Background Checks at UConn

UConn Star
Contact Information:
Background Check (CBC) Team
Phone: (860) 486-3034
Secure CBC Fax: (860) 486-6773

Pre-employment background checks (CBC) serve as an important element of the University’s ongoing efforts to ensure a safe and secure campus and workplace. Criminal history information can identify prospective employees who may be predisposed to engage in violence, sexual misconduct, misappropriate use of resources, identity theft, data breaches and other misconduct.

Note that all offers of employment are subject to a pre-employment background check. The hiring department is responsible for fees associated with the completion.

What is the Background Check Process at UConn?

For New Employees

Upon acceptance of a Regular or Special Payroll job offer through PageUp, Human Resources reviews each candidate for the background check requirement. If a CBC is required, candidates will receive an automated e-mail from Swift Hire by SSC via

This e-mail will provide the candidate with instructions to begin the online pre-employment background check process. If any additional action is required to complete the CBC, Human Resources will contact the candidate directly.

For Gratis/Volunteer appointments, 4-H Volunteers, and Minor Protection Volunteers:

Human Resources uses an online background check process for volunteers. Upon notification to HR from the coordinating department, volunteers needing to undergo a background check will receive an automated e-mail from Swift Hire by SSC via the following: for Gratis/Volunteer appointments
UConnStorrs4H/ for 4-H and NRCA Volunteers for Minor Protection Program Volunteers

This e-mail will provide volunteers with instructions to start the online background check process.

Who Undergoes a Background Check?

  • All full-time and part-time final external candidates for employment in staff (professional and classified) and faculty positions
  • All Adjunct Faculty, Special Payroll Lecturers, Instructional Specialists, Academic Specialists, Academic Technicians, Clinical Supervisors, Graduate Instructional Specialist, Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer and other titles with teaching or advising responsibilities; or deemed to be in a position of trust (working with minors)
  • Other safety sensitive positions (temporary special payroll or volunteer) as requested by hiring departments

Employees who are already employed by the University and apply for transfer or promotion do not undergo a background check.

Completing a Background Check

Once a candidate accepts an on-line job offer and completes their new hire form in PageUp, a background check determination is made by the Background Check Team. If a background check is required, an e-mail will be sent from directly to the finalist requesting that they provide information through our on-line background check system, Swift Hire. Questions about the background check process should be addressed to the Background Check Team at or 860-486-3034.

Human Resources works directly with the vendor, Security Service of Connecticut Inc., to conduct the Background Check. A representative from Human Resources receives the results and notifies the hiring department on whether the appointment can be finalized.

Background Check Result Review

Pre-employment background checks typically include the following: social security number verification, past address trace, statewide criminal history search (where available), statewide sex offender check, county criminal history check, federal criminal history check, nationwide criminal history check, international criminal history check (where applicable) and nationwide sex offender search.

The University determines on a case-by-case whether a candidate's criminal history disqualifies the candidate from employment.

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 46a-79 and 46a-80 and other relevant laws, the University considers the following factors in determining whether to disqualify a candidate from employment based on criminal history information:

  • The nature of the offense and its relationship to the position
  • The degree to which the applicant has been rehabilitated
  • The length of time elapsed since conviction

A decision to disqualify a candidate based upon the results of the criminal background check will be made by the appointing authority in consultation with the Director of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations or designee. The Director of Human Resources may also be consulted as deemed necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What checks are included in UConn’s standard pre-employment background check?
Offers of employment will be conditional pending the result of a background check, which may include the following:

  • Social Security Number Verification / Past Address Trace
  • Consent Based Social Security Verification (CBSV) (as applicable)
  • County/Statewide Criminal (as applicable)
  • National Criminal/Multi-Jurisdictional Criminal
  • Federal Criminal
  • Statewide Sex Offender
  • Nationwide Sex Offender
  • International Criminal (as applicable)
  • Education Verifications (as applicable)
  • *Credit Checks (*only required in very limited circumstances, HR will notify candidate)

Who is subject to a pre-employment background check?

  • All full-time and part-time final candidates for employment in regular payroll positions, whether newly hired, rehired, or a transfer from another state agency.
  • All individuals selected for temporary appointments as Adjunct Faculty, Special Payroll Lecturers, Instructional Specialists, Academic Specialists, Academic Technicians, Clinical Supervisors, Graduate Instructional Specialists, and Graduate Special payroll Lecturers who are newly hired or rehired after a break in university service of a year or more and are not currently on the regular payroll.
  • Other special payroll titles that have direct teaching or advising responsibilities or are deemed to be in a position of trust, e.g., working with minors.
  • Graduate students who are working in a teaching capacity as a Special Payroll Lecturer, Instructional Specialist, or other special payroll appointment that has direct teaching or advising responsibilities.
  • Prospective special payroll appointees or volunteers may be subject to a background check if:
    • (1) required by law,
    • (2) required by a third party as a condition for the position, or
    • (3) when considered a position of trust.


