Leaving UConn & Exit Interviews

Regardless of why you're leaving UConn, there are steps to take which can make your transition easier. If you're retiring from UConn, remember to review Planning for Retirement.

Giving Notice

If you are voluntarily leaving your position at UConn, notify your manager of your intent to resign as soon as possible.

For certain employee population, there are guidelines for how much time you must give to the University prior to you leaving.

Employees are encouraged to provide as much notice as possible to ensure a smooth transition of work when they are resigning, transferring to another department or State Agency, or retiring. The notification should be in writing and indicate the following:

  • Last day of work
  • Reason for resignation
  • Forwarding address, if different from current address
  • Date
  • Signature
Employees Reference Resignation in Good Standing Requirement
Represented by Statewide Bargaining Units

Maintenance and Service (CEUI) (NP-2)
Administrative Clerical (AFSCME) (NP-3)
Police and Fire (NP-5)
Social and Human Services (AFSCME) (P-2)
Administrative and Residual (A&R) (P-5)

C.G.S. Sec. 5-243-1 2 weeks notice for non-supervisory employees, 4 weeks notice for supervisors
Represented by UConn Bargaining Units
UCPEA Contract Article 7.1 One month's notice, employees must work at least 10 workdays on the job prior to leaving or forfeit one day of paid vacation for each day less than ten days worked. This requirement may be waived by the appropriate Vice President, Director, or designee.
AAUP University By-Laws Article XIV.F Earliest possible opportunity

Please note that if you will be transitioning directly into retirement, you should provide at least one month notice to ensure the timely commencement of State of Connecticut retirement benefits.

Rescinding/Changing Your Resignation

Once you have submitted your written notice of resignation, you no longer have a guarantee of your job should you wish to rescind your resignation or extend your resignation date.

Employees in the statewide bargaining units have up to one year following their resignation date to rescind their resignation as outlined in General Letter No. 177. Under this General Letter, eligible individuals may be reinstated to classified job classes in which they attained permanent status.  Note:  the names of former employees who have rescinded their resignation will not appear on any reemployment/recall lists, and agencies are under no obligation to rehire a former employee who has resigned in good standing. The employee must apply and be selected for a classified position to be reinstated.

Benefits and Paid Time Off Balances

For Non-Retirement, Non Transfer

Contact: Human Resources, (860) 486-3034

Your medical and dental insurance ends on the last day of the month in which your employment terminates.

You will be extended the opportunity to continue your health benefits under the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Under COBRA, you may purchase group health insurance until coverage can be obtained under another group policy, or for up to thirty (30) months after termination of employment, whichever occurs first. You are eligible to take advantage of this opportunity within sixty (60) days from the date of loss of health insurance coverage or the date you receive your COBRA notice, whichever is later. You may continue your present medical/dental insurance(s) for yourself and only those dependents on your plan at the time of separation. If you elect continuation of coverage, you must pay the full group rate on a monthly basis plus a 2% administrative charge. For more information about COBRA, including the rates, please visit the HR-Benefits Health insurance website.

Please note: If you are an end date employee in an UCPEA position with one year or more of service and you are not renewed, you are eligible to continue medical benefits for up to four calendar months (which includes the month of non-renewal) by paying your portion of the premium each month. COBRA continuation would be available thereafter.

Contact: Office of the State Comptroller, Group Life Division, (860) 702-3535

An employee who terminates active work for any reason should contact the Office of the State Comptroller to determine what arrangements, if any, can be made to continue the insurance in force or to exercise any rights under the group policy when insurance terminates. Conversion to an individual life insurance policy is available to employees who have had life insurance in force for at least five consecutive years. Contact the State Comptroller’s Office, Group Life Division for a conversion application.

Alternate Retirement Program (ARP)
Contact: Empower (844) 505-7283

Your account with Empower (and TIAA-CREF if applicable) remains with you; however no new contributions are permitted. You continue to direct how the account is invested. For information about withdrawals and rollovers, contact Empower. Please note that the disability insurance that is provided to ARP participants at no cost ends at employment termination. For information on converting to an individual long term disability policy, email Human Resources or call (860) 486-3034.

State Employees Retirement System (SERS)
Contact: Human Resources, (860) 486-3034

The options available to you depend on which retirement plan you participate in and the number of years of vesting service or actual service you have at employment termination.

For Participants in Tier II or Tier IIa

The options available to you depend on the amount of years of vesting service or actual service you have at employment termination. You earn a permanent vested right to a retirement benefit if you have at least 5 years of actual state service or 10 years of vesting service at the time you leave.

