There are a variety of leaves of absence available to employees of the University. Leaves of absence are specified by Federal law, State of CT statute, University policy, a collective bargaining contract, or a combination thereof.
Please review the information below to learn more about the leave benefits available to you.
American Red Cross Disaster Service
Leaves of absence are specified by Federal law, State of CT statute, University policy, a collective bargaining contract, or a combination thereof.
Under Connecticut General Statute 5-249 (b), employees are eligible for paid leave if they are certified as a disaster service volunteer of the American Red Cross.
C.G.S. 5-249 (b)
Any state employee who is a certified disaster service volunteer of the American Red Cross may, with the authorization of such employee’s supervisor, be granted a leave not to exceed fifteen working days in each year to participate in specialized disaster relief services for the American Red Cross, upon the request of the American Red Cross, without loss of pay, vacation time, sick leave or earned overtime accumulation.
If you are requested to participate in disaster relief, please consult your supervisor, who will review the impact of the leave on the department, including cost considerations.
Applying for American Red Cross Disaster Service Leave
An employee wishing to apply for leave must complete a Request for American Red Cross Disaster Service Leave form and provide proof of certification by the American Red Cross.
Employees should direct their questions concerning Family Violence Leave to their HR Leave Administration Specialist:
UCPEA, NP-5, Management/Confidential
Cindy Drost
(860) 486-2432
NP2, NP-3 and P2
Jack Griguoli
(860) 486-1167
AAUP, Graduate Assistants, Law School Faculty & Post Docs
Megan Stimson
(860) 486-0408
The Provost's Guidelines for the Administration of Faculty Leaves of Absence clarify the types of leave available to faculty and share the criteria and other considerations the provost's office uses to guide decisions about leave approvals. Faculty, department heads, deans, and departmental and school/college staff are encouraged to reference these guidelines when planning and coordinating a leave of absence to ensure compliance with all university policies and procedures.
University Bylaws
The By-Laws of the University of Connecticut provide the following language on leaves of absences for Faculty.
Sabbatical Leave
Excerpted from the University Bylaws, Article XIV, Section L1
a. Sabbatical leave is a privilege to be applied for in each case and is in no instance to be considered an earned perquisite. Such leaves may be granted on application for the purpose of the advancement of knowledge or professional improvement of mutual benefit to the University and the individual. Following such leave, individuals are obligated to return to active service at the University for a minimum of one year. The applicant should file a specific written application accompanied by a statement as to how the leave is to be used. This application should be approved by the department head, the dean or director, and the Provost or the appropriate Vice President, who will in turn submit it to the Board of Trustees with his/her recommendation.
The privilege is open to all full-time teachers who have at least the rank of assistant professor or a corresponding rank and who have been in continuous full-time service at the institution for at least six years. Following a grant of sabbatical leave, the privilege may be renewed after an additional period of continuous full-time service of at least six years. Exceptions in regard to continuous service may be made upon recommendation of the Provost or the appropriate Vice President and the approval of the Board of Trustees or the Board of Directors. The receipt of grant or fellowship funds to cover travel and other expenses incidental to the leave will not ordinarily impact the granting of a request for such leave.
b. The duration of the leave granted shall be determined by the Provost or the appropriate Vice President. Six years of continuous full-time service is defined as full-time service for at least twelve of the fourteen semesters preceding the leave. Each sabbatical leave eligibility is for a period of one year (two semesters). Leave may be taken for the full period at half pay or for up to half the period at full pay. After each period of eligibility in which a sabbatical leave is taken, whether for all or a portion of the period, there must be at least six years of continuous full-time service before the next eligibility period. Thus, the timing of eligibility periods is not affected by whether leave is taken for a full period at half pay or for up to half the period at full pay. Faculty members in tenure track positions are not eligible for sabbatical leave before the last year of their probationary periods.
Leave for faculty members employed on an eleven months' basis or for faculty in the Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine may be for a period of up to six months with full pay or for a period up to twelve months with half pay.
c. Sabbatical leave, whether at full or reduced pay, is considered full-time service, and therefore, persons on sabbatical leave are not permitted to engage in paid employment elsewhere. If a staff member is considering an arrangement in which he/she will receive compensation for services from the University and from outside agencies which will together exceed his/her regular University salary, the staff member is expected to take a leave without pay rather than a sabbatical leave.
d. Members of the professional staff are in a separate classification. They shall make their application directly to the President if the unit reports to the President or to the Provost or appropriate Vice President, if any.
e. The recommendation of the head of the department and of the dean in charge of the school/college shall accompany applications for leave. All applications should be made at least one year prior to the date when the leave is to begin. Ordinarily the grantee will receive notification that the leave is granted at least two months before the end of the semester previous to the one in which the leave is to begin.
f. Arrangements for carrying on the duties of a person on leave shall be made by the appropriate department head and dean in consultation with the faculty member as appropriate. The department head is expected to certify whether or not the work of the department can be carried on if the leave is granted substantially as it would have been otherwise. If courses would have been withdrawn or other changes made in the department's program even without the granting of the leave, the changes may be made during the leave, but it is not expected that sabbatical leaves will be granted if they must be taken at the expense of the students or of the regular departmental program.
g. If an approved leave is postponed for a period by the administration, the applicant's next leave may be granted for the year in which it would have fallen if there had been no such postponement.
h. Sabbatical leaves are granted in the expectation that the recipient will resume his/her previous duties at the end of the leave. Ordinarily the staff member will return at the same rank and salary which he/she had when the leave began. This understanding, however, is subject to the qualification (which applies in the same degree to those in residence) that the Board may sometimes find it necessary to change the compensation or duties of some or all staff members because of changes in enrollment, financial exigencies, or other circumstances beyond its control. The grant of leave does not change the tenure-status of the recipient.
i.After leave has been taken, a written report of the work done shall be made to the officer who approved the leave through the department head and the dean or director.
Please apply for a sabbatical leave through Core-CT. This Job Aid.pdf provides step-by-step instructions for employees. Questions may be directed the Leave Administrator listed above.
Leave without Pay
Excerpted from the University Bylaws, Article XIV, Section L2
Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the President for those units which report to the President or by the Provost or the Vice Presidents for reasons considered to be in the best interest of the University and in the interests of professional growth and improvement of the staff member concerned. All such cases are treated as special cases and are in the first instance, ordinarily granted for up to a year. Professional staff members desiring such leaves should apply through their department heads and deans and through the appropriate Vice President, if any. A report of all such leaves as are granted shall be made to the Board of Trustees for their information.
Military Leave
Excerpted from the University Bylaws, Article XIV, Section L3
Members of the professional staff are eligible for military leave consistent with applicable state and federal law. Part-time employees will be granted such leave if they have worked the equivalent of six months or more full time. Thus, an employee would become eligible after twelve months of half-time employment, etc.
Sick Leave for Faculty – With or Without Pay
Excerpted from the University Bylaws, Article XIV, Section L4
Each case is considered separately and involves careful consideration of length of service, nature of the illness, and anticipated length of disability. Application for sick leave should be made not later than ten days after the staff member's return to work.
