Faculty Titles Dictionary

These titles identify tenure track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, research positions, and other professional positions used by the University. Titles for searches, offer letters, payroll authorizations, leave requests, and similar administrative documents must be drawn from this lexicon.

The table of contents lists each title in the dictionary organized by type of position. Individual sections include an introductory overview and information on the use of the title, requirements of the position, and terms of employment.

In some instances, an employee may carry more than one title. For example, a person may be a department head and a professor. For administrative purposes, it is important to distinguish the primary or payroll title (the title which determines bargaining unit status, salary, and conditions of employment), from the concurrent secondary (functional) title. A sitting academic department head’s primary title would be “department head” and the secondary title “professor”. See Appendix B for additional information on department heads.

For information on the University’s policies and procedures with regard to rank, promotion, tenure and reappointment of faculty, please refer to the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut (By-Laws).

Tenure Track Positions


For all Faculty and Staff in the AAUP Bargaining Unit.

These titles are used for tenure-track and tenured positions usually appointed for a nine month period. Normally, the maximum time one may spend in the tenure-track is seven years. The By-Laws of the University of Connecticut describe the qualifications for appointment and promotion to each rank.

To provide continuing medical benefits for nine month faculty, their salary is paid out over a twelve month period on a bi-weekly basis. Faculty positions that require year-round work are compensated the equivalence of 11 months, and the twelfth month is considered vacation time.

University policy permits nine, ten, and eleven month faculty to earn no more than the twelve month equivalent of the faculty member’s base annual salary over the course of a year (See the Policy on Extra Compensation for Full-Time Faculty in AAUP).Both outside consulting and professional practice require prior University approval.

University Professor

This title is awarded by the University’s Board of Trustees to tenured nine month faculty members for outstanding scholarship and distinguished service to the University. As of 2019, the title has been bestowed on 29 faculty members throughout the University’s history.

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor

The By-Laws describe the qualifications and selection process for this faculty rank:

“i. The title “Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor” should be reserved exclusively to recognize faculty who have achieved exceptional distinction in scholarship, teaching, and service while at the University of Connecticut.

“ii. The Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor title will be conferred as a result of a peer review process. The Review Committee will solicit and evaluate all nominations. The Review Committee will obtain detailed information including materials from external sources and recommend candidates to the Board of Trustees via the Provost.

“iii. The title will normally be awarded to three persons per year. Up to five persons per year may be recognized when the total number of Board of Trustees Distinguished Professors drops below 5% of the full professors on the active faculty” (Article XIV.D.3.e).

Additional information is available directly from the Office of the Provost.


The By-Laws describe the qualifications for this faculty rank as follows:

“(i) Service here or elsewhere as an associate professor of at least five years except when there is evidence that he/she is of superior ability as compared with other associate professors.

“(ii) Evidence that he/she is regarded by colleagues within and outside the University as a capable, mature teacher, and a recognized scholar” (Article XIV.D.3.d).

Associate Professor

The By-Laws describe the qualifications for Associate Professor as follows:

“Continued growth in the qualities desired in all faculty members, especially evidence that he/she is keeping abreast of the times in method and subject matter, and a consensus among colleagues that the faculty member is making a substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge in his/her field” (Article XIV.D.3.c).

Assistant Professor

The By-Laws describe the qualifications for Assistant Professor as follows:

“(i) The possession of the appropriate terminal degree.

“(ii) A record of success in his/her work. Information considered may include the judgment of colleagues, information from students, and occasionally the progress and achievement of his/her students”
(Article XIV.D.3.b).

The text continues with the following note regarding assistant professors:

“Continued reappointment of a person in a tenure track position, after it is clear that he/she will not become eligible for permanent tenure, cannot be justified on grounds of immediate convenience. In his/her own interest and that of the University, he/she should be released after the customary notice” (Article XIV.D.1).


The By-Laws describe the qualifications for Instructors as follows:

“(i) Training or experience appropriate to the performance of his/her assigned responsibilities. In many cases, this will mean the possession of, or evidence of, substantial progress toward the appropriate terminal degree.

“(ii) A consensus on the part of those qualified to judge that the faculty member's training, experience, and interest in his/her subject are appropriate for the performance of the duties to be assigned.

“(iii) For certain types of teaching, it may be more desirable to appoint persons whose qualifications will not ordinarily entitle them to advance into the upper levels of rank and salary.

“Note: Two years is regarded as the maximum length of service in the rank of instructor for those in a tenure track position” (Article XIV.D.3.a).

Non-Tenure Track Positions

For all Faculty and Staff in the AAUP Bargaining Unit.

This section pertains to the following titles: Academic Assistant I, II, III, IV, V, Extension Professor, Associate Extension Professor, Assistant Extension Professor, Extension Instructor, Assistant Cooperative Extension Educator, Associate Cooperative Extension Educator, Cooperative Extension Educator, Senior Cooperative Extension Educator, Lecturer, Facilities Scientist I, II, III, IV, V, and all faculty with Clinical and In-Residence titles (AAUP Article 13).

Academic Assistants Titles

Academic Assistant Titles include: Academic Assistant V, Academic Assistant IV, Academic Assistant III, Academic Assistant II, Academic Assistant I (high to low). The work of these positions may be comparable in many respects, but salary and title distinction are based on the level of degree attainment and the experience the individual brings to the position. These titles are similar to Research Assistants and Associates, except that incumbents provide technical support for on-going departmental research activities, rather than for a single Principal Investigator. Appointments are normally for 12 months (a full year of work with a month generally considered vacation time) and are usually not grant-funded. Generally, departments with a substantial investment in and commitment to research establish these positions to fill a permanent need for on-going technical and research support.