  • Less than 5 years of actual service or 10 years of vesting service – you do not have a vested right to a retirement benefit. You may withdraw your retirement contributions. This withdrawal will include interest at 5% per year credited from July 1st coincident with or preceding the date you leave state service. If you do not withdraw your contributions and do not return to state service within five years, a refund application will be sent to you. If you do not apply for a refund within 10 years after your employment ends, your contributions will become part of the retirement fund.
  • At least 5 but less than 10 years of actual state service – you are vested in a retirement benefit, which you are eligible to begin collecting on the first of any month following your 65th birthday.
  • At least 10 years of actual or vesting service – you are vested in a retirement benefit, which you are eligible to begin collecting on the first of the month following age 55 (early retirement).

For Participants in Tier III

The options available to you depend on whether or not you are vested in retiree health benefits. You are vested in retiree health benefits if you have at least 15 years of actual or vesting service.

  • Less than 10 years of actual or vesting – you do not have a vested right to a retirement benefit. You may withdraw your retirement contributions. This withdrawal will include interest at 5% per year credited from July 1 coincident with or preceding the date you leave State service. If you do not withdraw your contributions and do not return to State service within 5 years, a refund application will be sent to you. If you do not apply for a refund within 10 years after your employment ends, your contributions will become part of the retirement fund.
  • At least 10 years of actual or vesting service – you are vested in retirement benefit, which you are eligible to collect on the first day of the month following age 58 (early retirement).

For Participants in the Hybrid Plan
Participants in the Hybrid Plan will have a choice of a monthly pension benefit, if vested, or “cash out”.

Please note, if you are eligible for a vested benefit when you leave state service you may not elect to withdraw your contributions in lieu of receiving a retirement benefit.

Contact: Human Resources, (860) 486-3034

The options available to you depend on whether or not you are vested in retiree health benefits.

  • Less than 10 years of service (15 years for employees hired 7/1/2011 or later) – You are eligible for a refund of your Retiree Health Fund Contributions if you have not yet met the requirements to qualify for the benefit. To request a refund, complete State of CT Form CO-1301.pdf and send it to Cheryl Berry in the UConn Payroll Department. Should you have questions regarding your Retiree Health Care service time and eligibility, contact Melody Williamson in the Department of Human Resources at 860-486-3034.
  • At least 10 years of actual service (15 years for employees hired 7/1/2011 or later) – you are vested in a retirement health benefit. The age at which you are eligible to begin collecting the benefit is subject to the rules outlined in Division Memorandum 2013-06.

Additional Benefits

AETNA Group Universal Life Insurance (GUL)
Contact: Rob Minearo, College Benefits Group, (860) 429-9000, toll-free (800) 594-7310

You may continue your Universal Life Insurance through AETNA on a direct bill basis by contacting Rob Minearo.

VOYA Universal Life Insurance
Contact: VOYA Universal Life Insurance, 888- 909-4274

403(b), 457
Your account with Empower remains with you; however no new contributions are permitted. You continue to direct how the account is invested. For information about withdrawals and rollovers, contact Empower (844) 505-7283.

Contact Rob Minearo at College Benefits Group for information about continuing disability insurance after your employment ends. Rob Minearo, College Benefits Group, (860) 429-9000, toll-free (800) 594-7310.

The Hartford, Rob Minearo, College Benefits Group, (860) 429-9000, toll-free (800) 594-7310

Colonial Life, (800) 884-0689
Lincoln National, (866) 858-1171

Contact the carrier or carrier representative directly for information about continuing disability insurance after your employment ends.

Contact: Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) (888) 698-1429

The Dependent Care/Day Care Assistance Program (DCAP) benefits end at employment termination. You may request reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred prior to your termination date no later than 90 days following the end of the calendar year.

Contact: Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) (888) 698-1429

MEDFLEX benefits end at employment termination. You may request reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred up to your date of termination no later than 90 days following the end of the calendar year. You may be eligible to continue MEDFLEX benefits under the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Eligibility requirements:

  • You must have a positive balance in your account on the date of termination (taking into account all claims submitted prior to your termination),
  • The maximum benefit available under the plan for the remainder of the calendar year is no more than the maximum benefit the plan could require as payment for the remainder of the year, and
  • Your employment termination was not due to gross misconduct.

You will have 60 days from receipt of the COBRA notice to enroll. The COBRA contribution will be one-twelfth (1/12th) of the elected amount, plus an additional 2% administrative fee, payable to TASC, FBO State of Connecticut MEDFLEX Program. All contributions must be paid on an after-tax basis and coverage will end no later than the end of the calendar year. Any amount remaining in the account will be subject to the Use-It-Or-Lose-It Rule.

Contact: Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) (888) 698-1429

The Qualified Transportation Account ends when your employment terminates. Only expenses incurred up to your employment termination are eligible for reimbursement. The claim submission deadline is 180 days from the date of the expense. Any amount remaining in the account will subject to forfeiture.