Other Regulations Regarding Leaves of Absence
Excerpted from the University Bylaws, Article XIV, Section L5
a. No employee of the University of Connecticut shall receive leave with pay for service in any elective political office.
b. No member of the professional staff shall be absent from his/her duties at the University except by permission of the department head. Short leaves to cover emergency situations may be granted by the department head, who will make such arrangements as are feasible to re-assign the absent staff member's work. In each such case, the department head will file a record of the matter with the dean. No such emergency leave shall be granted for a longer period than ten days without previous permission of the President for those units which report to the President or by the Provost or the appropriate Vice President.
c. Except in very unusual circumstances, no tenured or tenure track faculty member may receive a leave of absence to accept a tenured or tenure track position with another University. Such exceptions will require advance approval from the Provost.had when the leave began. This understanding, however, is subject to the qualification (which applies in the same degree to those in residence) that the Board may sometimes find it necessary to change the compensation or duties of some or all staff members because of changes in enrollment, financial exigencies, or other circumstances beyond its control. The grant of leave does not change the tenure-status of the recipient.
i.After leave has been taken, a written report of the work done shall be made to the officer who approved the leave through the department head and the dean or director.
Please apply for a sabbatical leave through Core-CT. This Job Aid.pdf provides step-by-step instructions for employees. Questions may be directed the Leave Administrator listed above.
Leave Administrator Contact
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Provost Contact
Additional guidelines on medical leaves and emergencies leaves from campus are available through Human Resources and the University Policy website.
Faculty must request a long-term leave of absence through the Employee Self Service portal of Core-CT:
Personal illness leaves occur when an employee is away from work for a block of time or requires intermittent or reduced schedule leave. Employees at the University of Connecticut who meet the qualifying requirements may be eligible for state FMLA, federal FMLA and/or SEBAC Supplemental leave.
Factors impacting leaves vary by employment type (i.e., bargaining unit), and the University encourages employees to review all applicable information below, within collective bargaining agreements and applicable policies, and contact Human Resources as early as possible.
AAUP Members
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Leave can be paid or unpaid. Please reference the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines.
Academic Assistants, Research Assistants, Research Associates and Facilities Scientists use their available sick leave entitlements, and the optional paid time that can be applied to the leave:
- Personal leave
- Vacation; and/or
- Holidays.
Disability Insurance
Disability insurance is automatically provided to employees enrolled in the Alternate Retirement Program. If an absence is expected to extend beyond six months, the employee covered under the FMLG is required to apply for long-term disability and, if approved, would qualify for supplemental payments under Article 19.IV.G of the AAUP contract.
Tenure Track Extension
Tenure-track faculty members with a qualified FMLA leave related to a serious personal illness or injury will receive an automatic one-year extension of the tenure clock, to a maximum of two extensions.
Tenure Clock Adjustment Procedure
Leave Forms
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Policy References
University By-Laws - Article XIV.L.4
Sick Leave for Members of the Professional Staff - Article XIV.C.4
AAUP Contract
Article 13.6 - Academic Assistants and Facilities Scientists
Article 19.6.G - Disability Pay
Article 19.6.I - Family/Medical Leave
Benefits (Research Assistants and Research Associates)
Article 26.1 - Sick Leave for Temporary Employees
Long Term Disability Certificate
AAUP Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
UCPEA Members
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Personal Illness leaves are paid using available sick leave entitlements.
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave includes:
- Vacation
- Personal leave
- Holidays worked
- Compensatory time
Sick Leave Bank
- Eligible when paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For very serious or catastrophic illness or injury
- Application and documentation submitted for union committee review
The University may grant additional sick time beyond sick leave bank allocations.
Disability Insurance
Employees enrolled in the Alternative Retirement Program (ARP) are automatically covered by a long-term disability policy that begins paying benefits are a six-month waiting period.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Application to Sick Leave Bank Committee
Time Coding During the Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Policy References
University Bylaws
Article XV.K - Sick Leave for Members of the Professional Staff
UCPEA Contract
Article 6 - Vacation Leave
Article 8 - Holidays
Article 9 - Personal Leave
Article 11 - Sick Leave
Article 15.4 - Leaves Without Pay
Article 33.3 - Disability Insurance
Long Term Disability Certificate
UCPEA Leave Administrator
Bethany Rameika
Telephone: (860) 486-9519
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Law School Faculty
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Leave can be paid or unpaid. Please reference the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines.
Disability Insurance
Employees enrolled in the Alternative Retirement Program (ARP) are automatically covered by a long-term disability policy that begins paying benefits are a six-month waiting period.
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Policy References
University Policy - Leave Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt Employees
Long Term Disability Certificate
Law School Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Management & Confidential Employees
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Vacation
- Personal leave
- Holidays worked
- Compensatory time
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
Additional paid sick leave can be requested under the University Policy.
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Policy References
University Bylaws
Article XV.K - Sick Leave for Members of the Professional Staff
University Policy - Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt and Non-Represented Faculty
Long Term Disability Certificate
Management & Confidential Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
CEUI (NP-2) Members
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Personal Illness leaves are paid using available sick leave entitlements.
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation
- Holidays, including earned time holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Donated Leave
- Must have 6 months of state service and have achieved permanent status
- Available when all paid time off options are exhausted
- Fellow bargaining unit members can donate accrued vacation, person and/or up to 5 days per calendar year of sick leave
- Must be suffering from a long term or terminal illness or disability
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Request for Advance of Sick Leave
Policy References
NP-2 Contract
Article 28 - Vacation
Article 29 - Sick Leave
Article 30 - Personal Leave
Article 33 - Holidays
CEUI Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (NP-3) Admin & Clerical Members
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Personal Illness leaves are paid using available sick leave entitlements.
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation
- Earned holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Donated Leave
- Must have 6 months of state service and have achieved permanent status
- Available when all paid time off options are exhausted
- Fellow bargaining unit members can donate accrued vacation, person and/or up to 5 days per calendar year of sick leave
- Must be suffering from a long term or terminal illness or disability
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Request for Advance of Sick Leave
Policy References
NP-3 Contract
Article 29 - Holidays
Article 30 - Vacations and Personal Leave
Article 31 - Sick Leave
NP-3 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (P-2) Human Services Members
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Paid using available sick leave entitlements.
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation
- Earned holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Donated Leave
- Must have 6 months of state service and have achieved permanent status
- Available when all paid time off options are exhausted
- Fellow bargaining unit members can donate accrued vacation, person and/or up to 5 days per calendar year of sick leave
- Must be suffering from a long term or terminal illness or disability
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Request for Advance of Sick Leave
Policy References
P-2 Contract
Article 27 - Holidays
Article 28 - Vacations
Article 29 - Sick Leave
Article 30 - Personal Leave
P-2 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Police & Fire (NP-5) Members
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Personal Illness leaves are paid using available sick leave entitlements.
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation
- Earned holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Donated Leave
- Must have 6 months of state service and have achieved permanent status
- Available when all paid time off options are exhausted
- Fellow bargaining unit members can donate accrued vacation, personal and/or up to 2 days per contract year of sick leave. The 2 days of donated sick leave is credited to the recipient as 1 day of sick time. A maximum of 10 total days can be donated per contract year.
- Must be suffering from a long term or terminal illness or disability
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Request for Advance of Sick Leave
Policy References
NP-5 Contract
Article 25 - Holidays
Article 27 - Vacations
Article 28 - Sick Leave and Other Leaves of Absence
Article 29 - Personal Leave
NP-5 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Postdoctoral Fellows
Pay During Personal Illness Leaves
Leave can be paid or unpaid.
Postdoctoral Research Associates use their available sick leave entitlements, and the following optional paid time can be applied to the leave:
- Personal Leave;
- Vacation; and/or
- Holidays
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
Postdoctoral Research Associate Frequently Asked Questions
How to Apply for Leave
Complete Employee Request and Intent to Return to Work forms below to initiate the leave process. Return forms to your HR Leave Administrator (email preferred).
