Employee Wellness


Family oriented services that will provide you and your family with the information needed to grow and flourish.
Family Resources

Adoption Assistance

CT DCF Adoption Information

Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is a national, nonprofit, public charity dedicated to dramatically increasing the adoptions of the more than 150,000 children waiting in North America's foster care systems. The website offers adoption facts and resources including the Step By Step Guide to Adoption and tools for employers starting an adoption assistance program.

Resource for Adoption Services in CT

University of CT Health Center/Adoption Assistance Program

Adult Care and Aging

Administration on Aging includes information designed for older Americans and their families, as well as those concerned about providing opportunities to enrich the lives of older persons.

Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer's Association is the world's leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. The 24 hour helpline is 800.272.3900. The Regional Office is located at 19 Ohio Ave, Norwich, CT. phone 860.887.3593. Kristine Johnson is the Eastern Regional Director.

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), founded in 1958, AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that helps people 50 and over improve the quality of their lives.

Assisted Living
Juniper Hill Village, (860) 429.9933

Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education is an international network of retiree organizations at colleges and universities, which fosters the development and sharing of ideas to assist member organizations in achieving their purposes and goals.

Connecticut 211-Older Adults

Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP)
An employee benefit program to help manage dependent care expense.

Eldercare Locator, a program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is a resource that can help older persons and their families in every U.S. community, find local agencies, access home and community-based services like transportation, meals, home care, as well as, caregiver support services.

My Place CT
Provides consumers with information about health and transportation services, long-term care program and in-home care.

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging was established under the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1973 to respond to the needs of Americans 60 and over in every local community. Each AAA provides a range of options that allow older adults to choose the home and community-based services and living arrangements that suit them best.

National Council on Aging (NCOA) is dedicated to improving the lives of older Americans. They bring together non-profit organizations, business, and governmental agencies to develop creative solutions that improve the lives of all older adults.

Senior Resources, Agency on Aging
Connecticut's Area Agencies on Aging are private, nonprofit organizations that serve the needs of older persons as a focal point and resource center for information, program development and advocacy.

Share the Care offers an online and detailed model to assist caregivers in creating a caregiver "family" made up of friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances.

Camps and Other Programs for Children and Teens

Childcare & Education

2-1-1 Child Care Infoline --CT information resource that maintains current listings of all state licensed child care centers and family day care homes, as well as listings for nanny agencies, nursery schools, play groups and summer camp programs in Connecticut.

Child Care Aware, a program of NACCRRA, provides information for parents and child care providers. It helps families learn more about the elements of high-quality child care and how to locate programs in their communities and also provides child care providers with access to resources for their child care programs.

CT Child Day Care Licensing Program --CT DPH website provides licensing and other information on child day care providers in the state, including an online search database.

UConn, Storrs, Child Development Labs - The Uconn Child Development Laboratories provide a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment that offers developmentally appropriate programming for children 6 weeks - 5 years of age.

National Association for the Education of Young Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of educational and development services for all children from birth through age eight.

Childcare/Early Learning and more-Storrs

Find care for all you love at Care.com

Childcare Subsidies, College Savings and UConn Child Dependent Tuition

State of Connecticut College Savings Plan

Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP)
A State of Connecticut employee benefit program to help manage dependent care expenses while reducing annual taxes

AAUP Child Care Reimbursement Program
Reimbursement program for members of the UConn Chapter of the American Association of University Professors

UCPEA Child Care Reimbursement Program
Reimbursement program for members of the University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association

This State of Connecticut site provides information on programs which may help you pay for your child care

Tuition Benefits

Child Development and Parenting

Connecticut Birth to Three System
Provides information on typical child developmental milestones and what to do if your child is not developing as expected.

UConn KIDS (Kids in Developmental Science)
A consortium of research labs at UConn at the Storrs, Hartford and Waterbury branches, who study a wide range of topics in child behavior and development - spanning social, cognitive and language areas. Provides information on typical child developmental milestones and what to do if your child is not developing as expected.

Lactation Policy, Resources & Locations

UConn knows that continuing to breastfeed, or exclusively pump after returning to campus requires extra planning, patience, and support. The UConn Work/Life Program helps make the transition back to work or study easier so you can express milk for as long as it is the best choice for you and the beneficiaries of your milk.

