COBRA Coverage

Under federal and state law, the State of Connecticut is required to offer employees or over-age dependents the opportunity to continue their current medical and dental plan options when coverage under the plan would otherwise end because of a qualifying event. An Initial COBRA Notification was made available to employees on their hire date.

To continue the coverage, members would have to pay the full cost of the coverage at group rates, which include an administrative fee.

2024-2025 COBRA Medical Rates
2024-2025 COBRA Dental Rates

The length of continuation is based on the qualifying event.

Qualifying Event
Period of Coverage
Employment termination
up to 30 months
Reduction in hours
up to 30 months
Leave of absence without pay
up to 30 months
Death of employee
up to 36 months
Divorce, legal separation
up to 36 months
Enrolled child reaches age limitation
up to 36 months

Within 14 days following the loss of coverage, the Benefits Unit will mail a COBRA notice to the home address on file with the State. Please note that COBRA notices are system-generated and cannot be produced prior to the loss of coverage event.

Please contact the HR Service Desk or call (860) 486-3034 if you have questions or did not receive a COBRA notice.

If you have received a COBRA notice and have questions regarding your coverage, please call Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield COBRA Continuation Unit at 1-800-433-5436.