These positions report to an administrative head, but may be assigned to provide research support for other faculty members. After a probationary period of one year, staff in these positions are eligible for annual appointments up to a maximum of five (5) one-year appointments. Beginning with the seventh year (i.e., upon the completion of an initial successful probationary year plus five one-year appointments) these employees, upon reappointment, will receive multi-year contracts between three (3) and five (5) years. (See AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.)

Academic Assistant V

This job is similar to a Research Associate III except that the job is designed to provide direct technical support for a department’s on-going research activities rather than for a single PI. Employees in this title report to the administrative head and assist in research projects as assigned by the head. They are normally considered a technical resource to the department as a whole and may be responsible for the proper use of research equipment and instruments, and/or for the effective and safe management of one or more departmental laboratories. A person in this position would possess a Ph.D. and substantial experience. The description for a Research Associate III provides a detailed duties list which may help comparing positions within a department.

Academic Assistant IV

This job is similar to a Research Associate II except that the job is designed to provide direct technical support for a department’s on-going research activities rather than for a single PI. Employees in this title report to the administrative head and assist in research projects as assigned by the head. They are normally considered a technical resource to the department as a whole and may be responsible for the proper use of research equipment and instruments, and/or for the effective and safe management of one or more departmental laboratories. A person in this position would possess a Ph.D. and some experience. The description for a Research Associate II provides a more detailed duties list which may help comparing positions within a department.

Academic Assistant III

This job is similar to a Research Associate I except that the job is designed to provide direct technical support for a department’s on-going research activities rather than for a single PI. Employees in this title report to the administrative head and assist in research projects as assigned by the head. They are normally considered a technical resource to the department as a whole and may be responsible for the proper use of research equipment and instruments, and/or for the effective and safe management of one or more departmental laboratories. A person in this position would possess a Ph.D. with little experience or a Master’s degree with extensive experience. The description for a Research Associate I provides a more detailed duties list which may help in comparing positions within a department.

Academic Assistant II

This job is similar to a Research Assistant III except that the job is designed to provide direct technical support for a department’s on-going research activities rather than for a single PI. Employees in this title report to the administrative head and assist in research projects as assigned by the head. They are normally considered a technical resource to the department as a whole and may be responsible for the proper use of research equipment and instruments, and/or for the effective and safe management of one or more departmental laboratories. A person in this position would normally possess a Master’s degree with experience. The description for a Research Assistant III provides a more detailed duties list which may help comparing positions within a department.

Academic Assistant I

This job is similar to a Research Assistant II except that the job is designed to provide direct technical support for a department’s on-going research activities, rather than for a single PI. Employees in this title report to the administrative head and assist in research projects as assigned by the head. They are normally considered a technical resource to the department as a whole and may be responsible for the proper use of research equipment and instruments, and/or for the effective and safe management of one or more departmental laboratories. They may possess a Master’s degree with little experience or a Bachelor’s degree with substantial experience. The description for a Research Assistant II provides a more detailed duties list which will help in identifying this position within a department.

Clinical Faculty Titles

Clinical Faculty Titles include: Clinical Professor, Associate Clinical Professor, Assistant Clinical Professor and Clinical Instructor.

These titles are used in the Schools of Pharmacy, Nursing and Law for temporary, non-tenure track appointments hired part-time or full-time to provide clinical instruction and supervision on site.

After a probationary period of one year, staff in these positions are eligible for annual appointments up to a maximum of five (5) one-year appointments. Beginning with the seventh year (i.e., upon the completion of an initial successful probationary year plus five one-year appointments) these employees, upon reappointment, will receive multi-year contracts between three (3) and five (5) years. (See AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.)

Cooperative Extension System Field Faculty Titles

These titles are used in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources for faculty in Cooperative Extension System programs who are not ordinarily members of an academic department. The titles are parallel to Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Instructor.

Educators disseminate research and experience-based information to the public through informal educational programs. Additionally, educators organize, plan and promote endeavors, through learning partnerships, with the goal of empowering individuals to improve their lives and communities.

Educators deliver programs in a number of areas, including agriculture, consumer and family sciences, natural resource management, environmental quality and positive youth development. Incumbents develop volunteer partners and collaborate with government, business and industry to address the above issues. They serve as liaisons with University research and teaching faculty, and the community at large, to bring community needs to the resources of the University for further research and development.
These positions are part of a Federal-State-local partnership and may be funded by either State or Federal (Smith-Lever) funds or a combination of both. They are non-tenure track, eleven month positions. Individuals in these positions are encouraged on an on-going basis to take graduate courses and in-service training related to their field of expertise.

Note: when funded by projects with specific end dates, position titles include “in-residence”.

After a probationary period of one year, staff in these positions are eligible for annual appointments up to a maximum of five (5) years. Beginning with the seventh year (i.e., upon the completion of an initial successful probationary year plus five one-year appointments) these employees, upon reappointment, will receive multi-year contracts between three (3) and five (5) years. (See AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.)

Senior Cooperative Extension Educator

Individuals in this position have, through demonstrated ability, established a respected reputation among both regional and national colleagues. They have presented tangible evidence of scholarly production and other distinguished achievement in creative program development.