Are existing employees subject to pre-employment background checks?
No, existing employees of the University are not subject to pre-employment criminal background checks.

Are individuals who separate from the University and are rehired into the same (or different) position subject to a pre-employment background check?
If the individual has never had a university background check one will be required when they are re-hired. If the individual had a university background check for the previous position and the break in service was less than one year, they would not require another background check.

Is an individual who is dually employed at (or transferred from) another state agency or university (including the UConn Health Center) subject to a pre-employment background check?
Yes, individuals who are dually employed at other state agencies are subject to pre-employment criminal background checks. UConn does not accept background check results from external agencies.

Are pre-employment background checks required for seasonal positions (e.g. Adjunct Faculty) who work on a particular semester basis (e.g. Fall only)?
No, if the break in service between appointments is less than one year a new pre-employment background check is not required.

Is a pre-employment background check required for internal hires, promotions, or reclassifications?
No, existing employees are not subject to pre-employment criminal background checks because of a change in their position or classification.

Are pre-employment criminal background checks required for re-employed retirees?
Pre-employment background checks will not be required for UConn retirees if rehired within one year of their retirement date.

If they are rehired, and a year or more has passed since they retired, a background check will be required.

Individuals who are retirees from other state agencies will be subject to UConn’s pre-employment background check.

Who undergoes an educational degree verification as a part of their required pre-employment background check?
Currently, all Unclassified Regular Payroll hires are subject to the educational degree verification process. This is subject to change.

Process and Billing

Who conducts the pre-employment background checks?
Pre-employment background checks are centrally administered by the Department of Human Resources. Human Resources works with a third-party vendor that is responsible for conducting the actual pre-employment criminal background check process.

How long does it take to get the results of a pre-employment background check?
Results for national candidates are generally available within 48-72 hours of ordering; however, some factors impact the expected timeline including:

  • The number of counties and/or states that need to be checked,
  • Whether an international check is required,
  • AKA names
  • Educational Degree Verification (if applicable)

What is the average cost of a pre-employment background check and how is this determined?
The average cost of a pre-employment background check with national address history is $50 - 100.

The average cost of a pre-employment background check with international address history is $100 - 200.

Factors that impact the final cost include whether a degree verification is required, the number of counties and/or states that need to be checked, which county or state is being checked (some are more expensive than others), whether an international check is required, number of past residences, AKA names, etc. These estimates are not final and are subject to change.

Who is responsible for the cost of the pre-employment criminal background checks?
Hiring departments are responsible for the cost of pre-employment background checks.

What KFS number should be charged for Pre-Employment Background Check costs?
Pre-employment background checks can be paid for with any non-grant KFS number. Human Resources will seek confirmation for use of any accounts beginning with 5 or 6 as grant funds are not approved for use towards pre-employment background checks.

If your 5 or 6 ledger account has approval for use towards pre-employment background checks, please note that in your reply for billing records.

How will the department be billed for pre-employment criminal background checks?
Human Resources will bill departments for the cost of pre-employment background checks using the Service Billing eDoc process. Departments will be billed monthly, and Human Resources will charge the KFS # provided during the hiring process – this is why an accurate KFS is needed upfront.

Departments will receive the total cost of the pre-employment background check as well as the respective PageUp Search # for reference. The search # will be on the accounting line of the eDoc.

Upon receipt of the service billing eDoc, you may contact with any questions regarding the details of specific background checks.

Hiring Practices

Can a prospective hire start work before a pre-employment background check is complete?
If they are a Special Payroll hire, YES, they are approved to begin working as scheduled with continued employment contingent on successful background check results. This is only the case for Special Payroll offers already approved by Human Resources.

If they are a Regular Payroll hire, NO, they cannot begin working before the completion of the pre-employment background check.

The hiring department can seek an exception if deemed necessary. In those cases, please notify the Background Check team ASAP so that they can facilitate approval of the hire with Labor Relations.

Does a previous criminal conviction disqualify an applicant from consideration for employment?
A previous criminal conviction does not automatically disqualify a candidate for employment. Employment eligibility depends on, but may not be limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nature of the offense and its relationship to the position
  • The degree to which the applicant has been rehabilitated
  • The length of time elapsed since conviction

How does the hiring department know when the background check has been completed?
The candidate will be moved from the status of “Background Check in Progress” in PageUp to “Hired”. The Hired status indicates completion of the pre-employment requirements, including the background check.

Please note that candidates are immediately given access to their background check results by our third-party vendor. The release of these results to candidates does not mean that HR has completed its review. This is only indicated when we change the status in PageUp to Hired.