MetLife, (800) 438-6381
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, (888) 257-4889
Travelers, (800) 842-5075

You may continue your auto and homeowner insurance on a direct bill basis. Contact your insurance company to request direct billing.


MetLife, (800) 582-2889
UNUM, serviced by MedAmerica, (877) 202-6043
TransAmerica, (800) 582-2889

You may continue this benefit on a direct bill basis by contacting the carrier directly.

Payout of Accruals at Employment Separation (Non-Transfers)


Employees Maximum (days)
Statewide Bargaining Units:
Maintenance and Service (CEUI) (NP-2)
Administrative Clerical (AFSCME) (NP-3)
Police and Fire (NP-5)
Social and Human Services (AFSCME) (P-2)
Administrative and Residual (A&R) (P-5)
Hired 7/1/1977 or later – 60
Hired prior to 7/1/1977 – 120
Management/Confidential 60

Holidays Worked/T-Time
Employees will be paid for any unexpired holidays worked/T-Time.

Personal Leave (PL Days)
There is no payout of PL days at employment separation.

Sick Leave
Sick leave that is accrued and unused is payable only:

  1. For time accrued or “banked” while in a statewide bargaining unit, and
  2. Upon retirement or death.

Sick leave is paid out at a rate of one-fourth of daily salary to a maximum of 60 days.
UCPEA, Management and Confidential employees are not in a statewide bargaining unit and as such do not receive a payout of sick time.

Compensatory Time
UCPEA employees receive a payout of compensatory time only if they are in a non-exempt UCPEA position at the time of employment separation.

A prorated longevity payment is made only upon transition from active employment to retirement or upon death.

If you have questions about payout of accruals at employment separation, contact the Payroll Department at (860) 486-2423.

Returning University Property

Upon notice of separation, an employee's manager must complete the University Property and Exit Interview form. This form allows the manager to identify any outstanding University property in the employee's possession and triggers an email to the employee with pertinent information about leaving UConn. Additionally, the employee will receive a link to an Exit Survey and instructions on how to request an individual Exit Interview with a representative from Human Resources. Completed forms, which do not include the Exit Survey data, are distributed to various University departments (e.g., Parking, Payroll, Controllable Property, UBS, University Compliance, ITS).

Please Note: In the case of involuntary termination, managers must review the online form on behalf of the employee and follow-up with Employee Relations should there be any items of concern.


University Property and Exit Interview Form

Exit Surveys and Interviews

Upon the manager's submission of the University Property and Exit Interview form, the employee will receive a communication with pertinent information when departing UConn (e.g., last paycheck, health benefits, state ethics requirements, NetID access). After submitting their portion of the form, the employee will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to an Exit Survey via Qualtrics and instructions on how to arrange for an individual Exit Interview with a representative from Human Resources (employees also have the option within the form to indicate if they'd like to be contacted by HR to set up an Exit Interview).

The Exit Survey is hosted via Qualtrics, and while the form is NetID protected, HR will not share demographic details and will endeavor to share recommended improvements in the aggregate.

The Exit Interview is hosted in person or virtually with the employee and a representative from Human Resources.

University Property and Exit Interview Form

Unemployment Information

Unemployment benefits are administered through the Connecticut Department of Labor. If you feel that you meet the eligibility criteria set by the Department of Labor, you may file a claim within ReEmployCT.

When filing your claim please use the below information:

UConn Storrs and Regional Campuses
Employer Registration Number: 02-007-82

Payroll Address
State of Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller
165 Capital Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1621

Additional information on Unemployment Benefits.

For further assistance filing your claim, please contact the Department of Labor or ReEmployCT.

The HR Unemployment Administrator cannot counsel eligibility for Unemployment, they must reach out to the Department of Labor.

Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(860) 263 – 6000

Available to users 24/7 except during maintenance & updates.
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, & CT State Holidays

(203) 941-6868
(860) 967-0493
(800) 956-3294
Schedule a call back.

This handbook provides important information about Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits.
Claimant’s Guide to Unemployment Benefits.pdf

For questions on unemployment eligibility, categories, and claims,
Connecticut DOL Eligibility Questions

For questions or technical issues with ReEmployCT,
ReEmployCT Frequently Asked Questions

Widespread unemployment fraud has been taking place since the Summer of 2022. If Human Resources receive an unemployment claim in your name, Human Resources will reach out via Unemployment@uconn.edu to confirm whether you have filed an unemployment claim in the State of Connecticut.

Protect Your UI Account from Fraud
ID Theft Report Form

For further information on Unemployment Fraud

Information regarding unemployment fraud is provided on the Department of Labor’s website.