This position requires a minimum of a Master’s degree in a related field with at least 10 years of experience as a Cooperative Extension Educator or the equivalent, or a Ph.D. with at least five years of experience. In addition, incumbents must provide evidence of appropriate teaching, research and service.

Cooperative Extension Educator

These individuals demonstrate leadership ability and enjoy recognition for their contributions to the Cooperative Extension System and its clientele. They possess current knowledge of their field of expertise and of proven methods for working with the public. They have demonstrated effectiveness in working, both locally and regionally, with other professionals and extension clientele in the field.

The minimum requirements are a Master’s degree in a related field and at least five years of experience as an Associate Cooperative Extension Educator or the equivalent. In addition, incumbents must provide evidence of appropriate teaching, research and service.

Associate Cooperative Extension Educator

These individuals demonstrate achievement in program development and implementation. They exhibit proven originality and creativeness in designing new programs and adapting new teaching methodologies. They possess effective communication skills and the ability to establish environments that encourage leadership in the community and among the staff. They evaluate and analyze the problems and programmatic needs of clients, organize and coordinate the activities that are necessary to carry out educational programs, and compile reports on program activities and results.

The position requires a minimum of a Master’s degree in a related field and at least five years of experience as an Assistant Cooperative Extension Educator or the equivalent. In addition, incumbents must provide evidence of appropriate teaching, research and service.

Assistant Cooperative Extension Educator

These positions require a demonstrated ability to work with extension clientele and the public, the creativity to plan and implement extension programs, and demonstrated competence to assume a leadership role in a particular field of assignment.

The minimum requirement for this position is a Master’s degree in a related field with the appropriate qualifications and related experience.

Extension Professorial Titles

Extension professorial titles include: Extension Professor, Associate Extension Professor, Assistant Extension Professor and Extension Instructor. For the most part these titles are used in those divisions or colleges which have a major outreach component. In addition to the service emphasis, extension faculty are responsible for teaching credit and non-credit courses throughout the University system and the State. Such appointments are non-tenure track and for twelve months. (A twelvemonth appointment is for a full year of work with a month considered vacation time.) Beginning with the seventh year (i.e., upon the completion of an initial successful probationary year plus five one-year appointments) these employees, upon reappointment, will receive multi-year contracts between three (3) and five (5) years. (See AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.)

Facility Scientists

Facility Scientist titles include: Facility Scientist V, Facility Scientist IV, Facility Scientist III, Facility Scientist II, Facility Scientist I (high to low). The work of these positions may be comparable in many respects, but salary and title distinction are based on the level of degree attainment and the experience which the individual brings to the position. These titles are similar to Academic Assistants except that the jobs are designed to provide direct technical and training support within a core research facility. Appointments are normally for 12 months (a full year of work with a month generally considered vacation time) and are usually not grant-funded.

Employees in these titles typically report to a Core Facility Director and assist in providing core research service as outlined by the Director. They are normally considered technical resources to the University as a whole and may be responsible for the proper use of research equipment and instruments, and/or for the effective and safe management of one or more core research facilities.

After a probationary period of one year, staff in these positions are eligible for annual appointments up to a maximum of five (5) one-year appointments. Beginning with the seventh year (i.e., upon the completion of an initial successful probationary year plus five one-year appointments) these employees shall be awarded three-year or five-year contracts. (See AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.)

Facility Scientist V

This job is similar to an Academic Assistant 5 except that the job is designed to provide direct technical and training support within a core research facility serving the needs of the faculty and trainees across the University. Employees in this title are free to plan, develop and organize their work within broad objectives and the intent of their research. They work with a Core Facility Director or PI to discuss progress and difficult problems and to review results. They are also major participants in the overall research effort and contribute original ideas of major methodological significance to the investigation.

An incumbent in this position would normally possess a Ph.D. with substantial experience. Other minimum qualifications for this position include: the ability to perform complex methods which requires extreme finesse; a broad body of knowledge used to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques; a comprehensive understanding of the interrelationship of a series of complex steps and sequences; the skills to evaluate the validity of results and to modify methods where results seem questionable.

Facility Scientist IV

This job is similar to an Academic Assistant 4 except that the job is designed to provide direct technical and training support within a core research facility serving the needs of the faculty and trainees across the University. Employees in this title independently plan the day to day research activities for others, as well as for themselves. They are free to plan, develop and organize their work within broad guidance and may develop procedures and methods which do not conflict with research objectives. They periodically check with the Core Facility Director or PI to discuss progress and unusual problems and to review the results of their work.

An incumbent in this position would normally possess a Ph.D. with some experience. Other minimum qualifications for this position include: the ability to participate in the overall research effort, test and implement new methods, and recommend changes in experimental design and protocols; ability to write scientific papers and progress reports for grants; ability to contribute to grant proposals; and ability to present research results at scientific meetings.

Facility Scientist III

This job is similar to an Academic Assistant 3 except that the job is designed to provide direct technical and training support within a core research facility serving the needs of the faculty and trainees across the University. Employees in this title will plan and carry out assignments with little supervision. They work closely with a Core Facility Director or PI on a research plan and reports back by means of occasional conferences to discuss work progress or new problems which require advice. They participate in the overall research effort, test and implement new methods, recommend changes in experimental design and protocols and resolve new, unusual or difficult problems in consultation with the PI. They are expected to weigh and determine the most appropriate approach to the project at hand and they may custom-design and modify extremely complex lab equipment.