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Postdoctoral Research Associates Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Under Federal FMLA
- Eligible after one year of employment and after working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months
- Up to 12 weeks of leave during 12-month FMLA period
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Under State FMLA
- Eligible after 3 months of state service
- Up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month period (may be eligible for 2 additional weeks of leave for incapacity during pregnancy)
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Under SEBAC Supplemental Leave
- Eligible as a permanent employee as defined in CT General Statute 5-196(19)
- Begins after the exhaustion of Federal FMLA and/or State FMLA leave, and/or the exhaustion of all sick leave accruals, and, if applicable, the exhaustion of Workers’ Compensation wage replacement benefits
- Up to 24 weeks of block leave in a two-year period
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Bone Marrow or Organ Donation Leave
- Eligible as a state employee
- 15 days of paid leave for organ donation
- 7 days of paid leave for bone marrow donation
Medical conditions may also qualify for an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Leaves for employees with end date positions will not be extended beyond the end date.
How to Apply for a Personal Illness Leave
Complete Employee Request and Intent to Return to Work forms to initiate the leave process. Return (email preferred) forms to your HR Leave Administrator.
Returning to Work
Employees must provide Fitness for Duty certification (last page of Medical Certification, P-33A) to HR Leave Administration Specialist prior to returning to work
Additional Optional Leave Form for NP-2, NP-3, NP-5, and P-2 Employees
Request for Advance of Sick Leave
Policy References
Federal Family and Medical Leave Act
Federal Family and Medical Leave Act in Spanish
State FMLA (CGS §§ 31-51kk)
Statewide Family and Medical Leave Policy
U.S. Dept. of Labor Employee’s Guide to FMLA
Maternity Leave begins on the date of birth and continues during the medically certified period of disability, which is generally 6 weeks (or 8 weeks following a Cesarean birth). Medically certified leaves prior to birth are not considered maternity (personal illness), nor is a non-medical leave following the period of disability (parental leave).
Factors impacting leaves vary by employment type (i.e., bargaining unit), and the University encourages employees to review all applicable information below, within collective bargaining agreements and applicable policies, and contact Human Resources as early as possible.
AAUP Members
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Maternity Leave can be paid or unpaid for Faculty titles. Please reference the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines. Academic Assistants, Research Assistants, Research Associates and Facilities Scientists use their available sick leave entitlements.
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave includes:
- Personal Leave
- Vacation
- Holidays
Tenure Track Extension
Tenure-track faculty members with a qualified FMLA leave related to a serious personal illness or injury will receive an automatic one-year extension of the tenure clock, to a maximum of two extensions. Tenure Clock Adjustment Procedure.pdf
Leave Forms
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) – Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace.pdf
University By-Laws
Article XIV.L.4 - Sick Leave for Faculty with or without Pay
Article XIV.C.4
AAUP Contract
Article 13.6 - Academic Assistants and Facilities Scientists
Article 19.6.I - Family/Medical Leave
Benefits (Research Assistants and Research Associates)
Article 26.2 - Sick Leave for Temporary Employees
Appendix B - Family Medical Leave Guidelines
AAUP Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
UCPEA Members
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Paid up to 30 workdays (40 workdays if Cesarean birth). Time will be subtracted from sick leave entitlement to the extent it exists, including “as if” accrued time and previously earned banked sick leave.
Medically certified time off prior to the birth and after the 30-day maternity period (or 40-day maternity period for Cesarean birth) will be paid in accordance with personal illness guidelines.
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) – Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace
UCPEA Contract
Article 11 - Sick Leave
Article 12 - Maternal and Parental Benefits
UCPEA Leave Administrator
Bethany Rameika
Telephone: (860) 486-9519
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Law School Faculty
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Leave can be paid or unpaid. Please reference the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) – Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace
University Policy - Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt and Non-Represented Faculty
Long Term Disability Certificate
Law School Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Management & Confidential Employees
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Paid using available sick leave entitlements.Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Vacation
- Personal leave
- Holidays worked
- Compensatory time
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) – Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace
University Policy - Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt and Non-Represented Faculty
Management Confidential & Exempt Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
CEUI (NP-2) Members
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Paid using available sick leave entitlements.Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation
- Holidays, including earned time holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) – Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace
NP-2 Contract
Article 28 - Vacation
Article 29 - Sick Leave
Article 30 - Personal Leave
Article 33 - Holidays
Article 36 - Pregnancy, Maternal and Parental Leave
CEUI Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (NP-3) Admin & Clerical Members
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Paid using available sick leave entitlements.Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation Time
- Earned holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) - Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace
NP-3 Contract
Article 28 - Pregnancy, Maternal, Parental and Family Leave
Article 29 - Holidays
Article 30 - Vacations and Personal Leave
Article 31 - Sick Leave
NP-3 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (P-2) Human Services Members
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Paid using available sick leave entitlements.Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation Time
- Earned holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) - Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace
P-2 Contract
Article 24 - Pregnancy, Maternal and Parental Leave
Article 27 - Holidays
Article 28 - Vacations
Article 29 - Sick Leave
Article 30 - Personal Leave
P-2 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Police & Fire (NP-5) Members
Pay During Maternity Leaves
Paid using available sick leave entitlements.Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave after exhausting sick leave entitlements:
- Personal leave
- Vacation Time
- Earned holidays
Advanced Sick Leave
- Must have at least 5 years of full-time service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- For cases involving extended periods of illness or injury
- 1 day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service to a maximum of 30 days at full pay
Extended Sick Leave
- Must have at least 20 years of state service
- Available when all paid leave options (from above) are exhausted
- Half-pay for up to a maximum of 30 days
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
Time Coding instructions are provided to employees and their supervisors by the Leave Administrator.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) - Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace
NP-5 Contract
Article 25 - Holidays
Article 26 - Pregnancy, Maternal and Parental Leave
Article 27 - Vacations
Article 28 - Sick Leave and Other Leaves of Absence
Article 29 - Personal Leave
NP-5 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Postdoctoral Fellows
Pay During Maternity Leaves
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
A Postdoc who gives birth to a child shall be granted six (6) consecutive weeks of paid maternity leave following natural childbirth or eight (8) weeks following cesarean section.
Leave granted shall not extend beyond the end-date of the employee's appointment.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Note: After baby is born, employee must provide Leave Administrator with medical certification within 15 days of birth.
Postdoctoral Research Associates Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Visit Graduate Assistant Leave Administration for leave information pertaining to Graduate Assistants.
Under Federal FMLA
- Eligible after one year of employment and after working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months
- Up to 12 weeks of leave during 12-month FMLA period
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Under State FMLA
- Eligible after 3 months of state service
- Up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month period (may be eligible for 2 additional weeks of leave for incapacity during pregnancy)
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Pregnancy Discrimination Act
- Pregnancy-related conditions cannot be singled out for special procedures to determine an employee’s ability to work.
- Job must be held open for a pregnancy-related absence the same length of time jobs are held open for employees on sick or disability leave.
Connecticut General Statute 46A60(A), (B)(7), (D)(1)
- Provides for a reasonable leave for disability resulting from pregnancy
- Requires employers to allow employees to use pay accruals during the leave
- Provides for reinstatement to original job or to an equivalent position following leave
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Leaves for employees with end date positions will not be extended beyond the end date.
How to Apply for a Maternity Leave
Complete Employee Request and Intent to Return to Work forms to initiate the leave process. Return (email preferred) forms to your HR Leave Administrator.
Policy References
Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Connecticut General Statutes §§ 46a-60(a), (b)(7), (d)(1) - Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodation in the Workplace.pdf
Bonding leaves occur when an employee is away from work for a block of time.
Employees at the University of Connecticut who meet the qualifying requirements may be eligible for state FMLA, federal FMLA and/or SEBAC Supplemental leave for:
- The birth of a child, and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth;
- The placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement.
