Official Personnel Files

Contents of an Official Personnel File

This outline was developed from the State Retention Schedule; and shows the various elements that shall be contained in the University of Connecticut Personnel Files.

Official Content Examples* (Classified/Unclassified/GA's)
Optional Content Examples**

Interagency Transfer Form

Personnel Action Form

Payroll Authorization
(Note: As of 9/16/2016 these are electronically retained)

Appointment/Offer letter
(Note: As of 7/16/2016 these are electronically retained)

Confirmation Letter
(Note: As of 7/1/2013 these are electronically retained)

Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation Rebuttal

Merit Award Letter

Increase Letter

Reclassification Letter

Compensation & Classification Analysis Summary Sheet

Equity adjustment letter
(Note: As of 9/16/2016 these are electronically retained)

Temporary Salary Increase Letter (TSI)
(Note: As of 9/16/2016 these are electronically retained)

Temporary Service in a Higher Class (for Classified Employees; TSHC, TSHCU) Document
(Note: As of 9/16/2016 these are electronically retained)

Stipulated agreement (as deemed appropriate by OFSLR)

Service Time Form / Longevity, Seniority Service Form

Roster Card (Employee History Card)

Vacation Accrual Rate Increase Letter

Separation Form (or Employee Termination & Routing Slip)

Resignation Letter

Final Result of Service Audit
Disciplinary Records-Resulting in Further Action (e.g., letters of warning, letters of reprimand, notices of disciplinary suspension or demotion, termination / dismissal letters, or litigation)

Criminal Background Check Consent Form & Result
(Note: As of 2014, these are electronically retained in HR)

Employee PTR final result and/or Letter
(Note: Complete PTR file resides electronically)

Tenure adjustment letter

License or Certificate required at time of hire for employment
Applicant material (application/resume, etc.) for Hired employees
(Note: As of July 2013, these are electronically retained in HR)

Leave Approval
(Note: As of 9/16/2016 these are electronically retained)

Dual Employment Form

Flexible Schedule Arrangements

Acknowledgment of Receipt Forms / Letters

New Employee Form; employee contact information, degree and emergency contact
(Note: Electronically retained)

Letters of Accolades/Commendation

If additional contents are deemed electronically viable or allowable, those options will be explored, identified, and documented.
* NO anonymous materials are allowed in the Personnel File
** Employees may request materials be approved to be placed in their file

Request a Copy of Your Personnel File

Copies of your entire personnel file can be provided at your request. A fee of .25 cents per page may be charged to the employee.

To request a copy of your personnel file, please fill in the form below. Upon receipt of your request, Human Resources will prepare the Personnel File. Human Resources will send a digital copy of the Personnel file to the email provided in the request form.

If an employee has transferred to another State agency, and a request is submitted by that agency via email to Human Resources, the copy is made free of charge and forwarded to the new agency via certified mail.

If you have any questions please do not to hesitate to email Human Resources. or call 860-486-3034.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Frequently Ask Questions

Q: Should Resignation letters be included in Personnel Files?
A: Yes- these are optional.

Q: Should Annual Reports for Faculty be placed in Personnel Files?
A: No- these should reside in the Supervisory file.

Q: Should the Merit exercise be placed in the Personnel File with the Merit Award Letter?
A: No- these should reside in the Supervisory file.

Q: Should Compensatory Time Approval Request Forms be placed in the Personnel Files?
A: No- these documents either (a) should reside in the departmental/supervisory file once Payroll has processed, and/or (b) As of 9/16/2016, Comp time requests and approvals are available electronically in the CORE-CT system, Leave and Time Approval Module.

Q: Is the PTR Final Letter from the Board of Trustees what belongs in the Personnel File or should the letters received by Faculty each year be kept as well?
A: The letters that are received each year by Faculty are their Reappointment letters. These are considered part of the Official Personnel Files.

Q: Should license and immunization/shot records that are required for employment be retained in the Personnel Files (e.g. School of Nursing)?
A: No- these documents should reside in the departmental file for auditing purposes and maintained until superseded.

Q: Should Special Payroll Offer Letters be placed in the Personnel File?
A: If a Special Payroll letter is for a TSHCU appointment for a classified employee performing temporary unclassified duties, then the letter should be sent to HR for the Personnel file. All other Special Payroll
materials are maintained by the Payroll Department.
(Note: As of 9/16/2016, many Special Payroll records are electronically stored in the CORE-CT system, in the Smart HR module.

Questions should be directed to; 860-486-8056.