Xiuchun Tian
Jaci Van Heest
Fei Wang
Friedemann Weidauer
Barrett Wells
Charles White
Michael Williams
Bradley Wright
John Wrynn
35 Years
David Avery
Laurie Baker
Regina Barreca
John Barry
Jon Bauer
Robert Bergeron Jr
Mark Brand
Yung Choi
Sharon Daggett
Gary English
Steven Geary
Bahram Javidi
Sharon Laflamme
Michelle MarcAurele
Richard Meinert
James Missell
Maria Murray
Lisa Nowak
Sherri Olson
John Salamone
Anthony Santa Lucia
Patricia Szarek
Donna Thibault
Rachele Torres
David Wagner
Nancy Wilhelm
45 Years
Shelley Maloney
10 Years
Mary Amalaradjou
Dorothea Anagnostopoulos
Zehra Arat
Shoshana Armington
Marina Astitha
Dwight Atherton
Michele Baggio
Mukul Bansal
Haim Bar
Talia Bar
William Bates
Michelle Bellamy
Patricia Bellamy-Mathis
Rebecca Bentley
Nora Berrah
Michael Besaw
Philip Birge-Liberman
Mark Bolduc
Andrea Booth
Michael Bozzi
Monica Bullock
Jeannette Burke
Clyde Cady
Meina Cai
David Campbell
Annie Casarella
Milagros Castillo-Montoya
Michael Cavanaugh
Clarissa Ceglio
Kun Chen
Yongku Cho
Laura Cisneros
James Civitello
John Cogan
David Collins
Douglas Connors
Jeffrey Connors
Robert Corbett
Hernan Cortez
Jennifer Cote
Laura Cruickshank
Dwayne Cunningham
Dennis D'Amico
Ashwin Dani
Benjamin Daniels
Ian Dann
Megan Delaney
Jessica Deojay
Shawn Detoro
Pamela Diggle
Thomas Dowd
Shelley Durocher
Damir Dzhafarov
Joy Elwell
Paula Engler
Joseph Ercolano
Harley Erickson
Cristina Fedeles
Ana Fidantsef
Frances Fleming
Timothy Folta
Kenneth Foote
Christopher Forte
Sirrah Galligan
Florencia Garcia
Jessica Gianfredi
Vitaly Glybin
Lucinda Gonzales
Jane Gordon
Lewis Gordon
Nathan Gordon
Erica Granoff
Mitchell Green
Preston Green
Travis Grosser
Zheyin Gu
Song Han
Casey Handrahan
Kristen Hargis
Thomas Haskell
Thomas Hayes
Jie He
Ashley Helton
Paul Herrnson
Laura Hills
Kazunori Hoshino
Matthew Hughey
Yohei Igarashi
Melissa Ives
Alexander Jackson
James Jackson
Annette Jakubisin Konicki
Carlton Jones
James Kaufman
Kelsey Keefe
Mary Keesey
Jonathan Klassen
Lena Knowles
Michelle Koehler
John Korte
Jeremy Krauss
Zachary Ladyga
Ariel Lambe
Molly Land
Nicole Landi
Frederick Lee
Jason Lee
Rachael Levy
Mary Loftus
Ruth Lucas
David Lund
Joshua Macdonald
Andrew Macfarlane
Christopher Mackenzie
Wendy Majcher
Scott Makuch
Carlos Maldonado
Melissa Manning
Stephen Marchillo
Laura Mauldin
Jessica McBride
Christine McCluskey
Brian McKeon
Jason McMullan
Kimberly Midolo
Myron Minn-Thu-Aye
Cassandra Moore
Bianca Moorhead
Vito Moreno
Andrew Muckle
Michael Mundrane
Meera Nair
Laurie Neal
Kathleen O'Connor
Kathleen O'Dea
Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch
Robert O'Loughlin
Samantha Olschan
Tony Omega
Jennifer O'Neill
Jessica Palozie
Daniel Pejril
Marie Percy
Kylene Perras
David Pierce
Sarah Pierce
Tina Pierce
Gregory Pierrot
Amanda Pleasent
Linda Pramberger
Rachel Prunier
Andrew Puckett
Kerri Raissian
Aaron Rees
Jill Reinhard
Sara Renzulli
Ricardo Salazar-Rey
Elizabeth Sanders
Sarah Scheidel
Joseph Scheinfeldt
Arthur Schmeiser
Jeffrey Seemann
Sandra Shea-Crabb
Fumilayo Showers
Bhakti Shringarpure
Audrey Silva
David Simon
Victoria Simonoff
Bradley Simpson
Erika Skoe
Heidi Slater
Steven Smith
Torona Smith
Matthew Sroka
Michael Stanton
Stacey Stearns
Ian Stevenson
Cynthia Stewart
Nancy Stula
Brianna Sullivan
Ruth Sullivan
Jianjun Sun
Luyi Sun
Xuanhao Sun
Haiying Tao
Kenneth Thompson