Factors impacting leaves vary by employment type (i.e., bargaining unit), and the University encourages employees to review all applicable information below, within collective bargaining agreements and applicable policies, and contact Human Resources as early as possible.
Leaves for employees with end date positions will not be extended beyond the end date.
AAUP Members
Pay During Bonding Leaves
- Up to six months unpaid parental leave following the birth or adoption of a child
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Parental leaves are unpaid for Faculty titles.
Academic Assistants, Research Assistants, Research Associates and Facilities Scientists can use the following paid time entitlements toward an unpaid parental leave.
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any available amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
- If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
Tenure Track Extension
Tenure Clock Adjustment Procedure
Leave Forms
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
University By-Laws - Article XIV.C.4
AAUP Contract
Article 13.6 - Academic Assistants and Facilities Scientists
Article 19.6.I - Family/Medical Leave
Article 24.2 - Benefits (Research Assistants and Research Associates)
AAUP Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
UCPEA Members
Pay During Bonding Leaves
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave;
- Holidays worked; and/or
- Compensatory time.
- If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
- Contractual parental sick leave;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave;
- Holidays worked; and/or
- Compensatory time.
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
UCPEA Contract
Article 6 - Vacation Leave
Article 8 - Holidays
Article 9 - Personal Leave
Article 11 - Sick Leave
Article 12 - Maternal and Parental Benefits
Article 15.4 - Leaves Without Pay
Article 18 - Compensatory Time
UCPEA Leave Administrator
Bethany Rameika
Telephone: (860) 486-9519
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Law School Faculty
Pay During Bonding Leaves
Parental leaves are unpaid for Faculty titles.
Academic Assistants, Research Assistants, Research Associates and Facilities Scientists can use the following paid time entitlements toward an unpaid parental leave.
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any available amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
- If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
University Policy - Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt and Non-Represented Faculty
AAUP Contract
Article 13.6 - Academic Assistants and Facilities Scientists
Article 19.6.I - Family/Medical Leave
Article 24.2 - Benefits (Research Assistants and Research Associates)
Law School Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Management & Confidential Employees
Pay During Bonding Leaves
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave;
- Holidays worked; and/or
- Compensatory time.
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
Contractual parental sick leave;
Personal leave;
Holidays worked; and/or
Compensatory time.
Time Coding While on Bonding Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
University Policy - Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt and Non-Represented Faculty
Management & Confidential Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
CEUI (NP-2) Members
Pay During Bonding Leaves
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
- If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
- Contractual parental sick leave;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
NP-2 Contract
Article 28 - Vacation
Article 29 - Sick Leave
Article 30 - Personal Leave
Article 33 - Holidays
Article 36 - Pregnancy, Maternal and Parental Leave
CEUI Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (NP-3) Admin & Clerical Members
Pay During Bonding Leaves
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
- If not eligible for Federal FMLA or 31-51kk, employees may use :
- Contractual parental sick leave;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
Time Coding While on Bonding Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
NP-3 Contract
Article 28 - Pregnancy, Maternal, Parental and Family Leave
Article 29 - Holidays
Article 30 - Vacations and Personal Leave
NP-3 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (P-2) Human Services Members
Pay During Bonding Leaves
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
- If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
- Contractual parental sick leave;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
Time Coding While on Bonding Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
P-2 Contract
Article 24 - Pregnancy, Maternal and Parental Leave
Article 27 - Holidays
Article 28 - Vacations
Article 30 - Personal leave
P-2 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Police & Fire (NP-5) Members
Pay During Bonding Leaves
- If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
- If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
- Contractual parental sick leave;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
Time Coding While on Maternity Leave
Time Coding instructions are provided to employees and their supervisors by the Leave Administrator.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
NP-5 Contract
Article 25 - Holidays
Article 26 - Pregnancy, Maternal and Parental Leave
Article 27 - Vacations
Article 29 - Personal Leave
NP-5 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Postdoctoral Fellows
Pay During Bonding Leaves
A Postdoc who is a non-birth parent of a newborn or adopted child shall be granted paid leave of 15 consecutive work days to care for or bond with the child.
Leave granted shall not extend beyond the end-date of the employee's appointment.
If additional leave is requested, Postdocs can use the following paid time entitlements:
If eligible and approved for leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use any amount of:
- Sick;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
If not eligible for Federal FMLA or State FMLA, employees may use:
- Contractual parental sick leave;
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Postdoctoral Research Associates Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Under Federal FMLA
- Employees are eligible after one year of employment and after working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months.
- Upon eligibility, employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of leave during 12-month FMLA period.
- Employees remain eligible for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed).
Under State FMLA
- Employees are eligible after 3 months of state service
- Up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month FMLA period.
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Under SEBAC Supplemental Leave
- Eligible as a permanent employee as defined in CT General Statute 5-196(19)
- Begins after the exhaustion of Federal FMLA and/or State FMLA leave and exhaustion of disability leave under 46a-60(a)(7)
- Up to 4 months of leave in a two-year period (excludes Placement of Foster children)
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
How to Apply for a Bonding Leave
Complete Employee Request and Intent to Return to Work forms to initiate the leave process. Return (email preferred) forms to your HR Leave Administrator.
Family illness leaves occur when an employee is away from work for a block of time or requires intermittent or reduced schedule leave. Employees at the University of Connecticut who meet the qualifying requirements may be eligible for state FMLA , federal FMLA leave and/or.SEBAC Supplemental leave.
Includes serious health conditions for:
- Children under age 18;
- Children 18 and over only if incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability;
- Spouse
- Parent
- Under State FMLA Only: Spouse’s Parent, Grandchild, Grandparent, Spouse’s Grandparent, Sibling, Spouse’s Sibling and an individual related by blood or affinity whose close association the employee shows to be the equivalent of those family relationships (significant bond).
Children under both Federal and State FMLA include biological, adopted, foster and step children, and children of whom a person has legal guardianship or custody.
Factors impacting leaves vary by employment type (i.e., bargaining unit), and the University encourages employees to review all applicable information below, within collective bargaining agreements and applicable policies, and contact Human Resources as early as possible.
Leaves for employees with end date positions will not be extended beyond the end date.
AAUP Members
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
Caregiver leaves are unpaid for Faculty titles.
Academic Assistants, Research Assistants, Research Associates and Facilities Scientists can use the following paid time entitlements toward an unpaid caregiver leave:
- Vacation;
- Personal leave; and/or
- Holidays worked.
Tenure Track Extension
Tenure-track faculty members with a qualified FMLA leave will receive an automatic one-year extension of the tenure clock, to a maximum of two extensions.
Tenure Track Adjustment Stop Clock
Leave Forms
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
Statewide Family and Medical Leave Policy
University By-Laws - Article XIV.C.4
AAUP Contract
Article 13.6 - Academic Assistants and Facilities Scientists
Article 19.6.I - Family/Medical Leave
Article 24.2 - Benefits (Research Assistants and Research Associates)
AAUP Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
UCPEA Members
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
When on an approved caregiver leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA leave may use any amount of your own sick leave during such Federal FMLA, State FMLA leave, and SEBAC supplemental leave.
May also use:
- Vacation
- Personal leave
- Holidays worked
- Compensatory time
An employee who is ineligible for leave under Federal or State FMLA cannot use his or her sick leave, other than the contractual “sick family leave,” while taking SEBAC supplemental leave for caregiving purposes.