Explore additional information on lactation policies, available resources, and designated room locations.

Parenting Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 60,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Site provides general information related to child health or for more specific guidelines concerning a pediatric issue.

Families and Work Institute
A nonprofit center for research that provides data to inform decision-making on the changing workforce, changing family and changing community.

HealthyChildren.org, a web site of the American Academy of Pediatrics offers trustworthy, up-to-the-minute health care information and guidance for parents and caregivers, along with interactive tools and personalized content. In addition, visitors can search for a local AAP member pediatrician using the site's enhanced "Find a Pediatrician" tool and receive answers to specific questions by clicking on "Ask a Pediatrician."

March of Dimes dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Website includes information in English or Spanish for expectant and new parents.

National Child Care Information and Technical Assistance Center (NCCIC), a service of the Child Care Bureau, is a clearinghouse and technical assistance center that provides comprehensive child care information resources and technical assistance services to Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) administrators and other key stakeholders.

National Institute on Out-of-School Time works to bridge the worlds of research and practice to ensure that all children, youth, and families have access to high quality programs, activities.

Zero to Three is a national nonprofit organization that informs, trains and supports professionals, policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.


The pursuit of personal growth by expanding self-awareness, knowledge, improving skills and having fun.
Personal Development Resources

Financial Planning

America Saves: America Saves, a campaign managed by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America, seeks to motivate, encourage, and support low- to moderate-income households to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth. We provide free financial tools, savings services, advice, and resources that help Americans from every income level take the steps needed to take charge of their finances and manage money more effectively.

CT State Employees Credit Union: The Connecticut State Employees Credit Union is a cooperative thrift and loan association, owned and managed by its members for their mutual benefit. We are a full-service, state- chartered financial institution with seven locations across Connecticut.

Supplemental State of CT Benefit Opportunities (long and short term disability; Auto & Homeowner’s Insurance; Term and/or Universal Life Insurance and Long-Term Care Insurance).

Tax-Favored Savings

Additional Retirement Savings Plans through Prudential (403(b), 457, Roth 403(b))

Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP)

CHET (CT college savings plan)

Qualified Transportation Account (QTA)

Medical Flexible Spending Account (MEDFLEX)

Veterans Affairs and Military Programs

Veterans Affairs and Military Programs provide a full range of benefits and services to students that have served or continue to serve in our Armed Forces. These services include benefits processing, event programming and community outreach.

Work/Life Expo (Annual October Event)

Details available every August. Please check back soon for more details.

Health & Wellness


The well-being of every member of the campus community is a shared responsibility. Maximize the health of your body and mind by participating in opportunities offered, attending programs, and obtaining the health screenings recommended by health care professionals.
Health & Wellness Resources

Emotional Health

The Employee Assistance Program is a confidential worksite based service available to all University faculty, staff and eligible family members. The Program provides professional assessment, brief counseling and/or timely referrals to community resources for multiple issues and concerns including, but not limited to:

  • Job Stress, Relationship Problems, Anxiety / Worry / Depression
  • Parenting and Family Concerns, Alcohol and Substance Misuse
  • Eldercare / Caregiver Stress, Financial / Debt Counseling
  • Communication Issues, Legal Questions

Health Information

UConn Be Well Newsletter

Student Health Services

UConn Speech & Hearing Clinic

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Credible Health Information
Eastern Highlights Health District

A non-profit organization preventing illness and promoting wellness from communities in Eastern Connecticut
American Diabetes Association

CVS Caremark
Medication planning in the event of an emergency

Information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years

American Lung Association

Mental Health & Addiction Resources

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
For 24/7, free, confidential support, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255).


Having a sense of belonging and togetherness in a community can be found in a variety of different areas and resources.
Community Resources
Walktober Events (The Last Green Valley) The Last Green Valley is green by day and dark by night. We are a National Heritage Corridor with a rich history in a surprisingly rural landscape. With 84% forest and farm, we are the last swath of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington DC.

Office of Diversity and Inclusion Centers and Affinity Groups

African American Cultural Center has many programs and services including the African American Faculty & Staff Association.

Asian American Cultural Center has many programs and services including the Asian American Faculty and Staff Association.

Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center has many programs and services including the Association of Latina/o Faculty & Staff.

