Family Illness Leave (Graduate Assistants)


Article 15, Section 2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “A GA may request in writing a personal leave of absence from his or her GA appointment for reasons including, but not limited to, illness or injury, immigration hearings, pregnancy, to care for a newborn or adopted child, or to care for an immediate family member (spouse/registered domestic partner, son, daughter or parent of the GA or parent of the GA’s spouse/registered domestic partner) with a serious health condition or for bereavement with respect to such immediate family members. It is the responsibility of the GA to contact the appropriate faculty member or other supervisor in advance of the leave unless circumstances make this impossible.


Article 15, Section 2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “A GA may request in writing a personal leave of absence from his or her GA appointment for reasons including, but not limited to, illness or injury, immigration hearings, pregnancy, to care for a newborn or adopted child, or to care for an immediate family member (spouse/registered domestic partner, son, daughter or parent of the GA or parent of the GA’s spouse/registered domestic partner) with a serious health condition or for bereavement with respect to such immediate family members. Up to three days of such leave per semester may be taken by the GA as a matter of right. The University may approve additional paid or unpaid leave for such reasons in its sole discretion. If the leave is for twenty-one (21) or fewer consecutive days, the GA will retain health insurance and tuition remission benefits.”

Article 15, Section 3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW states, “Upon written application to the University, a GA may request an extended leave of absence from his or her GA appointment in excess of twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days, but in no event longer than the remainder of the current semester. The University may approve such leave in its sole discretion. If it grants such a leave, the University will determine whether the GA’s stipend, health insurance and tuition remission will be extended for the portion of the approved leave exceeding twenty-one (21) calendar days.”


  • Extended absences (four or more days) from a graduate assistantship for personal or immediate family illness, injury, bereavement, or other personal reasons are approved at the sole discretion of the University.
  • Departments are not required to grant leaves to Graduate Assistants beyond three days, however departments may grant such leaves for extenuating circumstances resulting from personal or immediate family1 illness, injury, or bereavement when the leaves are expected to result in short-term, temporary absences from the workplace, and the GA can be expected to return and perform all assigned duties fully and competently. Leaves for personal reasons other than personal or immediate family1 illness, injury, or bereavement are very rare except in exceptional circumstances.
  • If a Department grants a leave of absence beyond three days, the department is not required to pay the Graduate Assistant while on such a leave.
  • Any leave up to 21 days approved by a department will include continuation of benefits and tuition remission.
  • Leaves up to 21 days are at the discretion of the Department Head following consultation with the Department of Human Resources.

Job Protection

Provides for reinstatement to original job or to an equivalent position following leave.

Benefits Protection

  • If a Department grants a leave of absence beyond three days, the department is not required to pay the Graduate Assistant while on such a leave.
  • Any leave up to 21 days approved by a department will include continuation of benefits and tuition remission.

Request a Family Illness Leave

  • To request an extended leave of absence, the graduate assistant completes the Request for Leave of Absence from Graduate Assistantship Form and submits to Human Resources. If the reason for the request is for personal or immediate family illness or injury, the Graduate Assistant Medical Certification Form must also be completed by the graduate assistant and signed by an authorized physician. Information regarding the illness or injury is required.
  • Upon receipt, Human Resources will contact the Department Head to consult regarding the leave request. The decision regarding the request for leave and whether it should be paid or unpaid is at the sole discretion of the Department Head.
  • Human Resources will notify the graduate assistant of the decision regarding the leave request in writing and will include terms of the leave.
  • Human Resources will notify Payroll of leaves approved without pay so that the Graduate Assistant pay can be stopped.
  • Any approved leave for personal illness or injury requires that an authorized physician certify that the graduate assistant is fit to return to work. If work restrictions are identified the Leave Administrators will work with the ADA Coordinator to determine if reasonable accommodations can be met.
  • Leaves of 22 days or more are at the sole discretion of the University and require approval of the Dean of The Graduate School and will only be considered in rare and extenuating circumstances.