An incumbent in this position would normally possess a Ph.D. with little experience or a Master’s degree with extensive experience. Other minimum qualifications for this position include: the ability to perform difficult laboratory techniques and procedures; the skill to make good judgments when conditions require modifications and problem solving (and where errors may be difficult to detect or resolve); the ability to understand the effect of various techniques on the accuracy of results; the ability to conduct in-depth literature searches and write scientific papers; and the ability to operate, maintain, calibrate, troubleshoot, and resolve major problems with lab instruments and equipment.

Facility Scientist II

This job is similar to an Academic Assistant 2 except that the job is designed to provide direct technical and training support within a core research facility serving the needs of the faculty and trainees across the University. Employees in this title receive a general outline of duties and are usually free to plan and arrange their own work within a wide range of practices and procedures. Their work is periodically checked for progress and conformance to established objectives. They independently test and modify established methods, develop new procedures under guidance and modify or custom-design lab equipment which is highly specialized and complex. They are expected to perform highly specialized tasks and laboratory techniques of moderate difficulty.

An incumbent in this position would normally possess a Master’s degree with experience. Other minimum qualifications for this position include: precision, accuracy and problem solving; sound knowledge of scientific principles/ability to write comprehensive analytical reports for inclusion in publications and grant progress reports; and the ability to operate, calibrate, troubleshoot and resolve difficult problems with sophisticated or sensitive lab instruments and equipment.

Facility Scientist I

This job is similar to an Academic Assistant 1 except that the job is designed to provide direct technical and training support within a core research facility serving the needs of the faculty and trainees across the University. Employees in this title receive general instructions and independently carry out established methods; their work is periodically checked for accuracy and progress. They test and modify established methods and may modify or custom-design specialized equipment under guidance. They perform a variety of specialized tasks and standard laboratory techniques of ordinary difficulty and finesse; the need for accuracy and repeatable results in their work requires the application of problem-solving skills with some regularity.

An incumbent in this position would normally possess a Master’s degree with little experience or a Bachelor’s degree with substantial experience. Other minimum qualifications for this position include: a working knowledge of scientific principles; ability to write routine analytical reports; and ability to operate, maintain, calibrate, trouble-shoot and resolve ordinary problems with complex lab instruments and equipment which require substantial training and judgment to use safely and proficiently.

In-Residence Titles

In-Residence titles include: Professor in-Residence, Associate Professor in-Residence, Assistant Professor in-Residence, Instructor in-Residence, Extension Professor in-Residence, Associate Extension Professor in-Residence, Assistant Extension Professor in-Residence, Extension Instructor in-Residence, Senior Cooperative Extension Educator in-Residence, Cooperative Extension Educator in-Residence, Associate Cooperative Extension Educator in-Residence and Assistant Cooperative Extension Educator in-Residence.

In-residence titles are used for temporary, non-tenure track appointments paralleling each of the four regular faculty ranks. Faculty members in these titles may be asked to carry out all aspects of the faculty role, teaching, research and service, and must meet the same professional criteria as the tenure track faculty, as specified in the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut. Their appointment may include serving as the Principal Investigator on sponsored research projects (Appendix A).

After a probationary period of one year, staff in these positions are eligible for annual appointments up to a maximum of five (5) one-year appointments. Beginning with the seventh year (i.e., upon the completion of an initial successful probationary year plus five one-year appointments) these employees shall be awarded three-year or five-year contracts. (See AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.)

Evaluation of in-residence faculty for reappointment and promotion shall be done by means of the Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment (PTR) procedures, but these positions are neither eligible for tenure nor do they accumulate time toward tenure, except as noted below. Promotions will only be effective if and when the reappointment is confirmed. Reappointment following the PTR review is always contingent upon funding being available.

Note: If persons who have held in-residence positions at the University are later appointed to a regular tenure-track faculty position, the time spent in the in-residence title at the University or some portion of that time may be counted towards the probationary period for the tenure-track position. There is no guarantee of approval.


This is a non-tenure track title which is used for faculty who are hired to meet a specific teaching assignment, or who are filling in for someone on leave.

In practice, Lecturers are used in a variety of ways. Most often, Lecturers are hired to teach, but in some instances, they are academic administrators who teach occasional courses, but whose primary responsibility is to administer academic programs or provide student services (e.g., advising, supervising student placements and internships). Lecturer positions always carry an end-date which may be renewed and they are paid on the regular payroll. Lecturers may be hired with credentials and salaries comparable to regular faculty titles.

After a probationary period of one year, staff in these positions are eligible for annual appointments up to a maximum of five (5) one-year appointments. Beginning with the seventh year (i.e., upon the completion of an initial successful probationary year plus five one-year appointments) these employees shall be awarded three-year or five-year contracts. (See AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.)


Specialist A Titles

This section pertains to the following titles: Head Coach, Associate Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Trainer, Specialist IA, IIA, IIIA, IVA (low to high) (AAUP Article 37).
Tier I NCAA Team Sports include Football and Basketball. Tier II NCAA Team Sports include all other NCAA Team Sports offered at the University
These are non-tenure track titles for coaches and trainers in the Division of Athletics. The individual’s title is determined by his/her experience, salary requirements and marketability.

The terms of appointment for these positions are specified in the AAUP collective bargaining agreement. Individuals may be hired and/or renewed for multiple year contracts. However, the appointment terms of assistant coaches may not be longer than that of their head coach. In cases where a head coach has a five year appointment, the appointment terms of assistant coaches may vary within the limits of that five year appointment.