Time Coding While on Caregiver Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
UCPEA Contract
Article 6 - Vacation Leave
Article 8 - Holidays
Article 9 - Personal Leave
Article 11 - Sick Leave
Article 15.4 - Leaves Without Pay
Article 18 - Compensatory Time
UCPEA Leave Administrator
Bethany Rameika
Telephone: (860) 486-9519
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Law School Faculty
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
Caregiver leaves are unpaid for Faculty titles.
Academic Assistants, Research Assistants, Research Associates and Facilities Scientists can use the following paid time entitlements toward an unpaid caregiver leave.
- Vacation
- Personal leave
- Holidays
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
University Policy - Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt and Non-Represented Faculty
Law School Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Management & Confidential Employees
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
When on an approved caregiver leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA leave, employees may use any amount of their own sick leave during such Federal FMLA, State FMLA leave, and SEBAC supplemental leave.
May also use:
- Vacation
- Personal leave;
- Holidays worked; and/or
- Compensatory time
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
An employee who is ineligible for leave under FMLA or State FMLA cannot use his or her sick leave, other than the contractual “sick family leave,” while taking SEBAC supplemental leave for caregiving purposes.
Time Coding While on Caregiver Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
University Policy - Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt and Non-Represented Faculty
Management & Confidential Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
CEUI (NP-2) Members
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
When on an approved caregiver leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA leave, employees may use any amount of their own sick leave during such Federal FMLA, State FMLA leave, and SEBAC supplemental leave.
Employees may also use:
- Vacation;
- Personal leave;
- Holidays worked
An employee who is ineligible for leave under FMLA or State FMLA cannot use his or her sick leave, other than the contractual “sick family leave,” while taking SEBAC supplemental leave for caregiving purposes.
Time Coding While on Caregiver Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
NP-2 Contract
Article 28 - Vacation
Article 29 - Sick Leave
Article 30 - Personal Leave
Article 33 - Holidays
CEUI Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (NP-3) Admin & Clerical Members
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
When on an approved caregiver leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA leave, employees may use any amount of their own sick leave during such Federal FMLA, State FMLA leave, and SEBAC supplemental leave.
Employees may also use:
- Vacation;
- Personal leave;
- Holidays worked
An employee who is ineligible for leave under FMLA or State FMLA cannot use his or her sick leave, other than the contractual “sick family leave,” while taking SEBAC supplemental leave for caregiving purposes.
Time Coding While on Caregiver Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
NP-3 Contract
Article 29 - Holidays
Article 30 - Vacations and Personal Leave
Article 31 – Sick Leave
NP-3 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
AFSCME (P-2) Human Services Members
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
When on an approved caregiver leave under Federal FMLA or State FMLA leave, employees may use any amount of their own sick leave during such Federal FMLA, State FMLA leave, and SEBAC supplemental leave.
Employees may also use:
- Vacation;
- Personal leave;
- Holidays worked
An employee who is ineligible for leave under FMLA or State FMLA cannot use his or her sick leave, other than the contractual “sick family leave,” while taking SEBAC supplemental leave for caregiving purposes.
Time Coding While on Caregiver Leave
HR Leave Administrators provide Time Coding instructions to employees and their supervisors.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
P-2 Contract
Article 27 - Holidays
Article 28 – Vacations
Article 29 – Sick Leave
Article 30 - Personal Leave
P-2 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Police & Fire (NP-5) Members
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
Employees may use up to 3 sick days per calendar year toward a family illness, if available. Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave:
- Personal leave;
- Vacation; and/or
- Earned Holidays
Time Coding While on Caregiver Leave
Time Coding instructions are provided to employees and their supervisors by the Leave Administrator.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Policy References
NP-5 Contract
Article 25 - Holidays
Article 27 - Vacations
Article 28 - Sick Leave
Article 29 - Personal Leave
NP-5 Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Postdoctoral Fellows
Pay During Caregiver Leaves
Complete Employee Request and Intent to Return to Work forms below to initiate the leave process. Return forms to your HR Leave Administrator (email preferred).
Using sick leave entitlements.
Optional paid time that can be applied to the leave:
- Personal Leave
- Vacation
- Holidays
May be eligible for CT Paid Family Leave. Additional Information can be found here.
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship (HR4)
Postdoctoral Research Associates Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Under Federal FMLA
- Employees are eligible after one year of employment and after working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months.
- Upon eligibility, employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of leave during 12-month FMLA period.
- Employees remain eligible for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed).
Under State FMLA
- Eligible after 3 months of state service
- Up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month FMLA period
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Under SEBAC Supplemental Leave
- Eligible as a permanent employee as defined in CT General Statute 5-196(19).
- Begins after the exhaustion of Federal FMLA and/or State FMLA leave.
- Block leave only.
- Up to 24 weeks of leave in a two- year period.
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed).
How to Apply for a Caregiver Leave
Complete Employee Request, Intent to Return to Work and Statement of Qualifying Family Relationship forms to initiate the leave process. Return (email preferred) forms to your HR Leave Administrator.
Job Protection and Benefit Continuation
Federal FMLA
- Eligible after one year of employment and after working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months
- Up to 12 weeks of leave during 12-month FMLA period
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
State FMLA
- Eligible after 3 months of state service
- Up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month period (may be eligible for 2 additional weeks of leave for incapacity during pregnancy)
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Note: Leaves for employees with end date positions will not be extended beyond the end date.
Policy References
Federal Family and Medical Leave Act
Federal Family and Medical Leave Act in Spanish
U.S. Dept. of Labor Employee's Guide to FMLA
Statewide Family and Medical Leave Policy
The following provides general information about your responsibilities for initiating a leave, along with those of your supervisor and the Human Resources Leave Specialist.
Employee is Responsible for Submitting:
- Leave Request Form to HR Leave Specialist
- Intent to Return to Work Form to HR Leave Specialist
- Medical Cert. or Military Cert. or Proof of Placement to HR Leave Specialist
- Fitness for Duty Cert (prior to returning to work) to Leave Specialist
- Expected Schedule (Full-Time/Reduced) to Supervisor
Supervisor is Responsible for:
- Providing a General Overview of FMLA to Employee
- Notifying Leave Specialist if Employee Cannot Contact HR
- Ensuring Employee Knows Procedures for Calling Out when on intermittent FMLA
- Accurate Time Record Keeping for Employee on Leave
- Notifying Leave Administrator if employee use of FMLA is not within defined parameters of approved leave
- Ensuring Employee has Return to Work Clearance from HR Leave Specialist
Human Resources is Responsible for:
- Determining Employee Eligibility
- Send Required Notices to Employee
- Communicate with Supervisor/Manager
- Coordinate Unpaid Leaves with Payroll
- Provide Advice and Guidance
Family Violence Leave
Employees who are victims of family violence are permitted under Connecticut law to take paid or unpaid leave. Section 14 of State of Connecticut Public Act 10-144 states “An employer shall not deprive an employee of employment, penalize or threaten or otherwise coerce an employee with respect to employment…because the employee is a victim of family violence.” Section 15 requires employers to allow victims of family violence to take paid or unpaid leave.
As defined in Connecticut General Statute 46b-38a, “family violence” is defined as an incident resulting in physical harm, bodily injury or assault, or an act of threatened violence that constitutes fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault between family or household members. Please note that verbal abuse or argument is not considered family violence unless there is present danger and the likelihood that physical danger will occur.
Family Violence Leave is available for the following reasons related to or resulting from an incident of family violence:
- To seek medical care for physical or psychological injury or disability,
- To obtain services from a victim services organization,
- To relocate, or
- To participate in a civil or criminal proceeding.