Rainbow Center has many programs and services including the Queer UConn Employees Affinity Group and Queer BIPOC Faculty/Staff Affinity Group.

Women’s Center has many programs and services,

Women’s Affinity Group, Moms4Moms and sponsors the annual Women’s Advance Conference.


Qualified Transportation Account (QTA)
The QTA lets you pay for eligible transportation and parking expenses with pre-tax dollars.

CT Rides
We get Connecticut to work. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has developed a family of commuter services designed to meet the needs of Connecticut commuters.

Greyhound Bus Lines
Peter Pan Bus Company
Storrs-Willimantic Bus Service
UConn Cycles
UConn Parking Services
UConn Transportation Services


UConn offers several employee engagement programs throughout the year!

Employee Appreciation Week

Employee Appreciation Week 2024

Saturday, September 7 - Friday, September 13, 2024

View all UConn and UConn Health Activities

Grow Your Own Way

Grow Your Own Way

Grow Your Own Way: A Sustainability Gardening Series for UConn Faculty & Staff

The UConn Department of Human Resources’ engagement and wellness unit, in collaboration with UConn’s Spring Valley Student Farm is pleased to continue Grow Your Own Way in 2024, as an educational series for employees. “Grow Your Own Way” is a 10 month, cohort-style, educational program where employees from across the University have the ability to connect and engage outside of their day-to-day responsibilities and official roles at the University. The purpose of this educational series is to introduce concepts about gardening and sustainability. Additionally, it is an opportunity to learn about programs across the University and larger community.

Grow Your Own Way focuses on the basics of gardening and reaches beyond producing fruits and vegetables to also focus on sustainability, community, nutrition and so much more. The cohort meets at least once a month and may have other opportunities for additional activities throughout the year.

Most sessions will be scheduled in the evenings and dates are confirmed and communicated with participants. Generally, classes will be scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month. Employees will be required to use their accrued time to attend in-person instruction if it falls during their scheduled working hours. Virtual lessons may be recorded for viewing at the employee’s convenience.

Program eligibility includes non-temporary, full-time, and part-time (20-plus hours per week) staff and faculty employees at the Storrs and regional campuses (temporary-special payroll or foundation employees are not eligible).

There is not an active Grow Your Own Way cohort for 2025.

Healthy Huskies Walking Challenge

Healthy Huskies Walking Challenge

Fall Walking Challenge Kicks Off on Monday, October 21st!

Registration is no longer required, create or update your profile now on the Wellness Portal.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register for each challenge if I’m already a member of the MS Teams Healthy Huskies Walking Challenge page?
Due to exciting improvements on the Healthy Huskies Wellness Challenge Portal, employees no longer need to preregister for each Walking Challenge. Upon logging onto the portal, you’ll be prompted to create your profile, or confirm it if you’ve already participated in a challenge before. With the upgrades made, you can enroll in a Team, as an individual, change your status from an individual to a Team, switch teams, and create teams.

Can one team member sign up an entire team?
No, all employees must set up their profile separately.

How many people can be on my team?
Each team must have a minimum of two members; there is no maximum.

Why do my miles for my team not reflect our miles walked on the Rankings board?
Each team ranking is determined based on the average number of miles walked per person on a Team. All total miles walked by the team are divided by the number of team members registered.

Why can I not find my name or Team on the rankings board?
If your profile is set as a Team Member, you will be on the Team Member rankings. If your profile is set as an Individual and not part of a Team, you will appear on the Individual rankings.

What can be logged on the Healthy Huskies Wellness portal?
All steps, walk, jogs, and runs for each day during the challenge, logged in miles.

Kindness Art to Share with Others
Work/Life Month & Expo

UConn’s mission highlights our aspiration to promote the health and well-being of all citizens of the state and beyond, and our workforce is the essential component towards achieving this mission. Every October, UConn celebrates Work/Life Month, which includes events to support our workforce and promote a healthy relationship with our work and personal lives.

At the October Work-Life Expo, we gather university and state-sponsored partners who provide benefits, wellness services, and other information and resources for employees. The Expo is an opportunity to reconnect with familiar colleagues, learn something new about work/life, and promote the well-being of you, your family, and our community.

More information about 2024 Work/Life Month & Expo.