Article 37 of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement reads in part:

“All bargaining unit members in [Article 37] may be hired or renewed for multiple year contracts. However, in no case may an Associate Head Coach (Tier 1 or Tier 2), an Assistant Head Coach (Tier 1 or Tier 2), or a Specialist (Tier 1, but excluding Trainers) be hired or renewed for a term longer than the head coach in his/her sport” (37.1) “In those instances where a head coach of a Tier I NCAA Team Sport has a five-year appointment, bargaining unit members supporting that sport in the titles covered in this Section may be appointed to varying employment terms which coincide with the employment term of the head coach. However, in no case may an Associate Head Coach, Assistant Head Coach, or Specialist in Tier 1 NCAA Team Sports (excluding Trainers) be hired or renewed for a term longer than the head coach in his/her sport “(37.5.B). “When a head coach of a Tier I NCAA Team Sport is separated for any reason before the end of his/her contract, a bargaining unit member in the titles covered in this Section may be terminated with the following notice:

“i. Employees with less than one year’s service shall receive ninety (90) calendar days’ notice or pay and benefits for which they are eligible under the applicable plans in lieu of notice;

“ii. Employees with at least one year of service shall receive one hundred eighty (180) calendar days’ notice or pay and benefits for which they are eligible under the applicable plans in lieu of notice” (37.5.C)

Review Article 37 of the AAUP contract for additional provisions and details.

Temporary Non-Tenure Track Positions

For all Faculty and Staff in the AAUP Bargaining Unit.

This sections pertains to the following titles: Research Assistant I, II, III, Research Associate I, II, III (AAUP Article 24);Research Professor, Associate Research Professor, Assistant Research Professor, Research Instructor, Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor, Visiting Instructor, Adjunct Faculty, Associate Research Scientist, Associate Research Scholar, Research Scientist, Research Scholar, Senior Research Scientist, Senior Research Scholar (AAUP Article 26).

Research Associate and Research Assistant

Research Associate and Research Assistant Titles include: Research Associate III (Senior Technical Specialist), Research Associate II (Intermediate Level Technical Specialist), Research Associate I (First Level Technical Specialist), Research Assistant III (Advanced Level Technician), Research Assistant II (First Working Level Technician) and Research Assistant I (Trainee).

Research Associates and Research Assistants, working under the direction of a Principal Investigator or faculty member who directs the research, are directly engaged in the research endeavor and are expected to make scholarly contributions to the research specialty by assisting faculty in identifying and selecting problems for investigation, planning experiments and evaluating, interpreting and publishing results. They may participate in aspects of teaching, but have no formal responsibility for teaching or course content. The job descriptions are intended to cover the sciences: natural or life sciences, physical sciences and social sciences.

The descriptions of their duties were drawn up with the underlying assumption that these jobs are a career in themselves. They are research support positions and do not lead to faculty rank. Individuals who hold these titles are not Principal Investigators, nor do they do self-directed research; however, at least at the Research Associate level, they are expected to make significant scholarly contributions. Even at the Research Assistant level, their work is intimately involved in the overall research effort and should be viewed as the training ground for an ever-broadening comprehension of, and contribution to, the research specialty.

These positions are normally funded by research grants; therefore, individuals who hold these positions have end-date appointments. As members of the AAUP their salary, leave time, and conditions of employment are established in Article 24 of the collective bargaining agreement.

Requests for reclassification (promotion) when the incumbent meets the minimum education and experience requirements of the next level, as identified in the criteria below, are forwarded through the supervisory channel to the Human Resources department. Salary increases which are approved for other than reclassifications are normally added when the scheduled collective bargaining increase occurs.

Credit for prior experience should be determined at time of hire.

Research Associate III (Senior Technical Specialist)

Employees in this title are free to plan, develop and organize their work within broad objectives and the intent of their research. They work with a PI to discuss progress and difficult problems and to review results. In addition to carrying out the activities of the intermediate level, they are major participants in the overall research effort and contribute original ideas of major methodological significance to the investigation. They perform complex methods which may require extreme finesse, they select, organize and work out the techniques and methods most suitable for the project at hand. They call upon a broad body of knowledge and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques, selecting those which will achieve the most valid results. They have a comprehensive understanding of the interrelationship of a series of complex steps and sequences, the skills to evaluate the validity of results and to modify methods where results seem questionable.

They may manage a lab, with formal responsibility for supervising technical staff and executing research projects, managing the lab budget, purchasing supplies and maintaining lab safety. In their area of expertise, they participate in training and teaching graduate and honors thesis students.

The position requires a Ph.D. with nine or more years of post-degree experience.

Research Associate II (Intermediate Level Technical Specialist)

Individuals in this title independently plan the day to day research activities for others, as well as for themselves. They are free to plan, develop and organize their work within broad guidance and may develop procedures and methods which do not conflict with research objectives. They periodically check with the PI to discuss progress and unusual problems and to review the results of their work.

They participate in the overall research effort, test and implement new methods, recommend changes in experimental design and protocols, and with some regularity, resolve new, unusual and difficult problems. Their level of work is more complex than the first level and their skills are generally gained through experience. They write scientific papers and progress reports for grants, contribute to grant proposals and present research results at scientific meetings.

They may manage a lab, with formal responsibility for supervising a technical staff and executing research projects. They manage the lab budget, purchase supplies, are responsible for lab safety. In their area of expertise, they participate in training and teaching graduate and honors thesis students.