Applying for Family Violence Leave
An employee wishing to exercise his/her right to Family Violence Leave must complete a Request for Family Violence Leave form and provide supporting documentation, which should include either:
- A police or court record related to the family violence, or
- A signed written statement that the employee is a victim of family violence from one of the following:
- An employee or agent of a victim services organization,
- An attorney, an employee of the Judicial Branch’s Office of Victim Services, or the Office of the Victim Advocate, or
- A licensed medical professional or other licensed professional from whom the employee has sought assistance with respect to family violence.
If the need to use the leave is foreseeable, the employee should complete the form at least seven (7) days prior. If the need is not foreseeable, the employee should provide notice as soon as practical. In addition to completing the form, the employee should notify his/her supervisor of the leave, which will be confirmed by Human Resources when the completed form and required documentation is received.
How the Leave Is Paid
Employees are required to use sick time when the leave is for medical care or counseling. If the employee does not have sick time available, or if the reason for the leave is non-medical, the employee has the option to use accruals, such as vacation or personal leave, in lieu of unpaid leave. Unpaid leaves are limited to 12 days in a calendar year.
If a victim of family violence is eligible for state and/or federal family & medical leave, the time the employee spends on family & medical leave does not count toward the family violence leave entitlement.
Time Coding
Standard time codes are used for absences while on a Family Violence Leave. For example, if an employee is using sick time, standard sick time codes apply, or if an employee is using vacation accruals, the time off should be coded as vacation.
Employees should direct their questions concerning Family Violence Leave to their HR Leave Administration Specialist:
Bethany Rameika
(860) 486-9519
NP-2, NP-5, NP-3, P2, and Management Confidential
Jack Griguoli
(860) 486-1167
AAUP, Graduate Assistants, Law School Faculty & Post Docs
Cindy Drost
(860) 486-2432
Megan Stimson
(860) 486-0408
Circumstances occasionally occur that prevent graduate assistants (graduate teaching assistants, TAs, and graduate research assistants, RAs) from performing the duties of their appointment. The information provides general information and guidelines for advisors and department heads related to the administration of leaves of absence for graduate assistants.
Graduate Assistants who are continuing in their capacity as a student are eligible to request a leave of absence for the following reasons:
- Maternity (paid)
- Care for newborn (non-birth parent) (paid for up to 21 calendar days)
- Adoption
- Personal Illness/Injury
- Family Illness/Injury (spouse, registered domestic partner, child, parent, parent-in-law)
- Bereavement (spouse, registered domestic partner, child, parent, parent-in-law)
- Military Leave
- Immigration Hearings
- Jury Duty
Human Resources will only process the leaves listed above. Graduate Assistants must contact the appropriate department for any leave request not listed. Issues relating to the individual’s status as a student, including academic leaves of absence are governed by the Graduate Catalog. Please contact The Graduate School at (860) 486-3617 with inquiries about taking a leave of absence from your graduate studies.
These procedures do not apply to Graduate Fellows. Graduate Fellows should coordinate their absences with the department head or principal investigator who supervises their fellowship.
These procedures and guidelines do not supersede the language in the collective bargaining agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW.
Short-Term Absences (3 Days or Less)
Contract Language:
Article 15, Section 1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “GAs may apply for leaves of absence pursuant to this article. Each GA shall be entitled to have up to three (3) days of such leave or leaves paid per semester. The remaining portion of leaves taken to this article shall be unpaid. For GAs on a 20 hour per week appointment, each day of paid leave shall be considered equivalent to four hours of work. For GAs on appointments less than 20 hours per week, the daily hour’s equivalent for purposes of this article shall be pro-rated.”
- Graduate Assistants on a 20 hour work week appointment are entitled to up to three (3) days of paid leave each semester regardless of appointment type or funding source.
- Each day of paid leave shall be considered equivalent to four hours of work. Each day equals four hours, therefore if a Graduate Assistant were scheduled to work eight (8) hours this would equate to two days of leave.
- For Graduate Assistants on appointments less than 20 hours per week, the daily hour’s equivalent will be pro-rated. If a Graduate Assistant works 10 hours per week then each day is equal to two hours. If a Graduate Assistant were scheduled to work four (4) hours this would equate to two days of leave. Subsequently, if they were scheduled to work six (6) hours in one day this would equate to the total three days of paid leave.
Graduate Assistantship Hours - Weekly (FTE %) Available Semester Leave Time - Days Available Semester Leave Time - Hours 20 (100%) 3 12 15 (75%) 3 9 10 (50%) 3 6 - Graduate Assistants must apply, or request approval, for the three days of leave. Per Section 2 of Article 15, “It is the responsibility of the GA to contact the appropriate faculty member or other supervisor in advance of the leave unless circumstances make this impossible.”
- It is within the University’s discretion to deny a specific leave request for good business reasons with the understanding that graduate assistants are entitled to three (3) days of paid leave per semester.
- Leaves do not carry over semester to semester. Therefore, if a Graduate Assistant holds an academic year appointment and uses fewer than three (3) days of paid leave during the Fall Semester, only three (3) days of paid leave are available during the Spring Semester.
- It is the department’s responsibility to track the three (3) days of paid leave entitlements under the contract. There is no central administration or tracking for this provision of the contract.
Non-Parental Extended Leave of Absence (4 or More Days)
Contract Language:
Article 15, Section 1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “A GA may request in writing a personal leave of absence from his or her GA appointment for reasons including, but not limited to, illness or injury, immigration hearings, pregnancy, to care for a newborn or adopted child, or to care for an immediate family member (spouse/registered domestic partner, son, daughter or parent of the GA or parent of the GA’s spouse/registered domestic partner) with a serious health condition or for bereavement with respect to such immediate family members. It is the responsibility of the GA to contact the appropriate faculty member or other supervisor in advance of the leave unless circumstances make this impossible. Up to three days of such leave per semester may be taken by the GA as a matter of right. The University may approve additional paid or unpaid leave for such reasons in its sole discretion. If the leave is for twenty-one (21) or fewer consecutive days, the GA will retain health insurance and tuition remission benefits.”
Article 15, Section 3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “Upon written application to the University, a GA may request an extended leave of absence from his or her GA appointment in excess of twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days, but in no event longer than the remainder of the current semester. The University may approve such leave in its sole discretion. If it grants such a leave, the University will determine whether the GA’s stipend, health insurance and tuition remission will be extended for the portion of the approved leave exceeding twenty-one (21) calendar days.”
Article 15, Section 8 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “The University shall grant a minimum of 5 business days per occurrence for bereavement due to death of a family member, as defined in Section 1. The University may require appropriate documentation from GAs requesting bereavement leave.”
- Extended absences (four or more days) from a graduate assistantship for personal or immediate family illness, injury, bereavement, or other personal reasons are approved at the sole discretion of the University.
- Departments are not required to grant leaves to Graduate Assistants beyond three days, however departments may grant such leaves for extenuating circumstances resulting from personal or immediate family1 illness, injury, or bereavement when the leaves are expected to result in short-term, temporary absences from the workplace, and the GA can be expected to return and perform all assigned duties fully and competently. Leaves for personal reasons other than personal or immediate family1 illness, injury, or bereavement are very rare except in exceptional circumstances.
- If a Department grants a leave of absence beyond three days, the department is not required to pay the Graduate Assistant while on such a leave.
- Any leave up to 21 days approved by a department will include continuation of benefits and tuition remission.
- Leaves up to 21 days are at the discretion of the Department Head following consultation with the Department of Human Resources.
- To request an extended leave of absence, the graduate assistant completes the Request for Leave of Absence from Graduate Assistantship Form and submits to Human Resources. If the reason for the request is for personal or immediate family1 illness or injury the Graduate Assistant Medical Certification Form must also be completed by the graduate assistant and signed by an authorized physician. Information regarding the illness or injury is required.
