Classification and Compensation

The University has established compensation and classification practices that support the recruitment, motivation, and retention of great employees while ensuring compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations as well as University and Statewide collective bargaining agreements.

Human Resources Workforce Solutions Team is responsible for the management and oversight of classification and compensation matters for the University.  Specifically, the Team is responsible for:

  • Developing and maintaining job templates for all jobs represented by the University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association (UCPEA).
  • Liaising with the State Department of Administrative Services on the development and maintenance of statewide civil service job specifications and compensation.
  • Reviewing and approving requests for job reclassifications through the evaluation of employee job change questionnaires and desk audits.
  • Administering University procedures, state and federal regulations, and collective bargaining agreements which pertain to classification and compensation matters.
  • Conducting internal and external market salary analyses for administrator and professional staff positions.


Faculty Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment (PTR)


Classification Audits

The purpose of an audit is to ensure proper job classification of a position. The audit also provides an opportunity to maintain communication with managers and employees.

Procedure for Classification Review

  1. Immediate Supervisor: Submits a request for classification review to Human Resources at Requests should include employee’s name and employee number. Audit packets will be sent directly to the supervisor with the employee copied. Please note: Employee must have completed their working test period and obtained or hold permanent status in the classified system. Temporary/Durational employees cannot be reclassified through the audit process.
  2. Employee: Completes the job audit packet in its entirety and forwards to immediate supervisor.
  3. Immediate Supervisor: Reviews content, makes comments (as needed), signs and prints name on reverse side of Duties Questionnaire Form. Forwards packet to Dean, Director or Department Head for second signature.
  4. Dean, Director, or Department Head: Reviews content, signs and prints name on reverse side of Duties Questionnaire Form and returns completed packet to Human Resources, Unit 5075.
  5. Human Resources: Reviews completed packet and determines if further clarification is needed from employee and/or supervisor. If additional information is needed, an on-site or phone appointment may be scheduled. Human Resources analyzes audit requests and makes recommendation for appropriate classification. The recommendation may be for a promotion, lateral title change, or it may be determined that the current classification is consistent with the job duties.

    If the recommended title is not on the Decentralized Classification Authority Agreement, audit materials will be submitted to Department of Administrative Services for review.

    Human Resources issues final audit results to immediate supervisor. If audit determines a title or salary change, results will include a letter detailing the changes. The department has the option to approve reclassification and promote employee or remove higher level duties and maintain employee’s current classification.

Required Documentation and Instructions for Completing Audit Packet

  1. Duties Questionnaire Form (PER-130) – Employees must use this form to list current job duties. If additional space is needed after completing the DQ you may then attach an additional sheet to the packet. Please note that the total percent of time must equal 100 percent.

    During a recent audit, Human Resources was advised that employees must use the space provided for the “Description of Duties” on the Duties Questionnaire. If additional space is required, employees may indicate “see attached for remaining duties” and attach an additional sheet.

  2. State of Connecticut Master Application – Employees must use this form to list all applicable employment history. Please note that if you have held two different position titles in one department, they should be listed separately. Please download or print a copy of the Master Application and include it with your audit materials.
  3. A current organizational chart must be attached. An organizational chart should demonstrate the positions in the department (not the employees). The position being reviewed should be highlighted.

Human Resources will not accept audit packets that do not include a completed Duties Questionnaire (DQ) and Master Application. Both forms should be completed thoroughly.

Classified Job
Specification Library

NP-2 Seniority Waiver and Process

The NP-2 seniority waiver process was developed to insure compliance with Article 14, section 5 of the Maintenance & Service Unit (NP-2) Contract.

Section 5 requires that “after consideration of affirmative action goals, vacancies shall be filled on the basis of greater seniority.” The most senior candidate shall be selected “unless in the reasonable judgment of the employer, there is a significant difference in the work records of those seeking the position or if the more senior employee is not qualified to perform the job.” For the purpose of this Section, “work record” shall be limited to an employee’s performance as reflected by the official personnel file during the 18-month period immediately prior to the posting of the vacancy. The hiring supervisor should use the seniority waiver form to identify and support his/her “reasonable judgment.”