The position requires a Ph.D. with five or more years of post-degree experience. Staff normally work four years in this position before they are considered for promotion to the next level.

Research Associate I (First Level Technical Specialist)

Employees in this title will plan and carry out assignments with little supervision. They work closely with a PI on a research plan and report to the PI by means of occasional conferences to discuss work progress or new problems which require advice.

They participate in the overall research effort, test and implement new methods, recommend changes in experimental design and protocols and resolve new, unusual or difficult problems in consultation with the PI. They are expected to weigh and determine the most appropriate approach to the project at hand and they may custom-design and modify extremely complex lab equipment. This position requires the ability to perform difficult techniques and procedures, the skill to make good judgments when conditions require modifications and problem solving and where errors may be difficult to detect or resolve.

Incumbents must be able to apply beginning Ph.D. level principles and theories, be broadly familiar with the pertinent literature, understand the effect of various techniques on the accuracy of results, conduct in-depth literature searches and write scientific papers. They operate, maintain, calibrate, trouble-shoot and resolve major problems with lab instruments and equipment which require extreme finesse and prolonged training to use safely and proficiently.

These individuals supervise small groups of student assistants and oversee lab operations. In their area of expertise, they participate in training and teaching graduate and honors thesis students, as well as instruct students and staff in research techniques and methods.

The position requires a Ph.D. and from no experience to one year of post-degree experience or, in extraordinary circumstances, an M.A. or M.S. with eight to ten years of post-degree experience. Staff normally work four years in this position before they are considered for promotion to the next level.

Research Assistant III (Advanced Level Technician)

Employees in this position receive a general outline of duties and are usually free to plan and arrange their own work within a wide range of practices and procedures. Their work is periodically checked for progress and conformance to established objectives.

They independently test and modify established methods, develop new procedures under guidance and modify or custom-design lab equipment which is highly specialized and complex. They are expected to perform highly specialized tasks and laboratory techniques of moderate difficulty. Their work requires precision and accuracy and involves repeatable results which require frequent problem solving. They have sound knowledge of scientific principles and must be able to conduct literature reviews, write comprehensive analytical reports for inclusion in publications and write grant progress reports. They operate, maintain, calibrate, trouble-shoot and resolve difficult problems with sophisticated or sensitive lab instruments and equipment, which requires a finesse as well as prolonged training in order to use them safely and proficiently.

They ordinarily supervise other technical staff and assist in instructing students and technical staff in practical research methods through informal methods and demonstrations. They are responsible for lab safety and for maintaining an adequate inventory of supplies. In some departments they may manage a lab with formal responsibility for supervising staff and for executing research projects, managing budgets, making lab purchases and handling lab safety.

The position requires a B.A. or B.S. and four to five years of post-degree experience or an M.A. or M.S. and two to four years of post-degree experience. Equivalencies with no degree will only be considered in the most extraordinary circumstances. Individuals normally work six years in this position before they are considered for promotion to the next level.

Research Assistant II (First working Level Technician)

Employees in this title receive general instructions and independently carry out established methods; their work is periodically checked for accuracy and progress. They test and modify established methods under guidance and may modify or custom-design specialized equipment under guidance. They perform a variety of specialized tasks and standard laboratory techniques of ordinary difficulty and finesse; the need for accuracy and repeatable results in their work requires the application of problem-solving skills with some regularity.

The position requires a working knowledge of scientific principles and the ability to conduct literature searches, write routine analytical reports, operate, maintain, calibrate, trouble-shoot and resolve ordinary problems with complex lab instruments and equipment which require substantial training and judgment to use safely and proficiently. They may supervise other technical staff and assist in instructing students and technical staff in practical research procedures through informal methods and demonstrations. Their responsibilities include ensuring lab safety and maintaining an adequate inventory of supplies.

The position requires a B.A. or B.S. and two to three years of post-degree experience or an M.A. or M.S. and from no experience to one year of post-degree experience. Equivalent specialized training and experience may be considered for those without a degree. Staff normally work two years in this position before they are considered for promotion to the next level.

Research Assistant I (Trainee)

Employees in this title receive explicit instructions for their work and follow well-established methods. The results of their work are regularly reviewed for accuracy and completeness. They may offer suggestions regarding minor modification of techniques and may assist in modifying or custom designing specialized equipment. They generally perform standard repetitive operations of limited variety which require little or no finesse. Accuracy and repeatable results are easily obtained in their work. They are able to apply basic knowledge of scientific principles, but require training in more difficult procedures. They may operate, calibrate, maintain and trouble-shoot routine problems with lab instruments and equipment which are standard to the research specialty, but require some training to use with proficiency. They have no supervisory responsibilities.

The position requires a B.A. or B.S. with no post-degree experience or equivalent specialized training and experience. Staff normally work two years in this position before they are considered for promotion to the next level.

Research Faculty Titles

Research Faculty titles include: Research Professor, Associate Research Professor and Assistant Research Professor.

These internal titles are used for temporary, non-tenure track faculty appointments paralleling regular faculty ranks. Faculty members in these titles are primarily responsible for research. For the most part, these positions carry no formal teaching obligations, although qualified individuals may on occasion be requested to teach courses in a department.

Research faculty must meet the same professional criteria as the tenure track faculty for research and service contributions, including the ability to serve as a Principal Investigator (Appendix A). The term of appointment may be for nine or eleven months on an end-date basis, usually, although not always, on grant funds. Research faculty may be reappointed.