- Upon receipt, Human Resources will contact the Department Head to consult regarding the leave request. The decision regarding the request for leave and whether it should be paid or unpaid is at the sole discretion of the Department Head.
- Human Resources will notify the graduate assistant of the decision regarding the leave request in writing and will include terms of the leave.
- Human Resources will notify Payroll of leaves approved without pay so that the Graduate Assistant pay can be stopped.
- Any approved leave for personal illness or injury requires that an authorized physician certify that the graduate assistant is fit to return to work. If work restrictions are identified the Leave Administrators will work with the ADA Coordinator to determine if reasonable accommodations can be met.
- Leaves of 22 days or more are at the sole discretion of the University and require approval of the Dean of The Graduate School and will only be considered in rare and extenuating circumstances.
1 For the purposes of this section, immediate family is defined as Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner, Child, Parent, or Parent-In-Law.
Maternity Leave
Contract Language:
Article 15, Section 4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this article, a graduate assistant who gives birth will be granted a leave period of six (6) weeks following natural childbirth and eight (8) weeks following childbirth by caesarian section. The GA’s stipend, health insurance support and tuition waiver will be maintained during such leave (but not beyond the end of the GA’s appointment) and during medically necessary leave prior to delivery that is supported by medical certification.”
- Per the collective bargaining agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW, Graduate Assistants are entitled to up to six (6) weeks of paid leave following natural childbirth and eight (8) weeks following childbirth by caesarian section.
- To request a maternity leave of absence, the graduate assistant completes the Request for Leave of Absence from Graduate Assistantship Form and includes the Graduate Assistant Medical Certification Form signed by an authorized physician.
- Upon receipt, Human Resources will notify the Department Head of the leave and tentative dates, which may be changed by actual birth date of child.
- The Graduate Assistantship’s stipend, health insurance support and tuition waiver will be maintained during maternity leaves.
- Any maternity leave requires that an authorized physician certify that the graduate assistant is fit to return to work. If work restrictions are identified the Leave Administrators will work with the ADA Coordinator to determine if reasonable accommodations can be met.
Non-Birth Parent or Adoption Leave
Contract Language:
Article 15, Section 4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “A GA who is the non-birth parent of a newborn or adopted child will be granted a leave of (21) consecutive calendar days to care for the child. The GA’s stipend, health insurance support and tuition waiver will be maintained during such leave (but not beyond the end of the GA appointment).”
- Per the collective bargaining agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW, Graduate Assistants are entitled to up to 21 consecutive calendar days of paid leave following the birth of a child for a non-birth parent or the adoption of a child.
- To request a non-birth parent or adoption leave of absence, the graduate assistant completes the Request for Leave of Absence from Graduate Assistantship Form and includes the Medical Certification Form signed by an authorized physician or appropriate proof of adoption.
- Upon receipt, Human Resources will notify the Department Head of the leave and tentative dates, which may be changed by actual birth date of child.
- The Graduate Assistantship’s stipend, health insurance support and tuition waiver will be maintained during non-birth parent or adoption leaves.
Graduate Assistant Leave Administration Workflows
Required Forms
Employee Request Form
Medical Certificate
Employee Fitness-for-Duty Certification
Human Resources Leave Administrator
Megan Stimson
Telephone: (860) 486-0408
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Military Family Leave of Absence
Both the Federal FMLA and the State FMLA provide eligible employees with job-protected leave for military family leave. SEBAC Supplemental leave does not apply to military family leave.
Reasons for Leave
Under Military Family Leave, the reasons for leave are as follows:
Military Caregiver Leave is leave to care for a covered servicemember (who has a serious injury or illness while on covered active duty) or, under federal FMLA only, leave to care for a covered veteran (who incurred a serious injury or illness while on covered active duty), if the employee is the servicemember’s spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin.
Length of Caregiver Leave:
- Federal FMLA – Up to 26 workweeks of leave in a single 12 month period
- State FMLA – Up to 26 workweeks of leave in a single 12 month period
Required Forms for Caregiver Leave
Employee Request Form (HR1)
Intent to Return to Work Form (HR3)
Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Service Member for Military Caregiver Leave (WH-385)
Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave (WH-385v federal military family leave only)
Qualifying Exigency Leave is leave for reasons arising from the foreign deployment of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent on covered active duty with the Armed Forces.
Length of Exigency Leave:
- Federal FMLA – Up to 12 workweeks of leave in a single 12 month period
- State FMLA – Up to 12 workweeks of leave in a single 12 month period
Required Form for Exigency Leave
Certification of Qualifying Exigency For Military Family Leave (WH-384)
More Information
Federal Family and Medical Leave Act
Statewide Family and Medical Leave Policy
Public Act 09-70
Human Resources Contact Information
Bethany Rameika
(860) 486-2432
NP-2, NP-3, P-2, NP-5 and Management/Confidential
Jack Griguoli
(860) 486-1167
AAUP, Law School Faculty and Post Docs
Megan Stimson
(860) 486-0408
Military Leave of Absence
Leaves of absence are specified by Federal law, State of CT statute, University policy, a collective bargaining contract, or a combination thereof.
Your Rights UNDER USERRA (The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act)
Who Qualifies
Full-time permanent employees (or part-time employees who have worked the equivalent of six or more months) who are members of the U.S. Armed Forces or any of its reserve components and who are ordered to active duty for required field training or for an unscheduled emergency are entitled to military leave from their jobs.
Duration of Leave
Employees who are ordered to mandatory field training may receive up to three weeks of military leave with pay annually. Consult the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the definition of “annually” for the particular bargaining unit. Where such definition is not explicitly stated in the agreement, the University will use the statutory definition of “annual” as a calendar year.
Employees who are ordered to active duty as a result of an unscheduled emergency (natural disaster, civil disorder) are entitled to paid military leave, position held, not to exceed 30 calendar days in a calendar year.
In keeping with Section 5-255 of the General Statutes any employee who leaves or had left State service for the purpose of entering the armed forces of the United States shall be reinstated in his/her former position and duties, provided that within ninety days after he/she has received a certificate of satisfactory service from the armed forces, he/she makes of has made application for return to State service (this section does not apply for voluntary re-enlistment).
Procedure for Notification to the University
Employee who are required to report for annual field training must provide Human Resources and their supervisors with a copy of the appropriate military orders prior to being released for duty. Employees must submit the leave request through CORE-CT and upload a copy of the military orders into the leave request.
Employees who are required to report for active duty as a result of an unscheduled emergency must provide Human Resources and their immediate supervisor with a copy of the active duty orders. If the orders state more than 30 days, then the employee must complete additional forms with Human Resources.
Employees are required to apply for long-term leaves of absence through CORE-CT at the UConn employee self-service portal located at
Leave Administrator
Jack Griguoli
Telephone: (860) 486-1167
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Personal/Emergency Leave without Pay
Applies to employees in Statewide Bargaining Units (NP-2, NP-3, NP-5, P-2, P-5), UCPEA and Management/Confidential.
Can be taken after exhausting vacation, personal, holiday comp and comp time.
If approved, may be on a position held, or position not held, basis.
Benefits are terminated the first of the month following the leave start date if the leave is greater than 30 days. COBRA benefits are offered. Benefits reenrollment occurs the first of the month following return to work.
Leave time taken will be deducted from service credit for purposes of seniority, longevity and retirement.
The unpaid leave time may stop earned or paid accruals as defined below.