The waiver form itself lists four possible “reasons for request.” These are interpreted as follows:

    The “Knowledge, Skill and Ability”, “Minimum Qualifications – General Experiences”, “Minimum Qualifications – Special Experience (if applicable)”, and “Minimum Qualifications – Substitutions Allowed (if applicable)” are the only requirements that can be considered under this category. While the experience must be related to the current opening, it cannot exceed what is written in the specification.
    If there is no written discipline or service rating on file, the record is considered satisfactory.
    However, this shall not disqualify an employee who is competing with a new hire for a position.
  4. Does not have the skills required for the job.

In order to insure that all candidates are reviewed according to the same criteria, interview questionnaires should be prepared beforehand. Questions should be developed based primarily on the job specification. A Human Resources Professional is a primary resource for assistance in this area. They can be reached in the Workforce Solutions Unit at the Department of Human Resources at or (860) 486-1753.

A separate seniority waiver should be prepared for each applicant with more seniority than the preferred candidate. These applications, as well as the application of the person the department wishes to hire, should be attached to the waiver forms. The applications and waiver should be emailed directly to the Labor Relations and Workforce Solutions Unit of the Department of Human Resources,

Please contact Labor Relations at (860) 486-5684, if you have questions about the waiver process itself. Questions concerning job specification interpretation should go directly to


Procedure to Request a Position Reclassification

When an employee and/or supervisor believes there have been significant changes in the job duties and responsibilities being performed on a regular basis and outside of the position’s current classification, the supervisor submits a written request to Human Resources for an UCPEA Position Audit Request Form to be sent to the employee. This will begin the job audit process. At the University, an UCPEA Position Audit Request Form is used to gather relevant position information.

UCPEA Position Audit Request Form

UCPEA Position Audit Request Workflow

The employee completes Parts A through F of the UCPEA Position Audit Request Form. The information included in the packet should describe the position and not the employee’s attributes. Other tips include:

  • Provide detailed information on the duties performed. Avoid generalities, such as “handles correspondence” or “acts on behalf of a manager.”
  • Describe the position as it exists now, not how it previously existed or may in the future.
  • Do not dwell on limited, short-term tasks or future responsibilities.

Upon completion of the UCPEA Position Audit Request Form, forward it to your immediate supervisor, who will then send it to the Dean/Director/Department Head for review and signature. If there are additional levels of the supervisory chain that should review the employee’s Position Audit Request Form prior to sending to Human Resources, such as a mid-level manager, a dual-reporting relationship, or a unit head, please use the optional Additional Reviewer sections.

The packet must include an up-to-date resume and current organizational chart, illustrating the position’s reporting and working relationships with other positions within the unit/department. The entire packet should then be forwarded to Human Resources at and you will receive a confirmation from HR that your packet has been received. An incomplete packet will be returned and potentially delay the review process. Employees will be copied on the receipt email from HR along with a copy of their packet. If there are any additional materials or information that the employee wishes to include with their packet they can send materials to or elect to discuss during their job audit interview.

Following an initial review by HR, an appointment for an on-site or teleconference desk audit may be scheduled with the employee, direct supervisor, and/or manager. Additional information, if needed, can be provided at that time.

The Human Resources Specialist (HR Specialist) will review the job duties and responsibilities, scope, complexity, independence, decision-making, general role, and impact of the position to determine if a different classification is appropriate.

As stated, classification decisions are based solely on the position and not the incumbent in the position. However, should the position be assessed at a different classification, the incumbent must meet the minimum qualifications of that job classification before their position can be reclassified.

Per Article 31.3.b of the UCPEA contract, employees must perform changed duties for at least two months before they can request a position reclassification. Employees also may not request a position reclassification within the first year in their current position or within a year of their last position reclassification.


Employee meets with supervisor to request a position reclassification.