Evaluation of research faculty for reappointment and promotion is done by means of the PTR procedure, but persons holding this appointment are not eligible for tenure and do not accumulate time toward tenure. Reappointment following a review is always contingent upon funding being available.

Research Scientist/Scholar

Research Scientist/Scholar titles include: Senior Research Scientist/Scholar, Research Scientist/Scholar and Associate Research Scientist/Scholar.

These internal titles are used for appointments associated with the conduct of self-supported research. Individuals holding these titles are expected to apply for grants as Principal Investigators and support their own research activities through such grants.

The work of the Research Scientist and the Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether to use “Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline. “Scientist” is usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.

Since these are not faculty appointments, responsibilities do not include an educational role, such as serving as a major advisor or on graduate committees. While members of the professional staff are frequently involved in student training to some limited degree, student training is not a formal responsibility of the Research Scientist/Scholar, nor should it be an expectation on the part of the individual or the University.

These titles may be used by academic departments, as well as by centers and institutes. Appointments must be approved by the appropriate department head and dean or director, as well as the dean of The Graduate School and the provost. Approvals of these appointments are based on the nature and merits of the research, the qualifications and past record of the individual, and the availability of University resources such as space, equipment, support staff, funds for cost-sharing or other similar grant requirements.

These are non-tenure track, end-date appointments, ordinarily confined to a maximum of three years, paid from the research grants generated by the incumbents. Appointment dates will coincide with the granting period. The University has no obligation to continue these employees if they cannot attract research funds.

Individuals in these ranks are expected to have research credentials equivalent to those of Assistant Professor (Associate Research Scientist/Scholar), Associate Professor (Research Scientist/Scholar), and Full Professor (Senior Research Scientist/Scholar). Promotion and reappointment should be modeled after the faculty PTR process and thus depend on the quality of the research, productivity, publication record, experience of the individual and other relevant criteria. Responsibility for evaluation and oversight rests with the department head in instances of appointments to an academic department and with the director for appointments to a center or institute.

Adjunct Faculty

This title is used for individuals employed part-time during the academic year as the Instructor of Record for credit courses, up to a maximum of eight (8) credits a semester. These positions are paid through the University’s special payroll and are normally one-semester appointments. The eight-credit maximum for an academic semester refers to the total course load for all departments in which they teach. Any increases above the eight-credit limit are permitted in rare circumstances only with the approval of the Department of Human Resources and the AAUP. The University determines the minimum enrollment requirements and informs the UConn-AAUP.

Adjunct faculty are paid on a per credit basis, at a rate defined in the current AAUP collective bargaining agreement (Article 19.7). Employees in this title are eligible for faculty parking permits, an e-mail account and faculty library privileges.

See AAUP Article 26.7.C for information on Adjunct Faculty: Multi-year Contracts.

Visiting Titles

“For the purpose of signifying the temporary nature of any title in the bargaining unit or that an appointment is funded by a grant or contract, the word "visiting" may precede the title. Temporary “visiting” appointments, unless funded by a grant or contract, shall be limited to a maximum duration of three (3) years. The duration of a visiting appointment may be extended beyond three (3) years for good cause with the agreement of the UConn-AAUP. If a visiting appointment is converted to a continuing appointment covered by Article 13, all years of prior service as visiting shall be credited to eligibility for multi-year appointments” (AAUP Article 26.1).

Gratis and Joint Appointments

Gratis Appointments

Gratis appointments are courtesy appointments which acknowledge those individuals who provide services to the University at no pay. These appointments carry neither the rights of collective bargaining agreements nor the benefits and privileges of the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut. For the purpose of regularizing gratis appointments and to validate that these professionals are acting under the University’s auspices, departments must complete an appointment letter and route it in the usual manner with the required signatures.

Joint Appointments

When a department wishes to extend membership to a faculty member who is a regular member of another department, the department head and dean may recommend a joint appointment with the same professional title. Normally, these appointments are for five academic years, and the contributions to the program which they recognize might include teaching courses or parts of courses, supervising graduate students, sharing research or service endeavors, and the like. These should be described explicitly. A standard letter of appointment should be sent, and the letter should include information pertaining to supervision, evaluation (including promotion, tenure, and merit considerations), and salary-sharing (if applicable).

Honorary and Endowed Appointments

For all Faculty and Staff in the AAUP Bargaining Unit.

Emeritus Status

The By-Laws of the University of Connecticut state that when particular conditions are met, faculty will be nominated for emeritus status. In these instances, once faculty have retired, Human Resources provide information to the Provost’s Office who present recommendations for approval by the Board of Trustees. No action is required by faculty members, Department Heads, or Deans, for these cases to move forward for approval by the Board of Trustees.

University By-Laws on Emeritus Status:

Section XIV.K.2

The faculty member holds the rank of Associate Professor or full Professor or equivalent titles for clinical, in-residence and extension (CIRE) at the University of Connecticut.
The faculty member has served at the University of Connecticut for at least five years.

There shall be a standing University of Connecticut Emeritus Committee. Faculty members who do not meet both conditions described in Section 2a and Section 2b above may become emeriti by vote of the Board of Trustees or the Health Center Board of Directors following recommendation of the President and the Emeritus Committee. Other professional staff are also eligible for this designation following recommendation of the President and the Emeritus Committee.