How are background check results assessed at UConn?
The University determines on a case-by-case whether a candidate's criminal history disqualifies the candidate from employment.
Under Connecticut General Statutes 46a-79 and 46a-80 and other relevant laws, the University considers the following factors in determining whether to disqualify a candidate from employment based on criminal history information:

  • The nature of the offense and its relationship to the position
  • The degree to which the applicant has been rehabilitated
  • The length of time elapsed since conviction

A decision to disqualify a candidate based on the results of the criminal background check will be made by the appointing authority in consultation with the Director of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations or designee. The Director of Human Resources may also be consulted as deemed necessary.

How does the applicant know the outcome of the pre-employment criminal background check?
If the check has been completed successfully, the candidate will be notified via automated email from PageUp that their pre-employment contingencies have been met. This notification will include any remaining onboarding information as well.

If a candidate is disqualified from employment based on the results of the criminal background check, the Department of Human Resources will issue the candidate a pre-adverse action letter. The candidate will then have 5 business days to file an appeal of the validity of the results to our vendor (SSC, Inc.). If the appeal is denied, Human Resources will issue an adverse impact letter notifying the candidate that the offer for employment is withdrawn and they are no longer being considered for the position.

Does the applicant have the right to appeal the validity of the pre-employment background check results?
Yes, following receipt of a pre-adverse action letter the candidate will have 5 business days to file an appeal of the validity of the results directly to our vendor (SSC, Inc.).

Authorization, Consent, Access, and Privacy

Does a candidate have to give authorization and consent for a pre-employment criminal background check to be conducted?
Yes, candidates must give written permission by virtually signing Human Resources’ standard set of pre-background check forms including:

  • Electronic Signature Consent
  • Notice – Disclosure Regarding Background Investigation
  • Notice – Disclosure Regarding ‘Investigative Consumer Report’ Background Investigation
  • Authorization – Background Investigation
  • Consent to Release Information for Background Check

If a candidate declines to permit a pre-employment background check, the check cannot be conducted. A person who fails to give permission cannot be employed because the completed background check is a condition of employment.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act and how does it apply to pre-employment background checks?
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates the use of “consumer reports.” A consumer report is defined as a report about an individual’s character, personal and credit characteristics, general reputation, and lifestyle including commercially produced criminal background checks. The FCRA requires that employers take certain steps concerning negative information obtained through a commercially produced background investigation.

When the University receives information in a Pre-employment background check that will disqualify a candidate from consideration, the University will comply with the following FCRA protocol:

  • The candidate will be sent a certified Pre-Adverse Action letter, return receipt requested, notifying the candidate that the University has received disqualifying information from the CBC report.
  • The letter will include a copy of the report and a summary of the candidate's rights under FCRA (2nd issuance if done at the time of CBC consent).
  • The notification shall be sent to the candidate before any adverse employment action may be taken based on the CBC report.
  • After five (5) business days, barring the receipt of any new information that changes or clarifies the CBC report and eliminates any discrepancies, the University shall send the candidate a second Adverse Action letter rejecting his/her candidacy based on the disqualifying information generated by the CBC.

More information is available under “Additional Resources”.

Is there any state-specific information I should know regarding the completion of a background check?
Yes, this information will automatically be pulled in for your review upon completion of the initial online background check forms. For example, all applicants with a Connecticut address can expect to review the “Disclosure Regarding Connecticut Criminal Records”. More information is available under “Additional Resources”.

Where can I find more information about my privacy rights as a job applicant?
The Office of University Compliance has a policy on privacy for Applicants of Employment. This policy can be found on the Office of University Compliance’s website.

Additional Resources

Gratis/Volunteer Background Check Request Form
  • Departments who wish to request a background check for Gratis/Volunteer appointment(s) must complete this form and submit it to the Human Resources Criminal Background Check Coordinator.
  • Candidate(s) to Receive Pre-employment Criminal Background Check:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA Compliance)

The FCRA regulates the use of “consumer reports.” A consumer report is defined as a report about an individual’s character, personal and credit characteristics, general reputation and lifestyle including commercially produced criminal background checks. The FCRA requires that employers take certain steps with respect to negative information obtained through a commercially produced background investigation.

When the University receives information in a Pre-employment criminal background check that will disqualify a candidate from consideration, the University will comply with the following FCRA protocol:

  • The candidate will be sent a certified Pre-Adverse Action letter, return receipt requested, notifying the candidate that the University has received disqualifying information from the CBC report.
  • The letter will include a copy of the report and a summary of the candidate's rights under FCRA (2nd issuance if done at time of CBC consent).
  • The notification shall be sent to the candidate before any adverse employment action may be taken based on the CBC report.
  • After five (5) business days, barring the receipt of any new information that changes or clarifies the CBC report and eliminates any discrepancies, the University shall send the candidate a second Adverse Action letter rejecting his/her candidacy based on the disqualifying information generated by the CBC.

FCRA Summary of Rights
FCRA Summary of Rights (Spanish)
Summary of Consumer Identity Theft Rights