Grow Your Own Way

Grow Your Own Way: A Sustainability Gardening Series for UConn Faculty & Staff

The UConn Department of Human Resources’ engagement and wellness unit, in collaboration with UConn’s Spring Valley Student Farm is pleased to continue Grow Your Own Way in 2024, as an educational series for employees. “Grow Your Own Way” is a 10 month, cohort-style, educational program where employees from across the University have the ability to connect and engage outside of their day-to-day responsibilities and official roles at the University. The purpose of this educational series is to introduce concepts about gardening and sustainability. Additionally, it is an opportunity to learn about programs across the University and larger community.

Grow Your Own Way focuses on the basics of gardening and reaches beyond producing fruits and vegetables to also focus on sustainability, community, nutrition and so much more. The cohort will meet at least once a month and may have other opportunities for additional activities throughout the year. Those who complete all the components of the course, will receive a certificate of completion, a lifelong skill, and connections with colleagues that may not have happened without this opportunity to engage.

Most sessions will be scheduled in the evenings and dates have been set for most of the sessions. As dates are confirmed the schedule will be updated and communicated with participants. Generally, classes will be scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month. Employees will be required to use their accrued time to attend in-person instruction if it falls during their scheduled working hours. Virtual lessons may be recorded for viewing at the employee’s convenience.

Program eligibility includes non-temporary, full-time, and part-time (20-plus hours per week) staff and faculty employees at the Storrs and regional campuses (temporary-special payroll or foundation employees are not eligible).

Month Course Description Modality/Location
January Welcome to Grow Your Own Way
Welcome to Grow Your Own Way! Our first class will allow us to get to know one another, setting personal goals and accessing gardening resources. We'll also provide an overview of the series, including class expectations and learning resources.
Wednesday, January 31st, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
UConn Department of Human Resources
9 Walters Ave.
Storrs, CT
February Soil Health
Healthy soil is the foundation of a productive garden! In this class, we will learn basics of soil fertility, soil testing and amendments, and at-home composting. Our instructor, Dawn Pettinelli, will also share information about the many fantastic resources UConn offers to home growers. Dawn Pettinelli is the Director of the UConn Home and Garden Education Center and Director of the UConn Soil and Nutrient Analysis Lab.
Wednesday, February 28th, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
UConn Department of Human Resources
9 Walters Ave.
Storrs, CT
March Beginning the Season at Spring Valley Student Farm (SVSF)
In our first outdoor class, we will tour UConn's Spring Valley Student Farm and practice several methods of seed starting with the student farmers. After planting peas together at the farm, each participant will take home pea seeds to plant in their own garden.
Wednesday, March 27th, 2024
4:30 pm-6 pm
Spring Valley Student Farm
104 Spring Manor Road
Storrs, CT 06268
April Pots to the Ground
For this class, we'll practice transplanting, as well as discuss seed and garden planning.
Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
4:30 pm-6 pm
Spring Valley Student Farm
104 Spring Manor Road
Storrs, CT 06268
May Just Food and Sustainability: A Social Analysis
Just food, or food justice? In this class, we will explore the racist and unequal roots of farming both historically and currently and then explore ways that academics and communities are both theorizing and practicing creating food and sustainability justice. Dr. Phoebe Godfrey is a Professor in Residence of Sociology at UConn, and co-founder of CLiCK.
Wednesday, May 29th, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
UConn Department of Human Resources
9 Walters Ave.
Storrs, CT
June Common Garden Pests and Diseases
In this class, we will learn to identify a range of common garden pests and diseases. Our instructor, Dr. Nick Goltz, will share information about the plant diagnostics resources available at UConn. Participants can bring a photo or sample of plant tissue to practice diagnostic triage skills together. Dr. Nick Goltz is the Director of the Plant Diagnostics Lab.
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
W. B. Young Building
Storrs, CT
July Gathering the Harvest
Harvest season is here! In this class, we will practice harvesting techniques for summer vegetables at Spring Valley Student Farm and discuss resources and tools for sourcing local produce from nearby farms and farmers markets.
Wednesday, July 31st, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
Spring Valley Student Farm
104 Spring Manor Road
Storrs, CT 06268
August Processing and Preserving the Harvest
In this class, we will practice some methods of processing and preserving our garden produce, as well as options for what to do with surplus! We will tour the Commercially Licencsed Community Kitchen (CLiCK) in Windham and learn more about their offerings to the community and impact on the local food system.
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
Commercially Licensed Community Kitchen (CLiCK)
41 Club Road
Windham, CT
September Preparing for the Winter
It's time to put the garden to bed for the season. In this indoor class, we will disucss resting soil beds, preparing for winter, and fall soil testing. Instructors from Plant Science and Landscape Architect will answer any questions about soils and compost that may have come up during the growing season.
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
UConn Department of Human Resources
9 Walters Ave.
Storrs, CT
October Celebrating the Growing Season
In this final class of the year, we will celebrate the end of the growing season by using local and preserved foods for holiday cooking and gifts.
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
5:30 pm-7 pm
Commercially Licensed Community Kitchen (CLiCK)
41 Club Road
Windham, CT
November/December Completion Celebration TBD