Section XIV.K.4

Emeritus status is a privilege, not a right, and can be revoked at any time at the request of the President and/or Retirement Committee with approval of the Board of Trustees.

Distinguished Chair, Endowed Chair, Named Professorship

Distinguished Chair

A Distinguished Chair is a new position with a budget targeted at recruiting exceptional faculty to the University. By supporting the establishment of a Distinguished Chair a donor would enable the attracting of stellar faculty. Appointment to such a Chair should fill an identified need in an established strategy for the improvement of specific programs. Distinguished Chair holders would be individuals who, when given appropriate financial support and a sufficient “start up” capability, would provide the University with the margin of excellence needed within a particular academic endeavor. A combination of teaching and research and the ability to contribute to the economic well-being of the State of the Connecticut are among the sought-after qualities of faculty who would hold Distinguished Chairs.

Each Distinguished Chair requires a significant contribution of resources on the part of the University in partnership with the donor in order to establish the chair and to provide the ongoing salary, benefits and program support necessary to accomplish the chair’s purpose. The University commitment would be derived from a combination of resources from the Chancellor, Dean, and Department Head.

The selection of Distinguished Chair holders would be overseen by a Standing University Search Committee whose purpose would be to ensure a consistently high standard among Distinguished Chair holders across the University as well as to assure Chair caliber and quality within the discipline.

If a donor wishes to create a Distinguished chair in an area not targeted within the strategy for improvement of academic programs at the University, the proposal will be reviewed by the Provost and the applicable Dean(s) and Department Head(s). Acceptance of the proposal may be approved contingent on the donor providing full funding, or upon development of an alternative funding plan. Interested parties should coordinate the establishment of a Distinguished Chair with the University of Connecticut Foundation.

Endowed Chair

An Endowed Chair is intended not to enable new initiatives but rather to improve existing programs by providing supplemental monies to be used, most frequently, to attract a new faculty member into an existing position. It could, however, be used to retain or reward an individual of exceptional accomplishment who is already on the faculty.

Supplemental monies might be used in areas such as salary enhancement, professional travel and expenses, program costs (newsletters, conferences, visits to colleagues), and administrative and research support personnel.

The holder of an Endowed Chair will be a full professor who will most likely hold the position for life, although term awards are not without possibility. Interested parties should coordinate the establishment of a Endowed Chair with the University of Connecticut Foundation.

Named Professorship

A Named Professorship has characteristics similar to those of an Endowed Chair with two exceptions: funding level and faculty rank. It would provide supplemental monies to attract a new faculty member or to reward or retain an existing faculty member; it would be aimed at improving existing programs. However, tenured associate professors (or above) would be eligible to hold a Named Professorship. Interested parties should coordinate the establishment of a Named Professorship with the University of Connecticut Foundation.

Faculty Fellowship

A Faculty Fellowship is intended to retain, to encourage, or to attract young or junior faculty and its holder will be from among those faculty ranks. Further, it will be a term award, the funding being made available for a finite period of time. Otherwise, the characteristics of a Faculty Fellowship are consistent with those of other endowed positions inasmuch as the intent is to improve existing programs through providing supplemental monies for the retention or recruiting of junior faculty of accomplishment. Interested parties should coordinate the establishment of a Faculty Fellowship with the University of Connecticut Foundation.

Appendix B: Academic Department Heads

Selection and Review

Article 15 of the AAUP collective bargaining agreement specifies the following procedures on the selection and review of department heads:

“15.1 In a selection of a Department Head for a continuing appointment due to a vacancy, the Dean shall ask the department to form a search committee. A majority of the committee must be elected by members of the department. Voting eligibility shall be determined by departmental by-laws. The elected members of the search committee shall be no more than 7 and no fewer 3 department faculty members, unless agreed to by the Dean and a majority of the votes cast by eligible Department members. The following criteria shall apply:

“A. An election will be conducted entirely within the department to determine the majority of the members of the committee.

“B. Once the committee majority has been elected by the department, the Dean may appointment additional members of the bargaining unit that can constitute at most a minority of the committee.

“C. Committee members that are external to the bargaining unit may be added by agreement between the Dean and a majority of the votes cast by eligible department members.
“D. The elected majority shall elect a committee chair.

“E. No candidate will be appointment Department Head who is not recommended by the search committee.

“15.2 A review of the appointment of each Department Head shall be held at intervals not to exceed five (5) years, or at other times as decided by the Dean. When conducting a review, the Dean shall attempt to obtain input from all of the faculty. The Dean shall also initiate a review upon the request of a majority of the voting members of the department. Any review requested by a majority of the voting members of the department may not take place more than once in five (5) years.

“15.3 Department Heads shall be appointed for ten (10) months, rather than the ordinary faculty appointment of nine (9) months. After service as Department Head, the appointment shall return to nine (9) months and his/her salary shall be reduced to its equivalent nine (9) month level. Department Heads may be removed by the Dean only after following the process described in 15.2 above.”

Procedure for Department Head Salary Changes

University policy and procedures require the change in department head salary whether the duties are relinquished temporarily (as when someone goes on sabbatical) or permanently. Acting appointments to headship are also eligible for the one ninth increase in base salary.

When a new or acting department head is appointed, two payroll authorizations must be submitted: 1) reducing the salary of the former head by 1/10, noting in remarks “to return to non-departmental head status” and 2) increasing the new or acting department head’s salary by 1/9, noting in remarks “to increase salary by one ninth for new [or acting] department head.”