Polya Tocheva
Vaishali Uchil
Brian Valla
Sean Vasington
Jenny Vicente-Mendoza
Kristina Wagstrom
Donald Warren
Jill Wegrzyn
Jennie Weiner
Edward Weingart
Stephen White
Virginia White
Angela Whitney
Emily Wicks
Suzanne Wilson
Chandi Witharana
James Wohl
Matthew Worwood
Alan Wuosmaa
Laura Yahn
Chunsheng Yang
Yaowu Yuan
Pamela Zagami
Peter Zarrow
Victor Zatsepine
Liang Zhang
Wei Zhang
Kai Zhao
Guoan Zheng
20 Years
Melissa Batt
Phara Bayonne
Oksan Bayulgen
Joseph Bennett
Yulia Bereshpolova
Bethany Berger
Robert Bird
Thomas Blum
Stephen Boykin
Jennifer Butts
Hsu-Chih Cheng
Casey Cobb
Craig Coleman
Keith Conrad
Katherine Covey
Jessica Dempsey
Joanna Desjardin
Jennifer Dineen
Darrell Dublin
Rebecca Eckert
Christopher Elphick
Evan Feinglass
Candy Ferris
Arthur Galinat
Jennifer Girotto
Kristen Govoni
Meghan Hanrahan
Luis Hernandez
Anne Hill
Philip Hritcko
Christopher Iacampo
Rachel Jackson
Eric Janssen
Patrick Kelly
Richard Kula
Nicholas Leadbeater
Denise Long
Ion Mandoiu
Alan Marcus
Ricardo Mardales
Leslie Martin
Robert Mason
Kimberly Mattessich
Desmond McCaffrey
Linda McCollam-Guilani
Donna McCollum
David Mitchell Jr
Karen More
Scott Moro
David Nazzaro
Robert Nye
Bhavin Parekh
Jennifer Parker
Diana Payne
Vanessa Pelizzon
MaryAnn Perez-Brescia
Daniel Pressman
Heather Read
Eric Rice
Mackenzie Rivers
Helen Rozwadowski
Lisa Sanchez
Ivette Santiago
Lauren Schaller
Susan Schmeiser
Peter Siegelman
Mary Smith
David Solomon
Thomas Van Hoof
Debra Vardon
Hengameh Vosough
Frank Vumbaca
Guiling Wang
Christine Wenzel
Richard Wilson
Thomas Wood
Christopher Worchel
Masakazu Yamamoto
Carmen Zhang
Shengli Zhou
30 Years
Debbie Carone
Robert Dziomba
Nancy Fabian
Shirley Fiasconaro
Melissa Foreman
George Gibson
Miguel Gomes
John Ivan
Musa Jatkowski
Kirklyn Kerr
Christine Luberto
Kevin Marinelli
Steven Mellor
Jerry Phillips
Carmen Ragland
M Rola
Jay Rueckl
Beth Sharkey
Umekia Taylor
Siamak Vahidi
40 Years
Colleen Brochu
Joseph Crivello
Richard Langlois
Andrew Moiseff
Subhash Ray
50 Years
Faquir Jain
How do I know if I missed the email for my years of service award?
Eligible employees were emailed on Thursday April 20th from our vendor, JMA at UConnAwards@jmalogos.com of their ability to select an award. The deadline to select an award is Wednesday May 10th; should you not select an award, a default award will be selected on your behalf.
How are years of service calculated?
Eligibility for Employee Recognition Service Awards is determined by total state service. Milestones reached are awarded each year by who has achieved the years of service milestone by February 1st. Awards are selected in the Spring/Summer and distributed in the Fall.
Military Service is not included in total State service.
I think my Years of Service are incorrect; who can I contact about this?
Please email worklife@uconn.edu for initial contact. If we are unable to answer your question, we will notify you of your need to contact the Length of Service Specialist.
How can I change the address to where my award is being mailed?
All awards are being shipped to the Office of Human Resources on the Storrs (Depot) Campus. Certificates and awards will be made available this Fall for pick up from Human Resources on the Depot Campus by each department administer who will distribute them as it’s been done in past years.