- NP-5: Not eligible for vacation or sick accruals when more than 3 days are unpaid in a month
- NP-3: Not eligible for vacation or sick accruals when more than 5 days are unpaid in a month
- NP-2: Not eligible for vacation accruals when more than 3 days are unpaid in a month; not eligible for sick accruals when more than 5 days are unpaid in a month
- UCPEA: Not eligible for vacation accruals when more than 3 days (21 hours) are unpaid in a month
- Management/Confidential: Not eligible for vacation accruals when more than 5 days (40 hours) are unpaid in a month.
Employees are required to apply for long-term leaves of absence through CORE-CT at the UConn employee self-service portal located at
Leave Administrators:
Bethany Rameika
(860) 486-9519
Jack Griguoli
(860) 486-1167
NP-5, NP2, NP-3 and P2
Jack Griguoli
(860) 486-1167
AAUP, Graduate Assistants, Law School Faculty & Post Docs
Cindy Drost
(860) 486-2432
Megan Stimson
(860) 486-0408
The Voluntary Schedule Reduction Program (VSRP) was developed by the State as a cost savings measure and is authorized by Section 5-248c of the Connecticut General Statutes. Under the VSRP, employees may take unpaid time off without affecting their other benefits.
- An employee must submit a VSRP request through the Employee Self Service portal of Core-CTand Human Resources must issue an approval prior to commencement of a reduced schedule, sporadic days, or leave of absence, under VSRP.
- Participation in the VSRP is voluntary.
- Management approval is required.
- Requests cannot be approved if the leave would have a significant impact on critical services, result in overtime costs, and the department cannot hire other staff to perform the work of the employee taking VSRP leave.
- The VSRP may not be substituted for medical leave.
- The employee or his/her management may cancel time off under the VSRP up to and including the day prior to the date of the scheduled time off.
- The VSRP is not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure.
Permanent employees as provided by Section 5-196 of the Connecticut General Statute are eligible to participate:
- Classified employees (NP-2, NP-3, NP-5, P-2, P-5) who have completed their required working test.
- Unclassified employees (UCPEA, AAUP, Managerial/Confidential, Law School Faculty) who have completed six months employment.
- Excludes employees in positions funded in whole or in part by the federal government as part of any public service employment program, on the job training program or work experience program.
Program Options
- Sporadic Days Off – individual full days or partial days off. Classified employees may not take consecutive days off. (Monday/Friday is not considered consecutive.)Note: The Governor waived the consecutive days off limitation for classified employees from March 11, 2009 until further notice.
- Work Schedule Reductions – a reduction in scheduled weekly hours that does not result in an employee falling below the minimum required for health insurance benefits.
- Leaves of Absence – a leave of absence of more than 5 consecutive days, not to exceed 24 weeks per application unless for educational purposes. This option is not available to classified employees.
Benefit Considerations
Time off under the VSRP generally has no impact on benefits, as described below:
- Employees continue to receive subsidized health and life insurance benefits.
- Employees receive full credit toward seniority, longevity and retirement. Additionally, for State Employee Retirement System (SERS) participants earnings for unpaid leave taken under the VSRP are not impacted. In other words, salary that would have been earned will be added to actual earnings when determining the three highest earnings years used in the calculation.
- Employees continue to accrue vacation.
- Classified employees continue to accrue sick leave.
- Employees receive holiday pay with no regard to VSRP time off.
- Time off under the VSRP does not count as time worked for purposes of determining overtime pay.
Special Note for Foreign Nationals on a University of Connecticut Sponsored Visa:
Consult with the Department of International Services and Programs regarding the impact of leaves of absence on your visa status and eligibility.
To Apply
Employees may apply for the VSRP program through Core-CT. This Job Aid provides step-by-step instructions for employees. Questions may be directed the the Leave Administrator listed below.
Leave Administrator
Ragini Sengupta
Telephone: (860) 486-5688
Fax: (860) 486-0406
Voluntary Schedule Reduction Program – FAQs
Q. I am in a promotional working test period. If I participate in the VSRP, will the time I take as unpaid leave be counted toward completion of my working test period?
A: No. Days off which are approved under the VSRP shall not be counted toward completion of a Promotional Working Test Period.
Q. May I take consecutive partial days under the VSRP? For example, would it be permissible to reduce my hours each day from 8 to 7?
A: Yes.
Q. If I take a partial day of unpaid leave under the VSRP, is there a minimum amount of time I must take?
A: Yes. You must take at least one hour in a day.
Q. I work a Monday through Friday work schedule and I want to take every Monday as unpaid leave under the VSRP. Will I get paid for a holiday if it falls on a Monday?
A: Yes. You will be paid for the holiday as if you were not taking unpaid leave under the VSRP. You will revert back to your normal schedule for the workweek containing a holiday.
Q. I work a Monday through Friday work schedule and I want to take every Monday as unpaid leave under the VSRP. What happens when a holiday falls on another day in the week?
A: You will take your voluntary leave day on the Monday and you will be paid for the holiday.
Q. If I take an unpaid leave day under the VSRP before and/or after a holiday, will this affect my holiday pay?
A: No. Benefits are not to be diminished under the VSRP so holidays are to be paid in both of these situations.
Q. What time code should be used for unpaid leave under the VSRP?
A: The time code “UVLRP” is used for approved leaves under the VSRP.
Q. How will Alternate Retirement Program (ARP) contributions be affected by the VSRP?
A: Employees will receive full retirement service credit for the time that has been approved under the VSRP; however ARP contributions (employee and employer) will not be made for earnings that are lost under the VSRP.
Q. Is there an impact to employees in the State Employee Retirement System (SERS)?
A: Although employees in a State Employee Retirement System (SERS) pension plan will have reduced employee contributions in the periods in which VSRP time is taken, the pension benefit calculation will not be impacted.
Q. If I take leave under the VSRP now and later am required to take a furlough day, can the leave under the VSRP satisfy the furlough day requirement?
A: No. At this time, leave taken under the VSRP may not substitute for any furlough day(s) that may be required in the future.
Q. If I request and receive approval to take leave under the VSRP and later change my mind, may I rescind the request?
A: Yes and no. You may rescind your request to take leave under the VSRP provided the date(s) requested have not yet passed. You may not; however, take the pre-scheduled leave off and then rescind your request after-the-fact.
Q. I have requested and have received approval to reduce my work schedule from 8 hour days to 7 hour days. If I am absent and must charge my leave accruals, how many hours will be charged per day?
A: Seven. The benefit is that you are accruing leave time based on your schedule prior to initiating your reduced work schedule under the VSRP. However, the deduction from your leave codes is to be based on the hours of work you are missing due to your absence based on the approved (VSRP) work schedule. The same is true for any absence that is not caused by the observance of a holiday.
Q. I am in a training program (Other than Leadership Associate). Am I eligible to participate in the VSRP?
A: Yes and no. As with all employees, if you are in your initial working test period you may not participate in the VSRP. If you are not in your initial working test period, then you may participate in the VSRP provided you meet the experience and training of the target position at the end of your training program. Keep in mind if you take more than 3 leave days under the VSRP (or the equivalent number of hours), your training period will be extended by the same number of days, consistent with extensions of the working test period. Additionally, three year programs cannot be extended.
Job Protection and Benefit Continuation
Federal FMLA
- Eligible after one year of employment and after working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months
- Up to 12 weeks of leave during 12-month FMLA period
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
State FMLA
- Eligible after 3 months of state service
- Up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month period (may be eligible for 2 additional weeks of leave for incapacity during pregnancy)
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Note: Leaves for employees with end date positions will not be extended beyond the end date.
Policy References
Consult with the Department of International Services and Programs regarding the impact of leaves of absence on your visa status and eligibility.