If the supervisor agrees with the request, supervisor must request a position reclassification from HR.
Within 2 weeks of initial meeting with employee

If the supervisor disagrees, Employee begins an Independent Review Process.
Any time after initial meeting

HR sends the link to the UCPEA Position Audit Request Form to the supervisor and the employee.
No later than one week

The UCPEA Position Audit Request Form is completed by employee.
Within 6 weeks of receipt from HR

The UCPEA Position Audit Request Form is reviewed by the employee’s supervisory chain.
Within 4 weeks of receipt from employee

The UCPEA Position Audit Request Form is sent to HR.
Within 4 weeks of receipt from employee

HR reviews for completion and sends official receipt to supervisor and employee, if complete. Supervisor and Employee are also notified if the job audit packet is incomplete.
When HR receives a job audit packet.

HR conducts an assessment and issues the job audit results.
Within 12 weeks of HR’s official receipt

If the supervisor or manager does not support the employee’s request for a position/job audit, the supervisor should return the form to the employee with feedback to that effect. If the employee wishes to continue with a request for a position reclassification, the employee should then submit their request to Human Resources for an independent review. Employees can submit their UCPEA Position Audit Request packet electronically to For more information, please see Article 31.3b of the UCPEA contract.

The HR Specialist will send a letter to the supervisor and/or manager of the employee with the results of the position reclassification request and, if applicable, the new classification and salary for the employee. The supervisor or manager is responsible for sharing the results and letter to the employee.

Request for a Position Reclassification is Approved

If the assessment process reveals that a different classification is appropriate, and the employee meets the minimum qualifications for the new classification/job template, the first manager outside the bargaining unit shall either:

Authorize the change

  • The position reclassification is effective 60 days retroactive from the date of HR’s official receipt of the completed UCPEA Position Audit Request packet.

Remove job duties

  • Duties will be removed as identified by HR as being outside of the classification.

Request for a Position Reclassification is Denied
If the position reclassification request cannot be supported, the employee will remain in their current classification.

What is the process to submit a request for a position reclassification?
The first step in the request for a position reclassification is for an employee to discuss with their supervisor and/or manager their request. The employee will need to complete an UCPEA Position Audit Request Form. Requests for a position reclassification submitted to HR must include a 1) a completed and signed UCPEA Position Audit Request Form, 2) a current resume, and 3) a current organizational chart for packets to be considered complete.

When can I request a position reclassification request?
Employees or supervisors may request a position reclassification request when, in their opinion, a majority of the employee’s job duties and responsibilities have changed to such a degree that their existing classification does not appropriately describe the work being done. Please note, Human Resources will review the employee’s eligibility for a position reclassification at the time of the initial position reclassification request sent to HR. If the employee is not eligible to request a position reclassification, Human Resources will cancel the request and notify the supervisor and employee why the request has been cancelled.

Why am I ineligible to request a position reclassification?
Per Article 31.3.b of the UCPEA contract, employees must be performing changed duties for at least two months before they can request a position reclassification.

Employees also may not request a position reclassification within the first year in their current position or within a year of their last position reclassification.

How long does the reclassification request process take?
Per the UCPEA contract, Human Resources has 12 weeks from official receipt of the completed UCPEA Position Audit Request packet to provide the supervisor and/or manager with a written summary of the results. Results are released from HR to supervisors and/or managers. It is the supervisor’s and/or manager’s responsibility to share the job audit results with the employee. Please refer to the timeline above that provides specifics about each step in the process.

What should I do if I want to request a position reclassification?
The first step is to discuss your request for a position reclassification with your supervisor and/or manager.

Who reviews my position reclassification request materials?
A team of HR Specialists will review your request for a position reclassification.

What if I do not agree with the result of my request for a position reclassification?
The decision of Human Resources is final and not subject to appeal. An employee whose reclassification request is denied may request a meeting with the Human Resources Specialist who issued the decision and the Director of Human Resources, or a designee, to review the job audit.